
Everyone is Different

"The last two times we entered another continent we encountered some trouble. The first time was when Lan sent us through that dimensional tunnel and we got diverted, and the second time was our journey through the Enchanted Sea which took a long time.

"This time, we do not have to spend a lot of time crossing the sea. If you look at the map, the tip of this and the Dongfang Continent are very close to one another. We should be able to cross it in a day or two, but the biggest problem will be to enter the no-man's land and reach the sea."

Bai Tianyi had made a copy of the map Lan had shown them earlier, and spread it out on the ground in front of them. Each corner was held down by a heavy stone, and he began pointing at the narrow strait between the two continents.

The strait was narrow, it was not likely to contain much danger, but to reach this location, one had to cross the no-man's land, and the danger threatening them there was not ordinary.

"Are there any other ways?"