
Comprehensive Freedom

*THIS NOVEL IS COPY PASTE FROM MTL* ALL RIGHTS RESERVE FOR AUTHOR NAMED ➡️ ROAMER ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Do whatever you want, move what you want, live only for what you want, grab only for what you want, walk around the world as you like, unscrupulously plunder beautiful women from all sides, use the strongest strength, and live freely in the world .

Iring_na_itom · Fantasy
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281 Chs


At the same time that the Beauty Corps killed the guard, Galdoxiu successfully obtained instructions to control the people to activate the Narakvila, but they let the people in the warehouse escape.

"Xuecai, is that sister Elsdes?" Xia Yin, who was just about to swim away, seemed to see the figure of Elsdes, but there were some distant uncertainties.

The snow vegetables that were about to be launched, and the blue feathers and green onions that took care of Xiaolinsha, all went in the direction that Xia Yin pointed, but the two were surprised to find that all the girls and guards on the tomb of the deep ocean came, They did not expect so many people to come.

"They are there!" Using a sniper rifle, Ma Yin with super good eyesight, had planned to look around, and there were no hidden enemies, and just found the four girls who wanted to leave the water.

"Beauty Corps, you can protect them over!" Estes thought for a while, and thought it would be better to let the Beauty Corps pass. The women around him are all powerful and do not need them to protect themselves and others. .

What's more, they all hold in their hands, marking weapons or ornaments, and those beam attacks are just a bauble for themselves and others.

"Yes!" Hearing Esdes's command, the beautiful legion responded in unison, and rushed to the four girls in the distance at high speed.

When the beautiful legion left, Esdes looked at the spider-shaped machinery that appeared, and after carefully counting several times, she frowned deeply after counting herself and others.

"Esdes, what are you counting there?" Najetta asked in confusion, she didn't understand Esdes, what was counting.

"Najieta, there are only five spiders, so many of us, it seems that there are not enough points to play with!" Estes said with frustration, she wanted to solve all of them herself, but this time came with so many people , She was embarrassed to swallow all these toys alone.

"I don't care, you ask them!" Najieta twitched her lips. I didn't expect Estes to worry about these toys before scratching, and they all looked like they were to be packed.

"Master Estes, count me!" After hearing the conversation between the two, Black Hitomi would immediately scrape one, after all, she would be bored to death without even doing anything along the way.

"Also count me!" Li Nali said with a smile, because she hadn't used her abilities for a long time, so she wanted to use the spider machinery to practice her hands.

"Admiral Estes, and me!" Celius shouted while holding the little white dog.

Lulu Bell also raised her hand. After all, Noel was very important to her. Those women who dared to kidnap him made her feel very angry.

"Najieta, you take the others, and arrest the kidnappers, don't let them die easily!" Estes smiled slightly, but there was a huge murderous body, she Let the kidnappers know what life is better than death.

"Okay, you play slowly. Let's go grab people now!" Najta nodded, and she agreed with Estes.


Najieta's daughters left, and the beams that bombed them were blocked by the barrier, and they quickly looked for the kidnapped prisoners. Anyway, they planned to arrest all the people who added the artificial island.

The four women were also under the protection of the Beauty Legion, and came to Esdes's side unharmed.

"Sister Estes, are these the weapons that have been added to the mark?" Xuecai, who had just arrived, looked at the barrier that kept resisting the light beam and asked, looking at Estes in surprise.

"Well! I made it three days ago, but I didn't expect it to be used so quickly. This is your Xuexia Wolf!" Seeing the four people unscathed, Eszter smiled and explained to Xuecai A moment, and the Xuexia Wolf brought to her hands.

"Sister Estes, this is a program that can stop Narakvila, as long as this is put into those machines." Lan Yuqin took out her phone, but it was not finished.

"Shallow onion sauce, this thing is not necessary, you will be here later, it is time for us to move!" Estes shook her head with a smile, she did not put those machines in her eyes.

"But" Lan Yu Qingchun wanted to say something, but was caught by Xuecai on the side.

"Relax, they are very powerful, we just look around!" Xuecai said with a smile, after all, they didn't see them on the boat, since they didn't have any real style, there are still imprints. Protection, they can be invincible.

"These toys are really annoying, let's go!" Estes smiled slightly and said to the four girls who decided to fight.

The four women nodded and disappeared without a trace on the spot in an instant, splitting their heads towards the madly shooting mechanical spider.

Estes also used the fastest speed to rush into the sky above a mechanical spider. On the sword raised high, an oversized iceberg instantly condensed, and immediately swayed the slender sword in his hand. .

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The huge iceberg presses the mechanical spider that wants to fly directly onto the ground. The huge impact and the ground impact make a very loud sound. The entire artificial island is shaken violently.

"This. This is too exaggerated." Lan Yu Qingchun said stunned. She did not expect at all that Estes would have special abilities, and the strength was still so powerful. The ancient weapons were brought down.

"It's too powerful" Xuecai was also very surprised. She also saw Esdes's ability to use for the first time. She usually trained herself empty-handed in the tomb of the deep ocean, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful when she was real. , Is simply the existence of human-shaped beasts.

"Fortunately, Lin Sha didn't wake up, otherwise she would be scared again!" After glancing at Xiao Lin Sha, Xia Yin turned her head and continued to look at the battle of the five.
