
Complicated Sex Life Of Ben

Follow the Life of A teenage boy learning about love and sex with his cute classmates, gorgeous cheerleaders, friends at summer camp, a beautiful neighbor, and even his own sisters. INSPIRED BY TRUE STORY. .... DISCLAIMER ..THE PICTURE AND THE STORY IS NOT MINE. I JUST WANT TO SHARE THIS WONDERFUL STORY TO ANYONE WHO IS WRITING SMUT AND HOPE THEY LEARN FROM IT. AS I FED UP READING SMUT NOVEL WITH DUMB LOGIC AND VERY BAD H-SCENE WRITING. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ME HARD AT ALL. ........ !!WARNING!! IT'S NOT FOR KIDS.. THE SMUT SCENE AND THE PLOT HERE IS VERY ADDICTIVE AND MORE REALISTIC... SO BE CAREFUL WHEN READING THIS... ............ Here's what to expect in this novel. A Lot of Drama, A Lot of Breakups, Incest, Almost every chapter has H-scene, Casual Sex, Age progression, Open Relationship, NTR is debatable like i said they are in Open relationship, but expect Cuckold, maybe Netori. My advice to the readers when reading this is to read this novel like you are reading a Diary of other Person. Just don't think yourself as ben. It will Hurt Less. ...................

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"G'night, Professor Rutledge. Have a good weekend," I greeted politely to the handsome mid-40s Finance professor. He was a recent hire, a visiting professor since last year with the goal of earning a more permanent position at Cal. He was also considered a bit of a hunk by the female students, Dawn included.

The older man with the chiseled jaw and longish Bon Jovi hair tossed me a quick salute as he locked up his office and then headed down the hallway. Ordinarily, I would have been heading that way myself, eager on this Friday night to get home to Dawn. Kim would usually leave right after work to spend the weekend at her dad's house, which usually meant my girlfriend would be waiting for me with some sort of wonderful surprise. Last Friday, that meant "meet Ben in the living room wearing nothing but high heels and a men's tie". But this weekend, Kim's father was going out of town for some friend's wedding, and our roommate had been excused to stay in Berkeley with us.

So I waited in the hallway as Viktoriya gave Kim a final set of instructions before departing for the evening. In the end, Kim turned to walk toward me. Behind her, where she couldn't see, Viktoriya winked at me and blew me a kiss, causing a little smirk to cross my face. Kim gave me a funny look as she came up next to me, but I shrugged it off and just started walking down the hall.

Kim fell into step alongside me, still looking sharp in her neatly-pressed skirt and business-cut blouse. I, myself, was dragging a little bit on this Friday evening as we left Cheit and started walking back to the house. And tiredly, I asked, "So whaddaya wanna do tonight? First weekend you get to stay in town and all."

Kim shrugged. "I don't really know, actually. Got any suggestions?"

I arched an eyebrow. "It's your free weekend. What do you want to do?"

Kim bit her lower lip. "I, uh. I don't know. I'm not really good at 'spontaneous', y'know?"

I chuckled. Kim was probably the most deliberate person I'd ever met. When given a set of instructions, there was no one on the planet more efficient at carrying them out to their completion. It was one of those things that made her such an excellent student. But coming up with creative, off-the-cuff ideas in a brainstorming session just wasn't her thing. She'd much rather create an agenda well ahead of time, planned down to within half-hour blocks, and carry out those events than just ... whatever. "But you didn't plan this weekend out, either?"

Kim frowned. "I didn't have time to really think about it. My father just got invited to this thing kinda last minute. It's the guy's third wedding. I don't think he's much for planning himself. And Viktoriya's kept me so busy lately I haven't given it much thought."

I shrugged. "Well, let's figure it out with Dawn. It's your only weekend here, and I'm sure we can all figure out something fun."

Kim's face immediately brightened. "Really?"

"Sure. Why not?"

She frowned immediately. "Are you sure? I know Friday nights are usually something you really look forward to."

"What do you mean?"

Kim blushed, "Ah, well..."

I turned and glared at her. "Tell me," I ordered.

Kim blushed again. "Well, you usually have an erection before you even leave here on Friday nights. I'm guessing Friday after work is Dawn's and your time to catch up after being cramped by me all week."

"You don't cramp us, Kim."

"Sure I do. I've tried to tell you not to hold back, but I can tell you guys are restraining yourselves."

Actually, I didn't feel like I was restraining much. Even with Viktoriya screwing me a few times a week, whether in her office or at her house, Dawn and I were still knocking boots pretty much every night. BUT, despite her occasional wild streak, Dawn did go out of her way not to shove our sex life in Kim's face. So that meant she only met me naked when she was sure Kim wasn't coming home. And she wouldn't ever let me just grab her and screw her brains out on the floor during the weekdays. "It's no big deal," I offered.

"But I don't like to be a bother. And now I'm taking away your weekend. Maybe I should just go and housesit for my dad."

"No," I stated firmly. Without thinking about it, I grabbed Kim's arm just above her elbow. Too much time spent with Viktoriya had changed my impulses. Wincing an apology, I let go of Kim's arm. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

"I just meant: you don't need to go. We'd love to have you here. You've been our roommate for what, a month and a half? And we really haven't had any time to hang out socially, just at work. I know you chat with Dawn some evenings, and we've visited with your friends a couple of times, but now we've got a whole weekend. Right?"

"I guess."

"Hey. Maybe Dawn and I can even double-date with you and this mystery boyfriend you keep disappearing off with."

Immediately, Kim frowned and sort of glared at me. "Ben..." she sighed. "I don't have a mystery boyfriend, okay?"

"You don't?"

She shook her head.

"Then where do you keep disappearing to?"

"Can we drop it?" Kim gave me a weird look.

