
My Turn

Xue Wei watched the proceedings like a hawk, trying to see if he could find anyone else that was stronger than he had expected, but no one stood out.

As to whether or not they were doing it intentionally, hiding their strength that is, or if there truly were no other outstanding experts, Xue Wei did not know.

The sun's rays were shining straight down on the arena with a scorching heat.

The death count had risen to seventeen by the time the first layer Sky Warriors had finished their battles and the second layer Sky Warriors were about to move up onto the stages.

Xue Wei was patient. While it was true that the scent of blood spreading through the colosseum made him feel restless, he reined himself in and kept observing the clashing combatants on the stages.

A tingling sensation had started to course through his body, almost making him tipsy. He needed to use every ounce of focus to stay sober.