
Concubine’s Charm

A captivating story set in a royal court, hundred of years ago in an alternate universe. A kingdom known as the Moral Empire who produces Queens that control and protect their country. However, the 19 year old Queen Arisa is nothing of the respectable sort, she has caused nothing but chaos and misery for her kingdom. The chaotic Queen Arisa is forced to marry and falls in love with her Kings concubine. Their forbidden love in a society that frowns upon such relationships… will they be able to love eachother freely?

mayruu · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Chapter 4

The top executive of the Moral Empire had put the Queen into the cell after the way she acted, thrashing the royal palace all just because she was to be wedded?? Unacceptable, the executive thought to himself. James had worked in the Moral Empire for all his life, following in his father's and grandfather's steps. Since he was a child, he was well aware of the difference between other Kingdoms and theirs and that was their Queens. His grandfather's and father's had produced outstanding Queens. Ever since his father passed away at the time the new Queen was announced, James had always taken it upon himself to never tarnish his family's reputation and keep this tradition up. Unfortunately for him, the Queen he was left with was extremely naughty. She had caused nothing but misery for the Moral Empire yet James stayed stubborn till the end. However, there was once a time, when even James, known for his bull-headed nature, couldn't handle one of the Queen's elaborate pranks. 

It all started when the Queen insisted on having a celebration banquet with some Kingdoms across the world. James had refused continuously however the executive had thought the idea might bring something good for the Moral Empire, therefore he considered it after a few good nights and set off to talk to the Queen. 


The Queen was going insane, she felt her plan to ruin the Moral Empire's reputation was slowly moving away from her grasp. Just as she had given up, she heard a knock on her door. 

'Who is it?' The Queen got up, she got up quickly, her once deflated body had risen to the chance that it could be one of her dear servants. Maybe they could help me think of something else. She thought to herself. 

'Your Highness, it's the executive.' 

After hearing this, disappointment was all the Queen felt. She had laid back down and said with a sour tone, 'What do you want?' She held many grudges against the executive and he was the reason her plan wasn't moving in any direction so naturally she was sulking even more towards him. The executive had taken it upon himself to enter the room and he furrowed his brows at the sight of the Queen who was draped all over the floor, with her arms and legs all sprawled out. 

'Get up this instant! If anyone else was to come in here... how improper this is!' 

The Queen refused to budge. It just had to be convenient for the executive that the Queen had the exact stubborn trait James had. Normally, James would force her to get up, whether that was physical it didn't matter. If James was in an awful mood, he'd even had her punished and whipped ten times to make himself feel better. His hatred towards the Queen was mutual.

However, this time the executive had come bearing good news, so he sat down on the chair near the queen's bed and spoke. 

'Your wish has been answered.'

The Queen got up instantly. 'Really? You'll let me organize a gathering for all kingdoms??' 

James shook his head. 'No.' 

The Queen laid back down instantly. 'Get out. I'm not in the mood to be joked around with.' 

The executive looked at her in disgust, he despised how childish this girl acted, even if she was 17, it was still an age of maturity and most women were married that age. 

'The banquet will happen,' James corrected himself, waiting for the Queen's reaction, and as expected she got up and looked at him, her eyes all shimmering with hope. 'However-

The Queen interrupted excitedly, 'I'll be good this time. I'll do what you say.' 

'You are not coming.' 

The Queen looked at him in shock, 'BUT I WAS THE ONE WHO REQUESTED THIS!!' She stood up and yelled. 

'With your outrageous behavior, it's already been discussed that you are not coming under the pretense that you have fallen sick.' 

'IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!!' The Queen continued to scream. 'Don't I have a say in this???!!! Aren't I the queen???' 

'That's all you are.' James stated. The Queen didn't respond, and the executive left the room feeling quite pleased with himself. He chuckled at the thought of the Queen sobbing to herself. Little did he know, the Queen was dancing and jumping down with glee. 

Arisa had somewhat already expected this to happen. 'I'll just have to make a surprise appearance.' She whispered to herself. Hehehehe. She continued to giggle and jumped onto her bed. This prank would truly be the worst and that made her smile even more. 

Thanks for reading! I will be trying to upload chapters every day!! <3

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