I held up my hands. "Fine, fine." I figured that she'd had a mystery boyfriend, but perhaps they'd since broken up. Then trying to lighten the mood, I gave her a lopsided grin. "Seriously though, if you're not sure what you want to do yet, just sit back, relax, and let Dawn and I figure everything out. I promise you'll enjoy yourself."

Kim finally smiled, looking quite happy with my suggestion. "Sounds great."

"Duuuuuuude. I just had an epiphany! My last name's Kim. And her first name is Kim! It's like we're meant to be together!"

Okay, note to self: Cut Bert off at four drinks. He gets a little crazy after that. Even though none of us were 21, Dawn had learned the trick on how to get the dance club hand stamp claiming that you really are (i.e. be freakin' gorgeous, smile, and bat your eyelashes). She'd been funneling drinks to us all night, and Bert was now paying the price.

I sighed and wrapped my arm around my friend's shoulder. "But then if you got married, her name would be Kim Kim," I explained.

"Oh, right." Bert furrowed his eyebrows and went rigidly still. He frowned and stared at some point straight in front of him. "Dude, that would be kinda weird."

I smiled and nodded, encouraging this train of thought as if my friend were a 6-year-old while patting him on the back. Emboldened ever since that wild night at Carter's, Bert had been on the prowl for a new girlfriend for a couple of months. He'd actually hooked up with a pretty hot girl at a party two weeks ago from what he told me, but apparently she wasn't looking for anything serious.

Tonight, Bert had flirted with Kim quite a bit when we brought him along to this San Francisco dance club so Kim wouldn't feel like such a third wheel. But she made it clear she wasn't returning his advances and in the interest of maintaining the peace, I pulled my friend away just when he was starting to get a little too aggressive. As much as I liked Bert, and wanted him to succeed, he wasn't going to do anything but alienate Kim in his currently inebriated state.

"But hey!" Bert chirped happily. "Kim Kim works whether you're saying it in Western order or Asian, with the last name first!"

I rolled my eyes. Water ... Need to get him some water ... And maybe a slice of pizza.

"Duuude!" Bert suddenly exclaimed, gawking past my right ear. "How many drinks has your girlfriend had? She just fuckin' took her top off!"

Shocked, I whirled around to the dance floor, eyes bugged out as I quickly zeroed in on Dawn. Contrary to Bert's proclamation, she was fully-clothed and mixing it up with Bert's current object of obsession.

Rolling my eyes, I heard Bert hiccup behind me and chuckle, "Made you look."

"Seriously???" With a groan, I propped Bert up against a railing while he chugged an insanely expensive bottle of water. And then sighing, I turned to look down at the two beautiful girls.

As always, Dawn was the picture of restrained graceful movement. She wasn't the type to go all nuts, dancing at hyper-speed like it was a sprint. She wasn't the type to go all exhibitionist, flaunting her curves and doing her best to draw the attention of every pair or eyes around her. She merely swayed to the music, in perfect rhythm, while letting her arms and torso undulate like seaweed in the underwater tide. She was ethereally gorgeous, and even though she wasn't trying to draw attention to herself, I would forever be captivated by her.

Kim was taking her cues from Dawn. I'd seen the pretty Japanese-American girl dance a couple of times before, most notably the last time I'd been to this very same club with her, Adrienne, Grace, Misty, and Paige. Kim hadn't danced with me much, leaving the more overt flirting to Misty and Paige, but I'd paid attention whenever I had her focus on me. Then, she'd been rather more seductive, dancing more like Misty with close grinding and batted eyelashes. At the time, I'd thought she was going out of her way to flirt with me. But in hindsight, I realized the somewhat sheltered girl was just trying to fit in, copying Misty's and Paige's moves. And now she was copying Dawn.

And I had to admit, I wondered what other things she might be able to do like Dawn.

But that was the alcohol talking. For as long as I'd known Kim, she'd never made a serious move to indicate she wanted to hook up with me. There had been plenty of opportunities back when we shared classes together our freshman year, and especially during the past couple of months being our roommate and my co-worker. Dawn and I had made clear ours was an open relationship, but so far Kim hadn't taken any of our baited hooks. She just didn't seem to be interested.

I found myself staring at the two girls dancing together, with my gaze lingering on Kim. For as long as she'd been around, and for as much as we'd been working together, I really didn't know THAT much about her. She was a bundle of contradictions: flirty yet bashful, edgy yet reserved, beautiful yet unadorned. At first sight, I saw the blonde-streaked hair, hot pink fingernails, and leather-clad motorcycle chick; but on second look, she often seemed an even more reserved and demure Asian girl than my first girlfriend Megan Kwan, or even Elaine Fukuhara. After being a quintissential tomboy throughout High School, with three elder brothers and no mom, Kim was still learning how to be "girly".

And she was doing a pretty good job of it now. The hair was still blonde-streaked. The fingernails were still hot pink, if trimmed short. And given the close-to-skintight outfit she was wearing, there was no doubt that Kim Fukuzaki was all "girl". Her top was a hot pink cami, the spaghetti straps a little off-set on her shoulders to show the black straps of her bra. The jeans looked spray-painted on, with just the right curvature to show her hips. And the hems fell almost all the way to the floor, but not so far that they obscured the last inch of her stylish black shoes, finished with stiletto heels.

Dawn had also done Kim's makeup tonight, and I'm sure my girlfriend styled Kim in a way she knew I would like. Now, as my beautiful blonde lover noticed my gaze, she purposely turned Kim's back to me and then slid in closer to the gyrating Asian girl, running her hands up and down Kim's side and even giving her a quick pinch on the ass.

Kim jumped and then giggled something to Dawn. And then a few seconds later, they started dancing together again, this time even more closely. And with a shit-eating grin on her face, Dawn looked past Kim's ear while arching her eyebrow at me.

