

Mechanical life forms are completely different from those in the native world.

They are just like those created by human technology.

But it is more powerful.

It is precisely because of this that when they come to this world, few gods can sense them.

Even the Great Red doesn't know that there is such a terrifying guy hiding in his own world - his latent ability is definitely full.

Ophis heard Su Ye's explanation.

Dang even tilted his head and looked at the mechanical life form below.

If I sense it carefully, it seems that I really can't sense anything.

You can't even feel the energy in your body.

It looks like it doesn't exist.

If you don't sense it carefully, you really can't feel the huge energy in its body.

The other party wants to sneak into this world.

If you don't watch carefully, you probably won't know.

Because the two are completely different systems.

Thinking of this, Ophis finally understood why they had stayed here for so long without anyone noticing.

It turned out to be this reason.

After Su Ye got the Durumaduo out, he used the imaginary number space to swallow it in.

Even if its consciousness was erased by Su Ye.

But this huge body is also a good thing.

The materials above are very precious.

If Su Ye takes it back and slightly modifies it, he can directly produce a transformable Super Gundam.

This is very comfortable, isn't it?

In addition, Su Ye did not intend to let go of the exe evil gods.

They are all good things.

Especially for Su Ye.

After putting away Durumaduo.

Su Ye took Ophis and continued to set off.

Travel to the far side of the moon.

Staying on the far side of the moon is Luga Deim.

Like Drumado, it is also a descendant of Regalzeva.

And has the title of King of Heaven.

Lugatyem's ship stopped on the far side of the moon.

Su Ye directly tore open the space and took Ophis to the moon.

However, when Su Ye appeared, countless cannon barrels were aimed at them.

When Su Ye solved Trumadou, Luga Deim had already noticed it.

And we were ready immediately.

It's clear that they may have been exposed.

Now I see someone opening the space and coming over.

Therefore, this side also launched an attack decisively.

Su Ye had already anticipated this.

After all, he noticed that the two sides were connected when he dealt with Trumadol.

Because of this, he had already been mentally prepared for Su Ye being attacked when he came out.

As soon as Su Ye came out.

The space in space has changed.

The artillery fire directed at Su Ye and Ophis were spatially dislocated.

The attacks originally aimed at Su Ye and Ophis were transformed into strokes due to the spatial dislocation.

The two sides are not in the same space channel at all.

It was impossible for the opponent's attack to hit Su Ye and Ophis.

At the same time, Su Ye also activated his own power.

The power of corrosive Herrscher was activated, directly shutting down the attacking mechanical life forms.

Inside the spacecraft, a five-meter-tall humanoid robot was sounding an alarm frantically.

Trying to report back on the situation here.

However, what he did had no effect at all.

Everything was controlled by Su Ye.

Su Ye's power can directly defeat these guys.

The other party didn't understand what Su Ye's energy was at all.

I don't understand why it was hacked so easily.

Obviously, their firewalls are very strong.

But at this moment, everything is out of control.

This situation puzzled Luga Deim.

With such thoughts, its consciousness was quickly erased.

"If you can figure it out, then there is a ghost."

"This is a force specifically targeted at civilization"

"Dealing with mechanical creatures like you is really like playing."

Su Ye complained while sorting out the other party's data.

Looking at the thousand-meter battleship in front of him,

Su Ye was very satisfied.

Another battleship has returned to Su Ye.

It's so refreshing! It's so easy. Song has taken care of all these things on earth.

"Got it?"

Ophis looked at the robots and battleships that had attacked them from the beginning, but stopped running in an instant.

Ophis was a little surprised.

You must know that the attacks just now were not weak. (Watch the storm. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's no problem to shoot one Cao Cao.

If such a weapon is really put on the earth, people from the gods will have to kneel down during a war.

This is battlefield harvesting Machine.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

"nailed it"

"I said at the beginning that I can defeat them, right?"

Having said this, Su Ye opened up the imaginary space and started to pack all the intact battleships in front of him.

It was another fruitful time.

This time when he came to Akeno, Su Ye didn't make much.

Wait until he gets back. After returning home, Su Ye's strength is estimated to become even stronger.

The magic technology in the exe world is also really outrageous.

After returning, many things in Su Ye's world can be updated and iterated.

The same is true for those robots.

Su Ye After putting the things away, he opened his mouth and said to Ophis:

"Let's go to heaven!"

After saying this, Su Ye opened the space channel.

Then disappeared.

Next, take Gabriel with you and head to the dimensional gap.

After hearing this, Ophis hurriedly followed..

The two came to heaven again.

After Su Ye arrived, Wei Ya noticed it immediately.

Then she also appeared in front of Su Ye for the first time.

"Mr. Su Ye, have you finished the matter?"

Weiya couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she saw Su Ye appearing.

Only then did she sense the fluctuations of the battle in space.

It didn't take long for Su Ye to come over?

Was it over so quickly?

"Already dealt with"

"Next I am going to the exe world"

"Then after I take care of things over there, I will leave your world directly."

Su Ye said this very calmly.

Hearing what Su Ye said, Wei Ya's heart was filled with shock.

Didn't he say that it was the power of the great red?

But what happened in front of Su Ye?

He was a Chickens are not that fast, right?

There is no doubt that Wei Ya was also frightened

"This is really it..."

She opened her mouth, and for a moment she didn't know what words to use to describe it.

It's really scary

"I said I restrained them"

"Although they are very strong, they are very weak in my eyes!"

There's no need to be so shocked.

It's a trivial matter.

It's just the difference between fingertips~!

Wei Ya was speechless after hearing this.

But forget it, now that the matter has been resolved.

Then let Gabriel and the others come over.

Su Ye was also planning to leave.

Thinking of this, she began to ask Gabriel and other angels who had already prepared to come over.
