
Concubine’s Charm

A captivating story set in a royal court, hundred of years ago in an alternate universe. A kingdom known as the Moral Empire who produces Queens that control and protect their country. However, the 19 year old Queen Arisa is nothing of the respectable sort, she has caused nothing but chaos and misery for her kingdom. The chaotic Queen Arisa is forced to marry and falls in love with her Kings concubine. Their forbidden love in a society that frowns upon such relationships… will they be able to love eachother freely?

mayruu · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

Warning: violence and torture 

The Queen came back to her room, her cheeks heating up. Hearing the concubine say that so straightforwardly was certainly surprising. Nothing had ever bothered her this much as this concubine did with her. Arisa had only known Kira for a short time but, without realizing it, she had grown quite attached to the concubine. She purposely slept in another room from the King and spent most of her time in her library. Her servants and Kira got along brilliantly. The curious concubine had swarmed the servants with questions about Arisa and the servants were more than happy to tell stories about the Queen. This was something the Queen didn't mind, she loved seeing how cheerful the concubine was. 

However, there was one thing that bothered the Queen. She couldn't handle how honest Kira was. The concubine didn't hold back on praising the Queen and this only bothered the Queen more. Her heart raced uncontrollably and she felt nervous around her. The Queen had also missed the concubine terribly at times, especially at night. What was this feeling? The Queen forced down this thought and feigned ignorance. 

She was walking to her room and stepped back in shock. 

'Why are you here?' She spoke coldly to the top executive of the Moral Empire. 

'Is it true your Highness hasn't been sharing a room with the King?!' James yelled. It was outrageous that the Queen and the King had been sleeping in separate rooms. If this were to get out to other kingdoms, this wedding would be taken as a joke, James thought to himself. He raged once he heard about this and rushed to punish the Queen. 

'I'm not sleeping in the same room as him!' The Queen yelled back. She stood her ground, she didn't want to get married in the first place so why should she do what they wanted!? Arisa felt her arm being pulled, James had dragged her into her room. He pushed her onto the floor and locked the Queen's door.

'Do you insist on making trouble for me?' He looked down to the Queen who lay sprawled on the floor. She turned around to his face and stuck out her tongue.

The executive took this as her answer and therefore kneeled to the Queen, punching her face as hard as he could. Seeing how she didn't cry but remained laid back only infuriated James more. He stopped at some point when he saw his knuckles becoming bloody. He got up at once and shot a look at the beaten Queen. 

'From tomorrow you are sharing a room with the King. If you don't, I'll punish you even more severely.' 

The Queen didn't respond but just laid back down and started laughing. Seeing this reaction, the executive furrowed his brows. After she finished laughing, she spoke. 'I'm not sharing a room with him, my god why do you guys take everything so seriously? It's so pathetic, I'm just sleeping in my room, why am I getting punished for that?' James had just about enough of the Queen's ridiculous remarks, many women of this world would certainly die from speaking these words yet she spoke like this so casually. 

He looked around the Queen's room and grabbed the nearest candle to him. He blew out the flame and placed himself on top of the Queen. The Queen saw what was in his hand and tried to move.

'What are you going to do with that? Beat me with it?' She provoked him. The executive glared at the Queen coldly. He moved his hands down towards the Queen's clothes. Seeing this, the Queen then understood. She suddenly felt sick.

His hands stopped at the bottom of her dress, he pulled it up revealing her undergarments. 'You really have angered me, your Highness,' James whispered. The Queen stayed silent as she felt his hands pulled down onto her undergarments, revealing her bare body.

He grabbed the candle and shoved it into her. This cold pain had caused her to cry out loud. 'Please...' She managed to speak out. However, James kept a neutral expression and continued as hard as he could, his eyes on the Queen as she yelled from her agony. 


'Such a surprise seeing you here.' The King said cheekily to the Queen who had knocked on his door. 

She looked at him with a cold expression and barged her way through. 'What's so surprising? We're married.' Arisa muttered as she made her way to the bed. After being tortured terribly, she finally agreed to share a room with the King. 

'It's only the afternoon, why are you sleeping so early?' Edward walked back into the room. Arisa snuck herself comfortably into the bed and completely ignored the King. He looked at her once again before leaving and walked out for his afternoon meal. 

Edward shared a meal with his concubines and became drunk after a couple of drinks. The concubines held the King on each side and brought him into his room. Haeran had instructed the servants to prepare a warm bath and new clothes for the King. Ave had left the room to help the servants and the other two concubines stayed. Kira couldn't stop herself from sneaking a look towards the Queen on the bed. The concubine hadn't been to the library after that incident nor had she heard a word from the Queen. She had a feeling that the Queen must be distancing herself and so the concubine complied. 

The Queen's short hair was brushed away, revealing her slender nape. She had her back turned but suddenly turned away and the Queen was facing Kira. The concubine looked at her for a long moment, she admired the Queen's soft beauty.

'Even while sleeping, the Highness is this beautiful.' The concubine said quietly to herself but Haeran heard. The eldest concubine ignored this, she knew how much Kira looked up to the Queen. Once the servants came back, Haeran and Ave left holding the King on each arm, and helped him to the bath. Kira was the only one left in the room. 

Without thinking she laid herself next to the Queen. They were facing each other, one awake and one asleep. The concubine reached out to the Queen's face and slowly traced her fingers alongside her face. She didn't stop there, entranced by Arisa she moved her hands wanting to touch the Queen more. Just as she moved to the Queen's lip, she felt a hand grab her arm. The Queen's eyes were half-opened, seeing her sleepy state had warmed the concubine's heart extremely. The Queen still held onto the concubine's arm and the concubine was frozen, unable to move so they continued to look at each other. The Queen looked as if she was in deep thought, just before the concubine was about to break eye contact, the Queen moved her hands and held the concubine. She moved the concubine's face closer to hers, keeping eye contact. Kira eye's widened as the Queen kissed her. This had surprised her, the feeling of Arisa's soft cold lips on hers felt indescribably good.

Although the Queen had pulled Kira, the concubine took charge of the kiss, pushing her tongue between the Queen's mouth. The Queen let out a gasp and moved away from the concubine but Kira had grabbed the Queen's face closer to hers. The concubine kissed her more intensely and felt her heart beat faster, she couldn't believe she was kissing the Queen! Afraid this was just a dream, she didn't let go of the Queen. The Queen's face turned red but she continued to let herself go in the concubine's lips. She bit into the concubine's lip and felt excited hearing the latter groan.

Ferociously kissing each other, they were alarmed as soon as they heard someone knock on the door. 'Kira... is the Highness awake? We heard something?' A servant spoke outside the Queen's bedroom door. The concubine went flying and Arisa laid back on the bed closing her eyes, acting as if she was asleep. Kira looked back at the Queen, feeling betrayed, and rushed over to the door and saw the servant accompanied by the drunk King with Haeran. 

'Kira you can go now, I will put the King in bed.' The eldest concubine instructed Kira. Kira nodded her head and left quickly, feeling her cheeks heat up. 

What the hell just happened?!! She yelled in her mind. 


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