She's drunk and horny. If you ever want to hook up with her, now's your chance.

Dawn's lips didn't move. But despite being in my head, the comment was in Dawn's voice. It's not like we had ESP; I was pretty sure the thought was mine, and not mystically transmitted by my girlfriend. But at the same time, I had no doubt that she and I were thinking the same thing.

So taking advantage of the opportunity, I started moving my hips to the music and gyrated my way in to join the girls. Dawn immediately stepped to the side to allow me to form a triangle with them. But as one song led to two, Dawn stepped further to the side until Kim and I were face to face, our crotches moving closer and closer as I put one foot between hers and leaned in to synchronize my movements with her own.

Kim gasped and then giggled as she realized I was moving in on her. But after a quick glance to Dawn to make sure she wasn't in any trouble, the pretty Japanese-American babe let a shy smile cross her lips as she moved herself even closer, her gaze starting at my hips and then slowly tracking up until she was able to look into my eyes.

There is only one word to describe the way Kim was looking at me in that moment: curious. She was curious. The girl had been listening to me screwing Dawn's lights out most every night for the past several weeks. She'd heard the stories of my sexual adventures from Adrienne, Grace, and Misty. And perhaps it was impossible not to at least wonder what the Big Ben Experience was really all about.

The look in her eyes was an invitation, and too drunk to really control my impulse, I reached out and took hold of Kim's hip. She stiffened but did not resist as I brought her in a little closer, and then our legs were riding together and I felt the heat of her breath against my neck as we started freaking each other even tighter. The only thing stopping me from taking her on the dance floor were our clothes.

Time to go.

But what to do about Bert? As much as I wanted to jump Kim's bones, I wasn't just going to abandon my friend. And maybe it would be better if I didn't jump Kim. Although she'd had shown a clear attraction to me since the beginning (and despite her shyness, I knew enough about girls now to be sure of that), and she'd let me approach her in this way, she hadn't made any active moves to start something between us. Maybe it was because of her shyness that she could never make the first move. Maybe she just couldn't wrap her head around my open relationship with Dawn. Maybe she was really DID have some mystery boyfriend she wanted to remain loyal to.

But maybe she'd be receptive if I made a more serious move. Like Dawn had once speculated, if we just pushed her a bit, Kim would say "yes". Maybe not; but in my buzzed/horny state, I sure wanted to find out.

Still, there was Bert. I supposed we could just have him crash on our couch. The boy was certainly too drunk to drive himself all the way home to Fremont. The sounds of sex would still carry out of my bedroom, but hopefully the extra soundproofing would keep things from becoming TOO awkward.

Sighing, I turned to my side, ready to tell the guy it was time to go home. But he wasn't next to me. Frowning, I started scanning the room, looking for my friend and not finding him on the first pass.

But then I saw him on the second pass. I'd skipped over him the first time since his back was to me and I hadn't been expecting to see him in the position he was in: that is, with his tongue imbedded down some hot girl's throat.

Bashfully, I had to tap him on the shoulder and tell him, "Time to go, man."

Bert frowned but the girl agreed with me. "Uh-huh. Time to go," she said huskily. "I'll drive." And then she grabbed my friend's wrist and started dragging him toward the exits.

I never did find out the girl's name. To be honest, I'm not sure Bert did, either. But he certainly had a big grin plastered across his face the next time I saw him. All we ever knew was that she was blonde, she had big boobs, and for some unfathomable reason, for one night she was totally into Bert. Yeah, my friend got a little crazy after four drinks; but then, some girls like crazy.

So with Bert taken care of, the girls and I headed home. I didn't hear much coming from the back seat while I drove back to our house. Dawn and Kim were together back there, letting me chauffer them while also getting some privacy to secretively whisper to each other. I didn't know what was being said, but I had faith that Dawn was putting ideas into the other girl's head that would ultimately lead her into my bed. Heck, if I was really lucky, Kim would even be open to Dawn joining us. I thought Kim was pretty straight, but I'd been wrong before.

But that was a side concern. Right now, I wanted to keep the mood going, and the girls seemed of like mind. Once home, Dawn headed for her laptop, docked on the dining table and chock full of mp3s. She turned to Kim and ordered, "Go grab us some wine."

"Okay." Kim nodded agreeably and went into the kitchen, wobbling just a bit on her way.

I sidled up behind my girlfriend, who was leaning over the table logging in and starting up iTunes. I rubbed my palm over her ass, letting it linger and fondle a bit while bending over and tenderly kissing the back of her neck. "You are incredible," I hummed happily, still slightly buzzed.

Dawn gave me a perfect giggle as she turned her face to mine for a kiss. We locked lips and moaned before parting to let Dawn pull up her playlist. And as the music started coming out of the speakers we'd scattered around the living room, Kim returned with a bottle of Pinot and three glasses.

Dawn quickly stood up straight and went to intercept the dark-haired beauty. She pulled the bottle away, saying, "I'll take those. You go dance with Ben."

Simply nodding, Kim came to me as I raised my hands to hers and rather formally waltzed her into the middle of the living room, the stiff motions a sharp contrast to the grooving R&B of Usher crooning something off his Confessions album. She giggled as I sent her into a pirouette. And then I pulled her back to dance a little more closely with me.

Inadvertently, Kim tripped as she stepped in. She still wasn't quite used to wearing heels, and the motion brought her face right up to mine, enough that she almost kissed me by accident. But I caught her and steadied her, and we almost came to a dead stop, just swaying slightly from side-to-side while looking at each other with wide open eyes.

This was it. I could feel the tension between us. Kim stared at me with her eyes aflame. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled my scent. And her lips parted and puckered in preparation to act on her attraction to me. From everything I ever knew about girls and sex, I was dead sure she wanted me to kiss her.

