
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 35

Uchiha Katsushi was surprised to see the big change in the system panel. After all, the change this time is indeed a bit big.I saw that the [Ninjutsu] category on the system panel was cancelled, and changed to [Ninjutsu Grandmaster] in the [Ability] category.That's good, though, because the system panel is much cleaner.Of course, these are not very important, and Uchiha Katsushi didn't care much.The most important thing is that the sacrifice point has reached 400 points, this is the most important thing."It seems that the decision to show some strength in front of the old man and Mikoto today is correct, and the sacrifice point has gained a lot." Uchiha Katsushi thought in his heart.You must know that 400 sacrifice points are not a small number for the current Uchiha Katsushi, which can be sacrificed four times.Most importantly, this is very important for Uchiha Katsushi's rapid rise in the early stage, and it must not be sloppy."Ugh!""It is clearly in the village founded by my ancestors, but I need to carefully calculate how to protect myself quickly. The Konoha F4 is really harmful!" Uchiha Katsushi thought with a sigh in his heart."Forget it, don't think about it, go to sleep! Tomorrow will become stronger." Uchiha Katsushi is getting ready for bed.~~~Vertical sun, early morning.After breakfast, Uchiha Katsushi took the scroll given by Uchiha Zhushan and walked to the backyard."No way, remember to put the scroll back to its original place." This is Uchiha Zhushan's instruction."Got it." Uchiha Katsushi Kaidō.Watching Uchiha Katsushi go to the backyard, Uchiha Zhushan also said to Uchiha Mikoto: "Mikoto, go, let's go to training too, my granddaughter can't be left behind.""Understood, Grandpa, I will work hard." Uchiha Mikoto replied firmly....In the backyard, in the basement.Uchiha Katsushi opened the scroll in front of him.This is the Taijutsu scroll of the Uchiha family. It records that the Uchiha family has passed down for thousands of years. They have continuously copied countless Taijutsu with Sharingan, and then combined with the Uchiha family's own Taijutsu.After thousands of years of optimization, the physical technique obtained in actual combat, [Uchiha Fluid Technique].Of course, no matter how powerful it is, it is only a physical technique.And in the profession of ninja, to be honest, Taijutsu is not very valued, so even the Uchiha clan only regards it as the basis.However, Uchiha Katsushi naturally wouldn't be so stupid. This kind of taijutsu, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has no flaws. How can a taijutsu whose every move is only for killing people be weak.Just look at Uchiha Madara in the Fourth Ninja World War. How invincible it is to reach super Kage-level by physical skills alone. The so-called ninja coalition forces are like chickens and dogs in front of Uchiha Madara's physical skills. Vulnerable.This is the power of [Uchiha Fluid Art], how could Uchiha Katsushi not [learn] well!"[Simulated Star Creation Map: Root].""Analysis."The golden analytical eyes stared firmly at the scroll.With the passage of time, [Uchiha fluid technique], a killing technique that has been passed down for thousands of years, was gradually mastered by Uchiha Katsushi, and the mysteries of various physical techniques continued to flow in Uchiha Katsushi's heart.After a while, the parsing is complete.I saw Uchiha Katsushi who put away the scroll and started dancing.A punch, a kick, the body moves at will, extremely swift and violent.With a take-off, Uchiha Katsushi rotated sideways in the air, raised three legs in an instant, then landed on the ground with both hands, and stood upside down. The body continued to rotate, kicking like a whirlwind, and the continuous storm continued.Then Uchiha Katsushi weighed with both hands, turned sideways, and returned to standing."Yes, I have mastered physical skills, and now I have no shortcomings at all, and I am a real hexagonal fighter.""There is [Uchiha Fluid Art] for melee combat.""Defense has [Earth Style Earth Spear Technique].""Speed ​​has [Transient Body Technique].""There is [Ninjutsu Grandmaster] for long-range attacks.""Recovery has [Perfect Sage Body].""Perception has [Observation Haki].""Yes, yes, Sparassi.""Hahaha!!!"Uchiha Katsushi is very happy, and finally has the power to protect himself. Don't blame Uchiha Katsushi for being timid and cautious.After all, only by being alive can there be output. No matter what a person wants to do, there must be a prerequisite, that is [alive].Thinking about the garbage life in the previous life, it was so hard to have a brand new life, and to have the hang, of course, you have to calculate it carefully, and wait until you have enough strength, then you will be able to do whatever you want. "After a while, Uchiha Katsushi calmed down and picked up the next scroll.Sword scroll.After all, if you are happy, you still have to [learn] the scroll."[Simulated Star Creation Map: Root].""Analysis."The golden eyes of analysis stared at this sword scroll.As time goes by, the Uchiha family's swordsmanship inheritance recorded in this scroll has been perfectly mastered by Uchiha Katsushi.After some time, the parsing is complete.This swordsmanship scroll is a bit different from what Uchiha Katsushi expected. Originally, Uchiha Katsushi thought it would be similar to [Konoha Ryukenjutsu], which are all kinds of ninjutsu.Unexpectedly, the swordsmanship inheritance of the Uchiha family is a method of using Fire Style Chakra Nature Transformation, how to attach it to sword weapons, and some basic swordsmanship.However, if you think about it, it's normal.After all, the essence of a ninja's power is Chakra, and the so-called Taijutsu is also ninjutsu, all relying on Chakra.In the same way, swordsmanship is the same, mainly Chakra. As for the use of weapons, it is enough to know some basic methods of use.After all, in the ninja world, there is no pure and relatively advanced body art or swordsmanship inheritance, and after the ninja obtains Chakra, he doesn't care about pure body art or swordsmanship anymore.Basically, it is Chakra who fights, after all, one force will drop ten times.The bells and whistles are vulnerable in the face of absolute power.No luck.