
Condemned Hymn: Avatar of Sin

In the small city of Haverfall, lived Caspian, a renowned detective. He was just an ordinary person until one day, a mysterious incident happened. "Can you please move out of the way?" said Caspian as the crowd moved to let him pass through. He parked his car and entered the house of the incident. As he entered the room of the crime scene, he could only gasp at the sight, "What the f—" It was a bloody mess. Guts were all over the place, even the ceiling. As he looked at the body, he saw that the torso of the victim was utterly obliterated. There were no clues... not a single one. But Caspian is a stubborn man, so he tries to find everything and comes across a mysterious group. He warned them not to move, or he'll shoot, but without a care, they didn't listen. Caspian shot, but to his surprise, one of them even laughed. He didn't know what had happened, but he was knocked out. Just after that day, his mother, an agent from an unknown organization, told him to stop investigating and that they'll handle it. He was angry, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it, but he planned on investigating regardless of the consequences. A few more murders happened, and Caspian eventually got caught investigating something without proper permission and was suspended. That's where it all happened, an encounter with the unknown, something that didn't die no matter how much he tried to kill it—the encounter with the supernatural. Mysteries begin to unsolve as the dark secrets of the world hold true. The fate of the world bides within him... the oath sworn by the apocalypse. This is the path of the Condemned. (It's pretty light-hearted, so you don't have to worry. No NTR, No cuckoldry, No UB, No bad tags. Just good old harem with a plot instead of pure harem. Small warning though, the MC won't be immediately strong since that would make no sense storywise. He will still need to train to be able to reach the strength everyone else has. [I could just make him gain a power-up but that would be too easy, LMAO]. Also, English is my third language, so I'm sorry if I have a lot of typos/grammatical errors.) Uploaded Rate: 3-4 Chapters per week Upload Schedule: M-T-T-F Words per Chapter: 1500 Minimum Disclaimer: The cover is not mine, so if you own it, please inform me, and I'll gladly take it down.

Omniverse_Creator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
168 Chs

Chapter 34: Chimera Attack

"GET OUT!" Abby shouted as she broke open the door. Caspian immediately took action as he jumped out while pulling Abby.

Suddenly, their car went flying, and it was suddenly crushed to pieces by two huge figures. They then looked at the things that they saw that made them panic.

There were two creatures clad in fur that were about eight feet tall. Their aura was dark and filled with a deep hunger for flesh. Their eyes stared at both Caspian and Abby as their horrid asymmetric features were highlighted by the moonlight.

Their head looked similar to that of a wolf, but their body looked like a hybrid of a mammal, a bird, and a lizard. Their limbs were thick, and it looked as if they wouldn't budge even if you hit them with a truck.

Now that Caspian had a full view of the creatures, his eyes went sharp as he whispered, "Werewolves…?"

"No, they're Chimeras!" Abby exclaimed as one of the chimeras launched itself at them.

Caspian and Abby immediately focused as both of them dodged the attack. Caspian couldn't help but be shocked at how quick the chimera was despite having such a large stature since he could barely dodge the attack, "It's really fast!"

"We need to call for backup. Even if chimeras are mindless supernatural creatures, their physical bodies are as strong as the greater variants of supernaturals, possibly even stronger! Good thing its wounds don't heal, or else it would be almost impossible to kill unless you're a Noble supernatural," Abby shouted as she glanced at one of the chimeras who started taking action.

Caspian nodded lightly, but suddenly, he felt a huge fist land on his chest. He was thrown backward as the wind was knocked out of his body. The impact made him feel dizzy, but he immediately tried to stand up. However, before he could react, the chimera launched another attack.

Gritting his teeth, Caspian used all of his force to block the incoming attack. Fortunately, he managed to pull his arms in time as he was knocked back, his footsteps staggering. He then glanced lightly at Abby, who was also struggling against her fight with the other chimera even after transforming to her third phase.

She was faring better than him, so he couldn't help but see the disparity between their strengths. Just as he contemplated at that short moment, Caspian remembered Grace's words, 'Do not get distracted while fighting!'

As he glanced back at the chimera, he saw that he was only four feet away from him prior to the previous three meters. 'Shit!'

