
Comprehension Heaven-Defying, I Create The Sharingan Practice Method

Lu Xuan traveled to the world of Hokage, became a member of the Uchiha clan, obtained the full-level comprehension talent, and created the innate fetal breathing skill and began to develop while still in the mother's womb. Ninja origin determines destiny? Bloodline determines future height? Xuan broke the boundaries with his heaven-defying understanding and created many heaven-defying methods. [You have observed a lot of Sharingan pupil power transformation laws for a long time, combined with your own perception of eye opening, you have an epiphany, and created blood vein supernatural powers Sharingan practice method, spiritual power and Chakra transformation pupil power method. 】 … [You have studied the Clone Technique and Shadow Clone Technique in depth, you have an epiphany, and you have created the Supernatural Clone Technique practice method. 】 [You have studied the Summoning Technique in depth, and you have an epiphany... Your space perception talent has been greatly improved, and you have created the Summoning Summoning Technique and the Fixed-point Space Teleportation Technique. 】 [You have analyzed Hashirama cells, Chongwu cells... You have an epiphany, comprehended the Wood Style practice method, and created the physical supernatural power · Sage Body practice method. 】

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30 Chs

Chapter 30

Meixin on the side also nodded and said: "Your father is right! It is enough to have a quarter of the full version of the medicine! Others will rush to buy it!""Our family can use the full version thanks to your younger brother, you child can have fun secretly! Where can I find such a good brother?"This silly boy is really ignorant at all."Yes Yes Yes!"Uchiha nodded silently.Can he not have this good brother?Uh...it seems that he is really reluctant.There is no way, Xuan gave too much."correct!"At this time, Meixin looked at Xuan and asked: "Since we want to open a pharmacy, it's not appropriate to just go to the pharmacy to purchase, and the quantity of those pharmacies is not enough, we have to find some long-term and stable supply of medicines in large quantities.Supplier, Xiaoxuan, what do you think?""Can!"Uchiha Xuan nodded in agreement: "I'm afraid this matter should be handed over to mother and father to discuss with the medicinal materials;""Remember to choose a few more suppliers;""In addition, I suggest adding Nara's family to the list of suppliers. It is best to reach a long-term and stable drug supply agreement with them."Nara's family has raised deer and some herbs for generations."oh?"Uchiha Qianyi asked slightly surprised after hearing this: "Why are you emphasizing Nara's family? You must have other goals, right?"Uchiha Xuan immediately spread his hands with a smile and said, "Isn't this to win some more allies for Uchiha?""It's unrealistic to directly form an alliance. First, reach a cooperation in terms of commercial interests. After the interests of the two parties are deeply bound, then form a true ally step by step!""Dad, you don't forget about our Uchiha situation, do you?""It would be a pity not to use up such a good opportunity!""The status and influence of the Ino–Shika–Chō tribes in Konoha are not low, and the Nara family is the representative of the wisdom of these three tribes. It is only good for us to win them over."No matter what, it is right to make many friends and few enemies."That's right!"Uchiha Chiichi and Uchiha Hao's eyes lit up slightly when they heard this: "It's better that you have a good brain, so let's do it!""However, I suggest that you should handle this matter yourself. At most, I will go with you and give you a platform!""If I go, I worry that this may not be possible!"Before Uchiha Xuan could speak, Uchiha Hao on the side didn't understand: "Why? Didn't Xuan say that the Nara clan are smart people?"Uchiha Qianyi glared at Uchiha Hao, "Stupid! Just because the Nara family is too smart, they always like to be wise and protect themselves when facing some position issues;""The three of them have always been staunch Hokage factions, and they will support whoever becomes Hokage;""We Uchiha are hostile and suppressed by Konoha's high-level people, can they not understand?""How could they rashly get involved with us at this time?""Only Xuan is a disciple of Tsunade, and can be regarded as a disciple of the Third Generation. It