But I couldn't make that first move. Kim was a friend, a co-worker. Right now, in this moment, she wanted to take our friendship to the next level. But my conscience wasn't sure how she would feel in the morning. And as much as I was attracted to her, I didn't want to change the nature of our relationship unless she was 100% in agreement. It wasn't like I needed the sex. Dawn and Viktoriya had been giving me plenty. For Kim and I to hook up like this, we would both have to want to take this next step in our relationship. And I couldn't know that unless Kim herself made it clear.

"Are we doing this?" I asked softly, my lips just inches away from hers.

"Do you want to?" she asked me just as softly.

I let my eyes run up and down her face as a little smile tugged at my lips. "Yes, I do."

Kim smiled. She puckered her lips further and leaned in, but just before our lips met, she paused and asked a question I did NOT see coming. "Do I have to?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and jerked back. "'Have to'?" That had SUCH the wrong connotation for me.

Kim looked at me nervously, an edge in her dark eyes. She bit her lip again and nodded.

"Kim..." I said gently and shifted my hands to her sides, retracting back from where I'd started to slide toward her ass. "You don't HAVE to do anything. There's no pressure here. We're just friends, and you can do whatever you want to do."

Now it was her turn to furrow her eyebrows and look pensive. Kim was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling dramatically as she fought to maintain control over herself. And then for a split second, she leaned toward me, puckering her lips once again.

But just as I puckered to meet her, Kim pulled back and turned away. "I'm sorry," she said in a tone of shame as she looked around the floor, darting her head left and right almost spastically. And then with one last, "I'm sorry," she looked up and practically ran into her room, the door closing with a grim finality.

My shoulders sagged and I exhaled slowly, looking to the archway between the living room and hallway where Kim had disappeared. And then catching my breath, I looked up and over at Dawn, who still stood by the dining table with three half-filled wine glasses.

"What just happened?" I asked.

Dawn popped her eyebrows, giving me a puzzled look. "I have NO idea."

Well I always said that pushing Kim would only result in one of two possible outcomes: either we'd hook up, or things would get awkward. Unfortunately, as Saturday morning rolled around, it looked like we'd have result number two. Dawn and I came downstairs, half-expecting that Kim would either be hiding in her bedroom or having fled somewhere else. But she was on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal and watching TV.

If I had learned nothing else from my experience dealing with girls, I'd learned enough to know that I couldn't let any awkwardness fester. I had to man up and take responsibility for my own actions last night, and do my best to communicate with my roommate. So I went straight to the couch with Dawn trailing behind me, and I sat down a respectable distance away. "Good morning."

Kim blushed and gave me a weak smile. "Morning."

"Look, I want to apologize for last night. You're more than just a roommate; you're my co-worker and our friend." I gestured back to Dawn and myself. "I didn't mean to jeopardize that. We were partying and I was a little drunk and more than a little horny, and I'm afraid I may have pushed you beyond-"

"It's okay," Kim cut me off, waving her hand. "I should be apologizing," she said bashfully while scrutinizing the bottom of her cereal bowl.

"You have nothing to apologize for," I said graciously.

"No, I do," Kim stated with a sigh. "I don't claim to be the most experienced girl around, not with this dating and partying and all that stuff. But I know that I was sending you signals – both of you. And I know you guys have an open relationship and have kinda held the door open for me if I wanted to go through it. I'm flattered, really. But, uh, I just never knew how I'd feel after if we actually ... we actually ... you know." Kim shrank back into her shyness at the end.

I shrugged and glanced over at Dawn, who was taking the opposite couch. And then with a little smile, I said, "I think it would feel a little like this. A line was almost crossed last night, and right now we have to decide if we can handle it."

Kim blinked and glanced down. She exhaled and then looked up at me with that nervous smile. "I think I can handle it."

I nodded and then extended my hand forward. "Friends?"

Kim chuckled and then reached out to pump my hand. "Friends."


The weather was perfect late Sunday when Dawn and I returned home from her parents' house. Our families had come back from Morris Camp on Saturday, July 31st and spent the night together at the Evans' house.

The only one missing was Adrienne, who was in New York for the weekend. But her Frederick's of Hollywood Catalog was finished, and she'd sent us an advance copy. Everyone in The Family, parents included, oohed and ahhed over the sexy spread. What can I say? Adrienne's a fucking goddess in lingerie.

And my heart nearly stopped when I saw the photo on page 16. Adrienne was reclining on a bed wearing a matching pink ensemble that was sure to become a best-seller. But my eyes were drawn to her face, where she had raised her right hand up to demurely cover her cheek, her right eye looking out from between her third and fourth fingers. And on that fourth finger was a small diamond amidst a gold leaf flower: my promise ring.

I had to leave the room then. Moisture was forming in my eyes that I didn't want anyone else to see. I'd been with Adrienne just a few weeks ago, but I still missed her.

Otherwise, we all had a good time together as a family. Although Dawn and I had a quiet lovemaking session in her bedroom, there were no orgies. Dayna and Brandi had actually left at bedtime to return to their own place in San Francisco. Dawn and I had the option to do so as well, but we'd wanted to stick around and see our younger siblings in the morning. Brooke and DJ holed themselves up in DJs room; apparently something intense was going down that just HAD to be discussed. And the twins were in their own little world as they scooped up Dayna's bedroom and chatted amongst themselves.

This morning, we hung out as a group and then eventually went our separate ways. My parents hugged me goodbye without fussing. Brooke enthused about coming back in a few weeks to start her own college career. And the twins were simply affectionate in their goodbyes, just my baby sisters without any of the sexual tension of a year ago.

