
Part two

sometimes we are crucified by life drown in the sea tears and sorrows of our lives, we crave for a happiness but we end up resurrected by troubles and failures of lives, some part of lives we face challenges that we can not conquer ourselves and the only comes through our mind is "who should turn to help?" we are desperate for happiness and anyone who comes with a comfort touch we welcome them without acknowledge our spirit and mind the result of good or bad company. we engage ourselves in evil of this word and that could be alcoholism and other drug abuse to an extend of trading our bodies hoping to find happiness but do we end up to?

life facts are like sharp blades and we human beings are walking on them once you fall on them and you are not strong enough to stand up they cut you into pieces.

my spirit pushed to the edge of life with lost hope as shield, turned down by people who you least expect and motivated by people who bring you down to their level, seeking for love while it isn't a human but a feeling that fades away leaving you desperate alone bask open to all kind of addictions thats feeds off your desperation it bond to fit and ruin you or build you to become the best or worse. What you see and feel without control might break you into pieces or to dust, a dust that will always be blown to any direction of wind stamped by any obstacles across it and the only way to be whole is to electro-magnetized back together. The nature has no mercy or a heart but a mind of its own. Fighting for what you dont have and losing what you had, creation is made by perfecting what you have to a complex uniqueness. If one atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen can create water and fish and mammals that live in the deep sea still survive, if a humans and other living organisms can filter can take in a mixer of gases in the atmosphere and only one gas is important to them. So do we have a choice of free will? Doing all you can to impress the majority regardless only a few who you think are a total disturbance to that will stand by you at the rest of life. Facing failures in life and the only option you can think of is suicide, abortion, corrupted, steal, prostitution and becoming assassins just to get to the top where you wish to. Its true very success in life struggles for it become pain sacrifices become history and all those who stood besides you become memories that slowly fades away time passing by each and every day till they all become strangers in success and real friends in time of down fall. Humans ignore most important things in life and nature takes control of it in human life. I placed a piece of rock on mass of water with its light weight hoping to float but sank wondering why huge and large ships float on water with their high rated weights and not a piece a rock. It gave me a reflection of we all think in concept of life that success can be achieved so easily with little hard work and a lot of hope but thats not it its requires a balance of both hard work and faith implementation in failures and adjust it towards perfection.