is possible for him to go, understand?"By the way, who exactly does this kid look like?His intelligence is not inherited at all!He felt that he could not bear such a stupid son.Uchiha Hiroshi: "...""All right!"After hearing this, Uchiha Hao immediately scratched his cheek with his hand, and said speechlessly: "Scheming is dirty in the heart, these things are too messy, I'm too lazy to care about it, let's withdraw first, Kyoko is still waiting for me! "After speaking, Uchiha Hao just slipped away."This brat!"Uchiha looked angrily at Uchiha Hao who ran away, feeling like he hated iron for being weak."Success! Then I'll accompany you, Dad! The time is set for tomorrow morning."Uchiha nodded mysteriously."Um!".....the next morning,Nara Shijiu's home,Nara Shikaku's father, Nara Shikayama, learned that Uchiha Gen came to the door, and he was still a disciple of Tsunade, so he quickly welcomed Uchiha Gen and Uchiha Senichi in.After some probing,Nara Lushan couldn't help laughing and asked: "I heard that Master Tsunade has accepted a genius disciple, and he has mastered all of Master Tsunade's medical ninjutsu in just a few months. I finally saw it today!""I don't know what the little brother is doing here today?"Of course he knew Uchiha Gen's name.There is no doubt that this is a monster.Nara Shikayama was quite surprised that he could become Tsunade-sama's disciple.After all, everyone knows that the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are old enemies.It can only be said that the present is not the past, and Master Tsunade's thoughts are beyond his ability to guess.The key now is the purpose of this Uchiha Gen hastily got up."Hey! I hope it won't be a nuisance!"Nara Kayama thought with a sigh in his heart.He is most afraid of trouble.Ancestral fear of trouble.Uchiha Xuan heard this, and immediately opened his mouth to express his intention: "Senior Lushan, I came here this time because I heard that your Nara clan has been selling a lot of medicinal materials for a long time, and I have learned something from Teacher Tsunade recently, and I have worked out some good ones.Secret medicine, ready to open a store for sale;""Even, a large supply order has been signed with the clan;""Therefore, a large supply of medicinal materials is required;""Why don't you just inquire about it and come to visit!""We are not only planning to reach a supply agreement with the Nara family this time, but also want to find more suppliers of medicinal materials to cooperate with. The price is easy to negotiate. I wonder if seniors are willing to give this face?"It's best to be willing, but if you don't want to, Xuan has no choice.But if there is a good thing in the future, I will definitely not bring the Nara family with me.It is a good thing to understand wisely and protect yourself.But if everything is too exhausted, fate is bound to end early.It depends on the choice of Nara Lushan."oh?"Nara Lushan was slightly surprised to hear that it was actually for the long-term purchase of medicinal materials.If it's just this kind of thing, he won't refuse.Thinking about it, just some commercial supply cooperation will neither make Third Generation feel bad, nor will they need to offend Uchiha because of their resolute refusal.Thinking of this, Nara Lushan immediately nodded with a smile and said, "Of course it's no problem! Our Nara family is open to the business of medicinal materials, so naturally we will not reject this kind of purely commercial cooperation;""I agree to this!""What medicinal materials do you need, do you have a list? How much do you need every month?"Make money, not shabby.However, he was a little curious about what secret medicine Uchiha Xuan had concocted.Not only dared to open a store to sell with great fanfare, but also reached a supply agreement with Uchiha.This person is only 3 years old, is he really so evil?"Or, he got benefits from Master Tsunade, learned something, and sold it directly?""No, no! It shouldn't be. Although this person is young, he doesn't speak or act like a child at all, but looks like an old fox. Obviously he can't be so stupid;"Thinking of this, Nara Lushan felt a little unable to see through the kid in front of him."This person is not simple!"Nara Kayama sighed in his heart.It is also a good thing to choose not to offend such an evildoer who can't see the future clearly.In order not to be criticized in the future, it will bring disaster to Nara's family.