And for Dawn and I, it was back to Berkeley.

"Ben. Would you please wait a moment?"

I stopped with my bag slung over one shoulder and looked back at my professor. And then I glanced over to Kim.

"I'll see you Monday," my roommate offered. She always went straight home to Sunnyvale on Friday evenings. I nodded a goodbye, and then Kim left.

The instant the door closed, I felt my spine stiffen as I pulled myself up to an erect position. Just being alone with Viktoriya sent a surge of adrenaline through my body. For months now, she had called me 'Master' and submitted to my every sexual whim. It made me feel ... powerful.

Similarly, Viktoriya's personality quickly dropped to that of my slave. She put her hands to her sides and lowered her gaze in deference to me. And in a respectful tone, rather than her usual imperious teacher voice, she asked, "Master, will you please-"

Her voice cut off immediately when I swiped my 90-degree bent hand across my throat. She went rigidly still as I dropped my pack to the floor and crossed the space between us in three steps. The gorgeous Russian babe shivered as I reached up to grip her head in my strong hands. And she whimpered when I leaned forward and almost – but not quite – kissed her lips.

Instead, I tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. I momentarily felt like Dracula as I viewed the milky white, tender flesh. She was so vulnerable as I leaned in and latched my lips onto her neck. I didn't bite her, not with my teeth at least. But I sucked her neck into my mouth and kept up the vacuum pressure for about thirty seconds while she trembled in my grasp.

After a time, I backed away and smirked at the dark purple bruise forming on Viktoriya's lily white skin. She reached up and touched the hickey before lowering her eyes and demurely saying, "Thank you, Master."

"Continue," I gestured.

Taking a deep breath, with her fingers still against my mark of possession, she stated, "I would like to ask that you come to my house tonight."


Viktoriya pinched her lips together. "I have missed you. All week, we have not been together."

I arched an eyebrow. "I fucked you over that desk on Tuesday."

Viktoriya grimaced. "But we have not been together at my house. It was only a short quickie on Tuesday."

I sighed. "It's a Friday. This is my night with Dawn."

"Please. She can come too."

"Why?" I arched an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to this than a typical rendezvous. "What is special about tonight?"

Viktoriya couldn't help but glance up at me, a twinkle in her blue eyes. But a second later she schooled her features and returned her gaze to the middle of my chest. "I have something for you: a gift. And if you are happy with my gift, I believe I will have finally earned that kiss I've wanted from you for so long."

My eyebrow stayed arched. "A gift?" I asked in confusion. There was no object I wanted from her. And there was nothing sexual she'd denied me in the past couple of months. It wasn't like she could offer me a virgin orifice or something like that. I'd already had all three of those, many times.

"Please. I would like this to be a surprise."

I chuckled. She had my curiosity piqued. "Nine o'clock. We'll be at your house."

There was no mistaking the smile on Viktoriya's face. "Thank you, Master."

It wasn't a big surprise to Dawn when I told her Viktoriya wanted us to visit tonight. Despite my supposed "ownership" of her, Viktoriya was in the habit of making the requests whenever the urge struck her, and Dawn and I were usually amenable to the spontaneity of the situation. I, obviously, got to play with more than one pussy. Dawn rather enjoyed the opportunities as well, not to mention getting some help in satisfying my notoriously high libido.

Of course, we needed to fuel up for dinner before heading over.

"What do you want tonight?"

I shrugged and stated, "I'll grill up some steaks for us. Protein builds muscle."

Dawn frowned. "Hmm. I was thinking more along the lines of carb-loading. This does seem like a night for severe aerobic exercise."

I chuckled. "Let's do the vermicelli with olive oil. Broccoli and some chicken?"

Dawn smiled. "Sounds good." And then we headed into the kitchen to make the food together.

Later that evening, I parked the Mustang in my usual spot, and then Dawn and I walked up to the nice 2-bedroom North Berkeley house. We were actually a couple of minutes early when I rang the doorbell, and it was a minute or two before the door finally swung open.

"You're late," I stated in an annoyed tone.

"My apologies, Master," Viktoriya replied nervously while bowing her head, slightly out of breath. "I was not expecting you early."

"Your expectations do not concern me," I stated coolly, stifling the urge to grin. This 'Master' stuff was fun. "You must be prepared for all contingencies."

"Yes, Master." Viktoriya bowed her head a little lower.

I stepped inside and Dawn followed me. Only then did I pause to take in the beautiful older woman's appearance. Her chestnut-brown hair was pulled tight back against her scalp, ending in a braided ponytail. Her makeup was rather more severe than normal, styled for intimidation more than seduction. And her lingerie was all in black, from tight corset to sheer panties and even knee-high boots.

"Very nice," I complimented.

Viktoriya bowed. "Please follow me. And please remain silent. My surprise is waiting upstairs."

"Waiting"? An object technically can't "wait". That meant that whatever was upstairs was a living being, probably a girl. So with this new understanding of Viktoriya's "gift" in mind, I started to fantasize about the possibilities. With visions of a four-way percolating in my brain, I arched an eyebrow at Dawn, who just shrugged. Viktoriya then moved off; and curious, I followed her up the stairs and into the main bedroom.

What I found there was such a shock that it was all I could do not to grunt in surprise. Dawn had to cover her mouth as she gasped as well. For kneeling on top of the bed, blindfolded, was Kim Fukuzaki.

The 20-year-old co-ed was in a form of "The Position". She knelt on top of the mattress with her legs together so that she sat on her own heels. Kim's chin was thrust outward with her hands in front of her in a praying position. And her face was covered with a black blindfold, which also kept her long, silky hair pulled back behind her ears, although some of it fell in front of her shoulders.