The chimera let out a guttural growl, shaking Caspian. It then swiped its arms as it approached at incredibly high speeds, faster than that of his mom, back when Caspian couldn't transform. Caspian's eyes glowed red as he bared his fangs at the chimera.

During this transformation, he could slightly contend against the chimera's speed and barely dodged the flurry of attacks the chimera sent at him. He then extended his fingers and exerted his strength to reveal some sharp claw-like nails.

As the chimera sent out a punch using its left hand, Caspian sidestepped, causing the chimera to miss albeit slightly, and grabbed onto the arm. He then fiercely tried to pierce the chimera's skin using his left hand, which latched onto its shoulder.

However, he realized that the chimera's skin was too thick for him, a Lesser Dhampir, to penetrate. All he left was some superficial wounds that the chimera ignored. And though they couldn't heal, the wounds were just not enough to harm it as they only left a few scratch marks.

The chimera glared at Caspian as it growled deeply, sending a chill down his back as he was thrown by the chimera that swung its arm.

"AGH!" Caspian groaned as he hit a nearby tree, denting it due to the force he was thrown in. Blood leaked from his mouth, and sweat and blood covered his body as he was lodged within the tree, giving him many wounds.

He then quickly pushed himself out of his vulnerable position since he saw the chimera hungrily rush at him. However, it seemed like he was growing tired as the chimera grabbed his leg, threw him to the ground, and pinned him down.

"Caspian!" Abby shouted as her eyes glowed gold. With the grit of her teeth, she used her complete transformation despite it being incredibly taxing to her body. She then growled in a low voice, "Caspian, call for backup. I'll keep them distracted! Be quick!"

Abby then pounced on the chimera that pinned Caspian down. As Abby, in her human form, had the strength of a true supernatural, her complete form increased her power by a large margin and pushed her to have the strength of a Greater Supernatural. Due to this, she managed to push the chimera back despite its incredible physical prowess.

As a dhampir, Caspian's wounds healed slightly slower than vampires, but it was still an incredibly fast rate. He immediately stood up as he ran a bit far. He then grabbed the phone in his pocket, and thankfully, it didn't break during the fight.

He then hurriedly contacted his mother and said, "Mom! We need backup right now. We're fighting against two chimeras!"

[Chimeras at Wakefield!?] Grace exclaimed, [I'll be coming there myself! Try and hold them back. I'll bring Naida and the others with me!]

The call immediately ended as Caspian rushed back to help Abby fend off the chimeras. He then shouted, "Abby, do you have any confidence in defeating one of these chimeras!?"

Abby slightly turned her head as she said in a loud but guttural voice, "I'm thirty percent sure I can defeat one of them in a one-on-one! But I'm ninety percent certain I'll be exhausted first if this two-on-one keeps up!"

Caspian then gritted his teeth as he took off his trench coat, "Alright! Deal with one, and I'll try to hold back the other!"

"Can you even handle one of them!?" Abby exclaimed.

Caspian simply laughed bitterly at the situation as he said, "I'll have to try, or we won't be getting out of here alive!"

Abby slightly nodded her head as she pushed one of the chimeras far enough that it wouldn't be able to approach her immediately. Caspian then took advantage of the situation as he propelled himself at the chimera and exerted all of his force in his attack.

Unfortunately, due to him having the meager strength of a lesser dhampir, he couldn't even make the chimera feel anything, much less budge it. But he did successfully manage to gain its attention as it bellowed, wildly swinging its arms at Caspian.

Caspian could barely dodge the flurry of attacks, but he tried his best so Abby could deal with the other chimera. Exhaustion was overcoming Caspian as he had exerted a force that had already passed the limits of what his body was capable of.

Sweat dripped down his chin as he struggled to follow the chimera's attacks. Despite his ability to successfully predict someone's movement and attacks, he just couldn't predict it if he couldn't observe the attack well enough.

Disorientation, that's what Caspian felt as he felt that he was hitting the absolute bottom line of what he was capable of. He gritted his teeth as he tried to persevere through. Ragged breathing was heard from Caspian as he hurriedly wiped the sweat that poured from his chin.

