

“I met someone I think I might like.” the young guy thought to himself looking at her while she was admiring kids playing in garden. “I met someone really crazy.” she thought to herself and mentally chuckled looking at him. - They said flower grow out of dark moment, so was their story. “He can't be resuscitated. Seems like.” the guard replied looking at the body from afar. “Burn the body.” a man with husky voice demanded. “He's been dead for less then 8 hours.” the guard replied again. “I promise his family never receives a single his body.” she said herself while closing her eyes and clenching her fist. - But suddenly their slow burn romance and their little something turns into a deadly hatred. “I need you to destroy her.” a old man demanded on the call. “As you command, sir.” the young man replied. “Those who stand between me and the enemy are enemies themselves.” the secret weapon of Korea said with a evil smirk when he spotted his prey. - People say love is hate in disguise. “He did not kill her, sir.” his secretary said while catching his breath back. “I loved her for her silence or maybe I just understood it.” the young man wrote in his diary again. “You are my never ending thought.” she said to him more like a whisper, she wasn't ready for him to hear this yet. “I will protect her with everything I am.” the young man wrote down in his dairy again. “Be my peace, I have got enough pain.” she said in low yet audible voice while he kept hugging her and rub her back. - Love can't turn into hate. If it's hate, it wasn't love. “I will kill her by myself.” the young man aggressively threw his phone while growling in anger. “Do you think she can make it?!” the guy's friend looked at him with questionable face. “She will. I know her. She just saw my care. Now she will face my warth.” the young man smirked. ------------------------------------ Character in this story does not potray to who they really are in real life. Spelling mistakes are accidental from fast typing you can correct but can't judge me. If you are uncomfortable with this kind of things or unsatisfied endings, you can please leave. Don't make a fuss. This book are for once who wanna read. I, myself, hate cheating because it's a sensitive topic. This book is made for you as a little escape from your reality, struggles, stressful life. This book contains swearing as always. Read at your own risk. Please seperate imaginations from reality. Strictly do not copy, plagiarize, or report on my story. I gave my everything on this story and don't want some bitches to steal everything for fun. You can share my stories for bigger audience if you want. Feel free to give suggestions on this story. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this story and this journey with me. Have fun!

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His Present

After 7 years

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months turned to year. 

Jungkook's dad was right, time does flies fast. 

Many people forgot about his dad they moved on and got busy with their lifes but there was one person who couldn't move on, yes it was none other then Jungkook. He couldn't, can't, will never forget about his dad. He kept asking for forgiveness to his dad for those words he said everyday but could never felt satisfied. He wanted to once, just once hug his father and ask for forgiveness even if it for just once even if it was the decayed body of his dad. 

He was desperate. Desperate to find his dad's body. And that desperatness lead him to become an North Korean agent, a job his dad forbidden him to do. 

A tall man with a innocent face but a fine build up body and colourful tattoos kissing his whole right arms from shoulders to each fingers along with piercing on lips, right eyebrows and lastly ears. His fingers filled with rings, ears with earrings. 

In short a devil in angel disguise was covered in black hoodie covering his hairs and black leather pants along with black face mask was running as fast as leopard, jumping from buildings to buildings in New York City, he finally entered the alley which comes under his hidden base area and quickly ran inside the warehouse looking around he made sure he was followed by none especially that South Korean agent Kim Taehyung and then he entered into his underground working area filled with different types of guns, drugs, hacking computers, assassin weapons of many categories and one of his trusted person Min Yoongi 

"Agent Suga you didn't leave yet?" snatching away lollipop from his mouth I asked him who was busy with loading the gun again enhancing his skills shooting by aiming at darts "No I don't wish to. What about you? Where you came running from? Who chased you?" even though he didn't even spare glance at me but he already knew everything I must say God set invisible eyes on his nape "You probably know the reason" I settled down on the chair while sucking my lollipop "Don't tell me- is it that South Korean agent again-?" I chuckled "Who else it can be? I don't understand what always makes me interfere in his business indirectly" 

"Just accept it. It's meant to be, you both always meet up together at most unexpected places and times." he tried controlling his laugh but failed he's not wrong though. I just wanted to get some fresh air but there I interfere in his life indirectly and he chased me down again "Yeah yeah whatever thankfully I had my mask on face again so he wasn't able to see my face" I sulked at first but was proud on me later "Agent Kook I guess you need to get back to North Korea" his voice suddenly held seriousness which made me confused and turn to him "North Korea? So sudden? Why?" I was really curious we came back last month but again there? I hate that place "Agency wanna meet u, I tried hacking into the system but I wasn't able to so I guess you should go and find out" 

  "Must be some other drug dealing with other countries. You know what?" I stood up and looked at Yoongi who was already looking at me, gesturing him to continue further "I have been working with agency for almost 7 years and all along these years all I ever is said to do is drug exporting, guarding areas during parades, exporting and importing weapons, training minor kids for becoming future agents, driving the mistress of our CEO to home and back to his office and search for my dad's ashes." my voice stiffened and broke on my last sentence, it's been 11 years already and I haven't seen a bit of my dad's dead body, first I thought something is wrong with agency but when I searched all around I found nothing but got caught which effected Jin brother and his family so I needed to stop researching or they would have done worst to them and I can't let that happen Jin hyung practically raised me which my dad could never. 