Now while I'd seen Kim's body in varying states of undress as my roommate, ranging from bathrobes to plain T-shirts with a pair of boxer shorts, I was seeing a LOT more of her now. Her neck was adorned with a studded leather collar, the D-ring attached to a leash which she held between her hands. Her bra and panties were simple white satin, showing off a perky bosom of average-sized breasts. Her torso was lithe, with a taut stomach. And the white bikini-cut panties helped to emphasize her slender hips. But her feet were bare, and except for the blindfold and collar, she would have appeared just a normal girl in her underwear.

"Is someone there?" Kim asked nervously.

Viktoriya glanced back at us and held a finger over her lips to keep us quiet. "No, dear. We are alone."

"I thought I heard-"

"You thought wrong," Viktoriya cut her off.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"It's confession time, my dear," Viktoriya purred as she approached the bed. Wordlessly, Kim took the end of the leash and held it up with both hands, offering it to our professor. Viktoriya grinned as she took it, then gave an experimental tug before glancing back at me with fire in her eyes. It was startling for me to see my professor like this. I'd gotten used to her acting submissively to me, and sometimes I forgot how much of a domme she could be when in her Ice Queen persona.

"Yes, Ma'am," Kim stated obediently.

"Were you naughty this week?"

Kim exhaled slowly, bending her head down. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Tell me," Viktoriya commanded.

"I spied on my roommates again."

"Did you now?" Viktoriya grinned as she glanced over at us. Dawn was watching at rapt attention. I leaned forward curiously myself. And then Viktoriya returned to Kim, ordering, "Tell me."

"It was twice this week. On Monday, I told them I was going out with friends. I left, but I snuck back in ten minutes later. They were making love on the couch."

"Where were you?"

"In the hallway, looking in."

"Exactly what were they doing?"

"Ben was kneeling on the floor, licking Dawn's pussy."

"Did that arouse you?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Were you playing with yourself?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"How long did you stay?"

Kim kept her gaze downward. "They always go more than once. After her first two orgasms, Dawn turned around, kneeling on the cushions and bracing herself against the backrest. Ben fucked her from behind until they both came. I waited until she sucked him hard again and she started riding in his lap. While they were distracted, I snuck back out."

"And how many orgasms did you have?"

"Three, Ma'am."

"Very good. Now you said you watched them twice."

"Yes, Ma'am. The second time was last night. We were all watching TV together for the evening. Around 11pm we went to bed. I snuck up then and peeked into their bedroom."

"And they were having sex?"

"Yes, Ma'am. But they weren't just fucking. That one was very ... intimate."


"They were in a missionary position, holding each other closely and only moving just a little bit. They were kissing softly, tenderly, and whispering things to each other."

"Could you hear what they were saying?"


"How many orgasms did you have?"

"None. It was sweet, but it wasn't as arousing."

Viktoriya smiled at me and then raised a finger to her lips, tapping them thoughtfully. "How long have you been spying on your roommates?"

"I've told you, Ma'am."

"Tell me again."

"Uh, four weeks now."

I glanced at Dawn, who arched an eyebrow at me. She didn't look angry, merely curious.

"In fact, if I had not ordered you to come here tonight, you would have watched them tonight, would you not?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Is this a regular Friday occurrence for you?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I tell them I'm going home to visit my parents on Fridays, and they usually have sex as soon as Ben arrives home. I wait and watch them before actually leaving."

My eyebrows popped as I thought back to this afternoon's sexual encounter, which had resulted in Dawn and me having a quickie right on the foyer floor.

"I see." Viktoriya grinned at me, walking around the bed, tugging on the leash every now and again. "And do you have any other confessions?"

Kim took a deep breath. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Tell me."

"On Tuesday, when you sent me out for research, I spied on Professor Rutledge again. He had Samantha Hitchcock with him."

I glanced at Dawn again, who now looked quite amused. We were both thinking of the ruggedly handsome professor and his lissome blonde teaching assistant. And our smiles only got bigger as Kim described in detail how the professor was fucking the much younger girl.

"Is that all this week?" Viktoriya finally asked at the end of Kim's story.

Kim blanched and bit her lip.

"Answer me, slave!" Viktoriya suddenly barked in a harsh voice.

Kim quivered and shook her head. "No, Ma'am."

"Who else did you spy on?"

"You, Ma'am."

Viktoriya pulled her head back. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to."

Our professor's eyebrows furrowed as she looked rather angry at the kneeling girl. "Tell me!" she commanded in a loud voice.

"Well ... uh ... Professor Rutledge didn't last very long. Not long enough for me to get off, anyway. And from the way Samantha was complaining, he wasn't getting hard again fast enough. I also heard footsteps in the hallway, so I quickly closed their door and left. By then, I'd forgotten exactly what paper you'd asked me to research, so I was coming back to the office to ask. That's when I saw you."

"On Tuesday?" Viktoriya asked, covering her gaping mouth with one hand.

"Yes, Ma'am. I saw you ... and Ben."

"Did you now?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Even past the blindfold, I could tell Kim was blushing.

"Was this the first time?"

Kim hesitated, and my mind flashed back to that first time I'd seen the door cracked open after nailing my professor over her office desk nearly two weeks ago. In a quiet voice, Kim then admitted, "No..."

"Well then, my dear. It seems that you have been a naughty girl."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I think you need to be punished."

"No, Ma'am. Please? You know I don't like that," Kim whimpered.

"Well if you are not punished, you must otherwise make amends."

"Yes, Ma'am. I will."

Cocking an eyebrow at me, Viktoriya then grinned and started walking around the bed. She tugged lightly on Kim's leash, turning the Asian girl around until she was facing the head of the bed. Our Economics professor then settled herself against the headboard, supported by pillows. And with a leering smile, Viktoriya reached down and slid off her own panties.

