

The God of the Bible may have studied the devil more deeply than the devil himself.

Not to mention the fallen angels.

The fallen angel itself fell because Azazel wanted ghs.

In essence, it is separated from the angels.

Many things are inseparable from angels.

Fallen angels are also considered angels.

Because of this, it doesn't matter whether it's a demon or a fallen angel.

In fact, the God of the Bible has done research.

It was precisely because of this that Su Ye obtained what the God of the Bible left behind.

There is no need to go to the underworld.

Everything is there.

Rias was speechless now.

All right.

It's because she's short-sighted

"Well, Su Ye, your work is basically done."

"It's really outrageous. Every time you go to a world, you make big news."

Kaguya squinted at this guy who was good at making trouble.

Although she joined the group relatively late, other people in the group had also told her about Su Ye. All

I can say is that he was really outrageous and was so good at making trouble. Got it

"All this is for civilization!"

Su Ye said this with a solemn face.

Listening to what Su Ye said, Kaguya and Akeno were silent.

If they didn't know what was going on, they would have believed Su Ye's lies.

All of this was It's to become stronger!

God damn, all of this is for civilization.

For civilization is secondary, to become strong is the main thing.

And then it is for girls.

Kaguya thought of this, her eyes looked at the person who had been quietly following Ophis next to Su Ye.

Su Ye actually deceived him.

How enviable!!

Ophis's power is undoubtedly very powerful.

But now, Ophis is so well-behaved that he has a daughter. It seems that he is following Su Ye.

Speaking of which, Su Ye's world has brought back a lot of lolita, right?

Needless to say, the dark lolita world.

And basically the magic-dressed girls in Yu's world are also Most of them are lolita.

And now, Ophis will also be taken back by Su Ye


Kaguya asked subconsciously.


"I'm not a lolicon!"

"Stop slandering me!!"

Hearing what Kaguya said, Su Ye was furious.

How dare you slander me?

"If you're not a lolita fan, why did you bring so many lolita home?"

"The dark loli side, and Yuu's side"

"And now Orpheus"

"Look who is not a loli? ?"

Kaguya looked at Su Ye with an even weirder look.

She must be right, she is a hentai lolita control


"They are not lolita. Ophis is old enough to be your grandma's grandma."

What nonsense are you talking about?

They just have a lolita body shape.

They are not lolita.

In this regard, Kaguya just curled her lips.

It is useless to argue, you are obviously a lolita control.

No matter what you say, She didn't believe it.

Ophis also glanced at Su Ye at this time.

It turned out that Su Ye helped her because he liked her like this?

So that's it!

It was hard to explain at this time.

The other people in the room looked at Su Ye's eyes became weird.

"Don't look at me like that"

"I really am not"

"If you don't believe it, you can come and take a look tonight. My xp is normal!!"


Su Ye and Kaguya started bickering together.

Seeing this scene, Akeno suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

In fact, neither of them cared about what was discussed above.

This is just a daily squabble.

Just wait until the noise is enough.

Rias looked at the quarrel between Kaguya and Su Ye.

There was a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

This Su Ye gave her a really strange feeling.

He doesn't have the demeanor of a strong person at all like those strong people.

On the contrary, he is very easy to get along with.

Are all people in other worlds like this?

For a moment, Rias became even more curious about Su Ye. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ye and Kaguya quarreled for a while, and then they went to play games together.

Seeing that they stopped arguing, Akeno immediately got up and left with Rias and others.

It's time for them to go back and rest.

When the time came, Su Ye and Kaguya appeared in the group to sign in on time.

Su Ye's points during this period have reached more than 4,000.

"Oh shit!!"

"gdx, can you upload all the games together?(?へ?)"

"All my recent points have been used to buy your game!!"

Kaguya looked at her balance.

She was really angry.

This gdx Su Ye split the game and uploaded it continuously.

Now other people in the group are doing the same.

Especially the newcomer Zhou Fangzun, he also uploaded He has played a lot of games.

The technology in his world is still very advanced.

There are a lot of games and so on.

In his words, he also wants to earn points to heal his body.

So he can only do this.

This special He was so angry.

These guys kept using games to defraud him of his points.

Damn it!!

"I don't decide the points."

"If I want to scold you, go scold the chat group!!"

Su Ye looked at the points he earned by signing in, and his mood suddenly became filled with joy!

"I won't buy it!!"

"Wait for me to save enough points and go directly to your world to download!!"

Kaguya threw the remote control angrily.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Basically all the points she gained from signing in during this period were used.

"`~You seem to have said this sentence several times."

But Su Ye doesn't care at all.

Kaguya said he wouldn't buy it, but he would actually buy it, right?

The kitten came here because of Kaguya, so there are more games to play.

But She was so happy.

It's a pity that she has to go to school, otherwise Gao Lu would have to stay all night today

[Group member Zhu Nai signed in successfully]

[Congratulations to member Akeno for getting: Super Power: Railgun. ]

Suddenly, such a message popped up in the group.

Fujiwara Chika:

[Damn it!!]

[Sister Akeno, you actually got something? ]


[Thick thread, the second most valuable thing in the group!! ]


[Good guy, super power? ]

Other people in the group who were signing in also bubbled up.

Su Ye was also a little surprised

"Is this the gun sister's superpower?"

"Not bad!"

Su Ye touched his chin.

When he saw this name, (Li De's) Su Ye knew what it was. It was so recognizable.

How does this sign-in system work?

The probability of getting something is too low. Yeah.


[The increase is not very large...]

[I can control thunder and lightning myself]

[If you give me some time, I can develop the same move. ]

However, Akeno was a little confused.

The effect of this superpower on her was not as great as imagined.

She is a hybrid of human and fallen angel.

Her father is still a ten-winged fallen angel, and he can override lightning and rape.

In terms of single attack, her father was the best among the fallen angels.

As the other party's daughter, she naturally inherited this ability.

So this electromagnetic gun really doesn't have much effect on Akeno.

It just allowed her to master some alternative applications of thunder and lightning.

A little depressed.

The good news is that we won the lottery.

The bad news is that the prizes are useless.