The feeling was somewhat similar to when you almost exhaust yourself during your workout, but for some reason, you want to keep going. That's the feeling that Caspian felt during this time, desperate to get out of this alive.

"Bastard…! I still want to have kids…!" Caspian shouted as he latched unto the chimera's neck, causing it to howl. Adrenaline pumped in his veins as he used his sharp claw-like nails to pierce the chimera's eyes before it could grab him.

As its eyes bleed, the chimera howled in pain as it desperately tried to grab Caspian off its neck. Unfortunately for him, Caspian had already jumped down, and the chimera no longer had eyesight.

Caspian sighed in relief as he thought it would get easier from this point on as he had already blinded the creature. But after that, he realized how wrong he was. The chimera suddenly bit on something, and its hideous aura skyrocketed as the sound of a crunch was heard.

The chimera let out a rage-filled bellow as its bloody eyes started pouring out even more blood. Hearing this, Abby, who was fighting the other chimera, couldn't help but turn her head to see what was going on.

As she saw the scene, her eyes trembled, "A chimera is evolving!?"

She was aghast from seeing that. A regular chimera was already hard enough to deal with. However, an evolved chimera? That was simply unheard of. "SHIT! CASPIAN, RUN!"

Caspian was dazed as the chimera's fur, and skin turned dark red, similar to that of bosses in games that turn berserk. Its size almost doubled as well. Caspian couldn't help but tremble as he saw the scene.

Abby, however, was not dazed as she immediately ran toward Caspian and grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him away toward the nearby forest at high speeds. A frantic expression appeared on her fully transformed face. She also felt pressured as she was extremely exhausted and could possibly faint at any given time, and now there's an evolved chimera. She couldn't help but lament at their rotten luck.

Caspian then woke up from the daze as he looked back with fear-stricken eyes. "What the hell is that!?"

As much as Abby wanted to answer the question, she couldn't since she was holding Caspian with her mouth. She then threw Caspian onto her back as she said, "An evolved chimera! It's as strong as half-step Noble Supernatural creatures! It's either we escape, or we die!"

Caspian looked back lightly and saw that the chimera was keeping up with them despite having to go through the woods with its size.

As they ventured further, Abby no longer had the strength to continue as she fell weakly on the ground, her transformation undone, her naked body lying on the ground while completely unconscious.

Caspian worriedly looked at Abby, but he knew that he couldn't waste any time as he carried Abby on his back and rushed away, his speed slightly slower than that of Abby's. Fortunately, the chimera couldn't keep up that well because of its size.

A couple of minutes had passed, but the evolved chimera and the regular chimera still chased them relentlessly. Caspian felt that his legs were burning due to how tired he was.

Just as he ventured through the woods, he saw a man hunting for deer along with a couple of his companions. Looking back, he realized that the chimera was incredibly close to the man. He then shouted, "GET OUT OF HERE, HURRY!"

The man looked at him, confused, as he looked at Caspian weirdly. However, he heard the growl of the chimera that was fast approaching. As it approached him, he turned back. His eyes were blank as he hurriedly turned his body and shot his hunting rifle at the chimera.

However, the chimera only felt a sting as it turned its head to face the man as if he could see him despite having no eyes. Suddenly, the chimera swung its arm at incredibly high speeds, instantly turning the man into nothing but a paste of human flesh.

His companions screamed after a second as they were terrified by the scene. After all, it looked as if the creature came from a horror movie, and it just killed their friend like it was nothing. They then faced their hunting rifles at the creature and hurriedly shot, but as it was earlier, it felt like nothing.

Seeing this, Caspian could no longer hold himself back and let others die. He then hid Abby at a safe place and rushed at them, and grabbed them before they were turned into a paste by that monstrous chimera.

As he did that, he saw the chimera's hand descending. Its expression gave off a stiffening aura. It looked as if it had a smile ridiculing Caspian's actions. Caspian couldn't help but smile bitterly as he knew what he did was extremely stupid since it would still get these people killed.

However, before anything could happen, the chimera's hand went to a halt. A feminine figure was holding it by its hand. The figure then looked at Caspian, making him realize who it was, "Mom!"

"Are you alright?"