Now showing off her neatly-trimmed pussy for all to see, Viktoriya spread her legs to the sides, tugged down on Kim's leash, and stated coolly, "Make amends, my dear."

"Yes, Ma'am," Kim replied. Blindly, she reached forward to grasp the older woman's thighs, moving herself by feel until she lay flat on her belly in a position where she could begin lapping at Viktoriya's fuzzed mound. And from the familiar way she went about her business, it was clear this wasn't the first time Kim was eating her out.

I arched an eyebrow to Dawn, communicating my thoughts. She looked at me and just nodded, then the two of us stepped out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind us, but not latching it so as to avoid the clicking noise.

"Whoa," I stated quietly once we were alone. "Didn't see that coming."

"You didn't?" Dawn smirked. "I love you, but you can be clueless sometimes."


Dawn giggled. "I noticed Kim was spying on us about three weeks ago."

"You didn't tell me?"

My girlfriend shrugged. "Seemed harmless, and more fun this way besides. It turned me on to know we were being watched. But I didn't want to make you self-conscious. I knew that if you knew, you'd start acting all funny around her."

I winced. "I probably would," I conceded truthfully.

Dawn nodded her head into the room. "Reminded me of when Brooke and DJ would sneak around trying to spy on us. Even though Kim seems like a punky motorcycle chick on the surface, she's really a very sheltered girl when it comes to sex and relationships. I don't think she has much experience. It's probably why she's been so hesitant to take us up on our offers to join us."

I frowned and then glanced to the room myself. "I don't think that's quite it."


I bit my lip and thought back over the past few months. I was silent for a long while, just processing my thoughts, and Dawn waited me out. But after a minute of putting the pieces together, I stood up straight and looked right at my girlfriend. "She's a sub."

"Kim?" Dawn jerked a thumb to the door. "Obviously, Einstein."

I shook my head. "No, more than just this. You said before that Viktoriya didn't really submit to me; she's just playing a role. Well it's not just a game for Kim. She's really a submissive personality, and it looks like she gave herself to Viktoriya some time ago."

"What? Like a Master-Slave relationship?"

I nodded.

"But Kim hesitated when Viktoriya talked about punishing her."

I shrugged. "I don't think submission necessarily means she's into bondage or pain. Remember, Viktoriya's got the ball gag and all that other stuff. But Kim's isn't wearing any of it, only the blindfold and collar. There are no marks on her body. No riding crops or whips. Just commands."


"And then there's Kim's personality. She really never comes up with anything on her own. She doesn't do spontaneous, always second-guessing herself. She's much happier to have other people tell her what to do, even if it means you telling her to set the table or get some wine or whatever. Then, she just does it without really thinking about it. Like the thing with her clothing and makeup. You just said: 'This is what you're wearing and here's your makeup', and she went along with it."

Dawn was nodding her head slowly. "She responds to confidence, someone in charge. Someone forceful. Professor Ice can definitely be like that."

"Viktoriya is her idol," I agreed. And then chuckling, I shook my head. "And this whole time, my ego wanted me to believe she had this little thing for me."

Dawn grinned. "She does."

"Huh? No, I'm not Kim's type. I'm too wishy-washy."

"You haven't been the last couple of months." Dawn giggled and leaned into me. "This Master-Slave game you've been playing with Viktoriya has seriously stiffened your spine, babe."

"That's just a game. I'm not really the 'Master' type."

Dawn shook her head. "It's more than that. You're so much more decisive. Like with dinner tonight. I asked what you wanted, and you used to immediately ask ME what I wanted. It's nice that you're considerate, but it was also annoying. Tonight you just said, 'I'll grill steaks.' And you're not all rigid about it, the way Ryan could be sometimes. I told you I wanted carbs instead, and you immediately switched to the vermicelli. And when you pair that decisiveness with your natural flexibility, well..." Dawn purred. "It's pretty sexy."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Still. Kim had a chance to hook up with me, after we all went to that club. I told her point blank that I wanted to get intimate with her, and she ran away."

Dawn tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I was right there with you both. Kim asked if she had to. You told her she didn't have to. And left to her own choices, she chickened out and ran away."

"But she didn't have to. I'd never force her."

"Maybe not. But I think she wants to; she just can't make that leap on her own. Kim wants that decision taken out of her hands. And since Viktoriya invited us over here, I'm guessing our Professor's going to give the command you couldn't."

I raised my eyebrows. Viktoriya HAD promised me a gift.

Dawn quickly moved in, putting her hands on my chest and touching her lips to mine in a tender kiss. "C'mon. You want this. I want this. And I'm positive Kim wants this. Let's go rock her world."

Viktoriya was moaning and writhing on the bed when Dawn and I re-entered. Kim had moved up from her crotch and was currently tongue-lashing the older woman's nipples.

I recalled wondering what it would take to entice Kim into a threesome with Dawn and me, instead of just a one-on-one with me, since I'd believed Kim to be straight. She was clearly proving me wrong, and as I thought about it, it seemed that Kim just kept most of her sexual arousals under wraps most of the time, straight OR gay.

I was forming a clearer picture in my head of the young Asian girl: shy, sheltered, raised with boys and no mom. She was a social chameleon, taking on the mannerisms of those around her in an effort to blend in. She subsumed her sexual urges, preferring to lurk in the shadows and voyeuristically observe. I didn't find her behavior dirty; she was shy, that's all. And I'd never before met someone with a mindset like hers, so happy to let others make decisions for her.

Meanwhile, Viktoriya's eyes fluttered open as she realized we'd returned, and she quickly pushed Kim's head away. "Kim! Assume the position!" she barked.

Reacting quickly, Kim rocked back to sit on her heels and bring her legs together. Her hands came together in that prayer position once again. And since she was facing away from us, I took a moment to admire her slender body, with graceful spine and tight little ass.