I felt a hand on my shoulders and I knew it was Agent Suga, he was rubbing my shoulders in a comforting way and walk out from there. I just chuckled at him and at my helpless state, he doesn't shows but he cares, it's just he doesn't likes me being weak and emotional stuffs that's why he acts like that. 

"Let's see what's there for you in North Korea this time.. You know I am always a phone away when help needed." Yoongi shouted from outside which made me laugh out and I nodded to myself at his statement heading to my mini room to get things packed. 

The moment I landed there all memories again occupied my mind, this place is surely a trauma for me. A tears slide from side of my eyes. This place is purely a nightmare, I may seem okay but sometimes I wanna shoutout loud to feel better. I chuckled painfully and rode straight to my beloved hardworking brother, Kim Seok Jin. 

"Hyung?!" I called out looking around that's when I heard a soft yet playful voice of the only person who I think of everything is messed up, Kim Ye Sol 5 year old daughter of Jin brother. 

"Jungkookiee your back! Yaay!" she ran while shouting out loud and hugged my legs, I caressed her hairs. The only person I don't mind not getting respect from. I am never disappointed when she calls me by my name, I love this kid so much. She was always there when I pushed her away because I didn't wanted to hurt a kid. I still remember when I had a nightmare and opened my eyes I found her wiping my tears off while smiling even through I used to make her scared of me. She was always there in my hard time as my mother so eventually she became my second mom. 

"Yes my mother, I am back" I smiled and picked her up in my arms. "Where is your mom and dad mu little girl?" I asked her in soft voice and as she was about to say something, someone cut her off from behind "Jungkook! What a surprise! When you came here?" I looked back and saw Jin hyung "Yes well just landed."

"Cool, you didn't even let me know.." he scoffed at me "Is this how you treat guest- I am still at door brother. Ask me in" I said in dramatic manner "Yaa when the hell you became a guest here? Did you forget staying here for 12 years Mr. Guest?" he raised his eyebrows at me "yeah yeah, whatever" I moved my luggage aside and walk inside with Ye Sol still in my arms and sat down on the couch. S

"So there must have been a reason for you to be here right?!" Jin hyung asked settling beside me. "Yaa let the man take breath honey, he just arrived and you started investigating him" a lady with long hair reaching till her waist along with an hourglass figure, a beautiful human Kim Juni wife of Kim SeokJin interrupted getting down from stairs. "Noona how are you?" I asked her with small smile. 

"I am good Kookie, tell me how were you alone in New York. Aish you look so pale" she said checking my face with disappoint tone "pale?" I laughed slightly "I am just losing weight so I can stay active during missions. I am not getting pale big sister, so don't worry about me" I said assuring her, she sounds like my mom alot sometimes. I chuckled internally and got up when big brother said something gaining my attention "Jungkook we got a letter from agency asking you to be there by tonight" Jin hyung said looking at me with worried expression and walking towards me "Brother it's nothing serious chill I was sending them resignations maybe they wanna talk about it"

"whatever get out fast" he rolled his eyes which made me laugh and I walked towards my room, I entered inside nothing changed, it's all in it's place like last time, everything is on it's place. The bed with nightmares, the video games with cheers of victory, the walls carrying all of secrets I ever said, the pillows with tears, the washroom with helpless and painful screams. Everything is in it's place. It's been 2 years since I last saw this place after that I went for trainings and stayed there most of time and just visited here if Jin hyung needed me. 

I quickly got shower with warm water and got into proper suit attire while I was busy struggling with how to knot tie properly infront of mirror I didn't noticed the small hands trying to help me from long time. I looked infront of me to find Ye Sol standing on stool "My little girl, what you doing here?!" I smiled at her and crouch down to her level so she doesn't hurt herself. 

"You don't know how to knot tie. Let me help" she said making me laugh hard "You know how to knot tie?" she nodded confidently which made me surprise "So looks like my little girl ain't little anymore huh?!" I raised eyebrows while she chuckled "Yes I have bring brain but am still small in age and height" she replied with cheerful smile. 

"Fine, help me in tie." I took her in arms and placed her on bed making her sit comfortably and kneel down infront of her. In no time she made my tie perfectly and clapped happily looking at her success. I was left speechless, am I losing by a small kid now? "How you did that?! It's amazing then mine" I looked up at her surprised "I saw mom tying dad tie everyday so I just remember how to do it" she replied nervously.

"Your a fast leaner my little girl, am proud of you" I ruffled her hair and picked her up heading downstairs after carrying my phone. 

I placed her on couch and adjusted my suit for last time "Brother am leaving" I informed him and was leaving taking bike keys when I heard Ye Sol shouting from behind "Jungkook-aah bring me girlfriend one your back!" I nodded "As you say miss" I shouted back and get on my bike driving to the headquarters. 

I parked my bike and got down as I wore my idcard adjusting my suit I walk to the topmost floor. I knocked and entered in after getting permission and saw Mr. Lin sitting while his back faced me. I cleared my throat while he gestured me to take a seat. I sat down infront of his desk and he turned around. 

