
Condemned Inferno

"To all my cherished readers, those seeking refuge from the harsh embrace of reality." **Blurb** ~Reve I yearned for it to become my existence, my very life. But as the shadows of doubt creep in, I'm left to wonder: is this the life I truly desired, or merely ... He, the enigmatic figure in my tale, is no benevolent savior but a sign of destruction. The question looms large: shall I recognize the truth in time to rescue myself? Or shall I allow him to entrap me completely? ~Nyx I am not merely wicked, but the incarnation of maliciousness itself. Fear courses through the veins of all who cross my path, save for her—neither then nor now. I shall strip her of everything she holds dear, reducing her existence to a stark and unforgiving reality."

v_enigma · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter - 5

Pov ~ Reve

"My head hurts," I mumble to myself. I rub my eyes, trying to remember who I am, but my name remains a mystery. One moment, I was happy, and now I feel completely lost and empty. An emptiness gnaws at my core, as if not only my identity but also a piece of me has vanished ,someone else I should never have forgot. I taste salt on my lips, realizing I've been crying without noticing.

Suddenly, a voice breaks the silence. An elderly woman steps forward, claiming recognition. She approaches me cautiously, her hands soft and worn with age, radiating warmth and affection. Her eyes glisten with love, and her trembling hands reach out to touch my cheeks. Overwhelmed, I embrace her, a feeling of familiarity tugging at my heart, though I can't recall.

"You must be Reve," she says with certainty, "the same ocean blue eyes , vast like sky , the same rosy lips" describing me in detail. Tears well up in my eyes, and everyone in the room is moved to tears. One man even blows his nose into his hat, embarrassed by his own emotions.

Sniffling through my tears, I look at the grandma who laughed earlier. "Come inside, Reve. You must be hungry," she says kindly, leading me back into the same house where I had eaten and bathed before. I feel a bit embarrassed about it.

As she calls her family to eat the cake, I hold back my questions, not mentioning that I've already eaten the cake she mentioned. There's no cake left now, her inspection of the kitchen reveals an empty cake bowl, and she exclaims in frustration. The door opens, revealing a man with a mustache, a pregnant woman, and a young child. They freeze in astonishment when they see me.

The grandma takes charge and introduces her family members: Orion, her son; Seraphina, his wife; and Finnian, her grandchild. She quietly shares the news of another grandchild on the way, and we exchange nods. Finnian approaches me with curiosity, walking around me as if examining a curious object. He extends his arms, and I bend down to pick him up.

"I have never seen such a beautiful girl around here ,I am going to marry her, and she will be my wife, just like my papa and mommy," Finnian declares, prompting laughter from everyone.

Amidst the warmth of their laughter, Orion places his hands on Seraphina's shoulders, making her blush as she playfully elbows him.

"Please, don't mind them," Seraphina smiles at me. Finnian, meanwhile, asks to be held again, proclaiming his intention to marry me.

We share another round of laughter, and Finnian, ever enthusiastic, insists we try his grandmother's favorite cake.

"You have already eaten the whole cake , you little tyrant"Grandma teased.

"No, I didn't" Finnian argued.

"I had it . I know I shouldn't , I am sorry " I said hesitantly,but Grandma is forgiving. She reassures me and heads back to the kitchen to prepare something delicious for everyone.

Seraphina, amused, inquires about the clothes I'm wearing. I explain my situation, and they all chuckle. Finnian, now claiming me as his future wife, tickles my stomach playfully.

Amidst the joy, I have countless questions, but I choose to savor this moment. The answers can wait until later.