"What's freedom in your opinion?" Mr. Lin smashed the cigarette on a glass bowl and looked at me I was kind of confused so I looked around to find none so I pointed finger at myself "Are you asking me?" I looked at him questioned "Ofcourse Agent Kook who else is here that I can ask to? What is freedom? Isn't getting air to breath and house to live means freedom?" he chuckled darkly and in low voice. I looked towards the glass ball "Let me explain it better. So Mr. Lin there was a bird which was offered everything, it lived in the cage made up of gold, had personal servants who gave that bird food and water on time but that bird didn't lived long?!"

I speak as my eyes move back to his face which held confusion and curiosity Mr. Lin then slowly uttered "Why?" I chuckled and leaned on my chair "Because it didn't had freedom to fly in the sky freely, it was his right to fly but he caged in. There's no use of having air to breathe and house to live if you don't have freedom." I sat up and leaned towards him placing my both hands on his desk "You know what I mean right? Your smart enough to understand I hope." I smiled scarastically at him but regret when Mr. Lin smirked slightly but hide it quickly

Did I spoke too much? I don't think so, he asked me first. I just keep my smile while Mr. Lin nodded and let out a small laugh "You are straightforward, not afraid to care about consequences. One of the reasons why I wanted you to become an agent so bad" my hands formed into a fist underneath the table as I clenched my jaw his stupid wish made my whole life miserable. I suffered mentally and physically in a age where I thought of studying to make a good living. 

"I am sure that's not you called me here to talk for right Mr. Lin?" I tried to cool down and speak as professional as I can sound at the moment. "You got me. So let's get to the point." he got up and bought something from the cabin and tossed on the table infront of me. "Take a look carefully, one mistake you make and you no longer will make to the very next day but-" he paused which made me frown and look at him "but?" I raised my eyebrow "but if you success in this you will get freedom" he said as he leaned on his table towards me

"I feel something good won't happen, whatever it is get back home and you need to have dinner with us. Alright?!" Jin brother said and pulled me in a hug I tried to move back but he tightened his grip around me "I can't breathe!" I pulled myself back to my standing position "Your anxiety will take my life you know that right!?" I placed hand on chest looking at him dramatically.

My whole world stopped infront of me. Freedom am I really hearing it right? I will be able to get Jin hyung, Juni noona and my love Ye Sol out of this messy country? They will be able to live a perfect life for the rest of their life along with me? My thoughts got disturbed as Mr. Lin snapped his finger infront of me. 

"A great deal right?" he said in his deep voice followed by a small smile Complete this last mission of your agent life and get freedom in return. So what are your thoughts about this Agent Kook?" he looked at me with raised eyebrows somehow knowing I already accepted the deal "Sounds good. What's the mission this time? It must not be easy." I said hesitating between and cleared my throat before picking up file and going through it. 

As I read first two page my eyes shot up towards Mr. Lin with a frozen and hard face "Your sending me to South Korea?" I didn't knew how to react. Happy? Sad? Cry? Anger? What should I do? I looked at him eagerly waiting for a better response "Ofcourse that's what is written on the file right?" he stated before settling back on his chair. 

"Sir I am not up for jokes. I don't think I will be able to go there and complete this assignment." I tried best to deny politely but as always being kind doesn't really make things work "You adore your cousin brother alot right? What was his name again?" he said acting like he's thinking hard "Oh yeah! Kim SeokJin right? I hope you won't like to see how them in a miserable state, do you?" 

"It's blackmail Mr. Lin." I clenched my jaw as I looked at him while he simply looked at me with suspicious gaze "Oh really I thought it's a great offer moreover it's your first assassination mission. You should be happy to know that. Choice is yours. Either assassination or losing your only families forever."

"I am grateful to you for choosing me sir but I can't do this-" before I could complete my words Mr. Lin stood up and walked behind me as he leaned down towards my ears slightly "Our mens are already pointing guns towards your sweet little family." I clenched my jaw as I could feel him smirking evily "Don't worry your fake identity and all will be handled by Agent Suga." he patted my shoulders before walking out of the office leaving me dumbfounded. 

I just sat there thinking if I have any choice because I can't think of any. What do I even expect? They won't let me have freedom for a stupid work right?

I silently stood up griping the files tightly in my palm and walked out of the office to Jin brother's apartment. 

I got down from my bike and as I was heading inside I recognized some familiar faces roaming around the house. I pretended to ignore them as I walked inside. 

"Ya Jungkook, how was the meeting?" he asked as I entered the chaotic hall way. Toys scattered on the floor, Hana sister scolding Ye Sol while she keep on playing with her noisy toys. I just looked at him with lost and tired eyes. Jin hyung's eyes scanned my face and then his gaze shifted towards the file in his hand.

"Jungkook were are you going this time?" he asked as he headed towards me "South Korea" I replied as I looked away avoiding his gaze but then everything got into deep unwanted silence. 

"To where?!"

Here “hyung” used for “older brother”

“noona” for “big sister”

YASHRA_ARFIcreators' thoughts