"One more confession, my dear," Viktoriya intoned. "Do you have sexual urges for your roommates?"

Still blindfolded, Kim bowed her head and replied in a quiet voice. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Just Ben? Or both of them."

"Both of them, Ma'am."

"Very well. Because for one night, I am giving you to them."

"Ma'am?" Kim blurted in surprise, jerking her head up.

"OBEY," Viktoriya stated in a flat tone. "They are here. Right now. I am making your fantasy come true, my dear. And you are my gift to them."

"But..." Kim hesitated.

"Bend down, Kim. Assume Second Position."

Kim reached up to grab her blindfold, nearing a panic. But Viktoriya reached out and stopped her hand. "Obey..." she said in a softer voice. "You want this. You've told me you wanted this. Just enjoy it."

Quietly, Kim nodded and then bent forward, folding her arms on top of the mattress and resting her cheek against them while still in a kneeling position. The position thrust her ass into the air, and she separated her knees to open up her crotch. Breathing shallowly, the younger girl quieted and waited.

She was beautiful, and yet so fragile. The pretty Japanese-American babe wasn't wearing much. Her white lingerie was only a shade lighter than her pale skin, used to being covered up by motorcycle leathers. Her body was slender, almost too skinny, with her ribs making slight indentations in her sides and a rather bony ass as well. In her position, bent over and waiting to be fucked, I couldn't help but have a massive erection. But I hesitated to actually move up and do anything to her.

I felt nervous. This wasn't the first time a girl was prostrating herself before me, urging me to take her and fuck her brains out. But it was the first time the girl was doing so without actually asking me herself. Adrienne used to urge me to spank her and hit her harder as a form of trust. Felicia was a wanton slut who wanted me to use and abuse her for the sheer pleasure of it. And even Viktoriya herself was always conscious of the game we played, the both of us knowing she could break character at any time.

But unlike the others, I couldn't just yank Kim's panties to the side and shove myself in. Instead, I walked beside the bed and reached out to touch her shoulder. She shivered at my touch, but didn't move her body away from me. And then gently, I pulled her back up to a kneeling position.

"Take off your blindfold," I stated.

"Sir?" Viktoriya protested.

"Silence, slave!" I barked harshly, scarcely believing the words had come out of my mouth that automatically. I guess I'd been playing the game longer than I thought.

Obediently, Viktoriya quieted down.

I returned back to Kim, urging her, "Go ahead."

Kim waited another second, not sure if she should follow through with my statement. But then with a relieved sigh, she reached up and lifted the black cloth over her eyes. The room lights weren't that bright, but she still blinked a few times to get her focus. And then she looked rather nervously at me and then Dawn. "Uh ... hi..."

"How do you feel?" I asked gently, letting my hand trail off her shoulder and down her arm.

She quivered slightly, whimpering her answer. "Nervous..."

But despite her nerves, there was a flame of arousal in her dark irises. With tousled jet black hair, run through with blonde streaks, Kim had a look of lustful sexiness that wasn't copied from anyone. Her nipples were still rock hard and poking through the white bra cups. And to verify my own suspicions, I let my hand trail off her arm, around her ass, and between her buttcheeks. She twitched in surprise when my fingertips ran across the gussett of her panties, but she let me in. And there was no denying the moisture I felt there.

"Do you want this?" I asked softly.

Kim blinked, her nervousness creeping back into her face. "I'm ... I'm not sure. We stopped once before. The reasons haven't changed. I just don't know if-"

"Answer the question," I stated flatly. "Yes or no. Do you want this?"

Kim blinked rapidly and then gave me a sharp look. "Do I have to?"

At first, I thought she was asking if she had to answer the question. But a split-second later I realized she was asking me – again – if she HAD to have sex with me. And this time, I simply answered in a confident tone, "You are my gift. Viktoriya is MY slave, and you are hers. That makes ME your Master tonight."

Kim closed her eyes and shivered. And when she opened her eyes again, the nervousness was gone. She simply nodded and then reached behind herself, unclipping her bra and letting the cups slide forward along her arms. When the bra dropped off the ends of her hands, she looked at me intently. "The other night, when we came home from the dance club, I should've kissed you."

It was a moment of déjà vu for me. I was taken back to the night I went to the club for the first time, with Adrienne, Grace, Misty, Paige, and her during our freshman year. That night, Kim told me she should have had coffee with me when I'd first asked her. It was something she regretted not having the courage to do then. Maybe if she had, she and I would have hooked up more than a year ago.

I just smiled in answer to her statement. "We'll make up for it. I promise."

Kim gave me a little smile of hope, and then she took hold of the end of her leash and handed it over to me. I nodded graciously as I took it, and then with an arched eyebrow and a little smirk, I stared right at Kim while stating, "Dawn."

"Yes, Master?" my girlfriend chirped while standing beside me.

Huh? I turned my head to see the beautiful blonde giggling as she presented herself. Looked like she was getting into the game as well. And with a little grin, she gave me a look that said plainly, 'Let's have FUN with this!'

So I chuckled and looked back at Kim. And staring at the Japanese-American babe again, I ordered, "Dawn, remove Kim's panties and then shove your tongue so far up her pussy that she feels it crawling up her throat."

"Yes, Master," Dawn hummed reverently.

I grinned. "And Viktoriya, come kneel in front of me." I curled a finger to my Professor, who was watching the whole thing unfold with rapt attention.

The gorgeous older woman came over and knelt at my feet, absolutely beaming. I simply reached forward and firmly gripped her face in both of my hands. And then tilting her head back, I leaned down and for the very first time, sealed my lips over hers in a white-hot kiss of passion.

"Nnnnghhhh..." Viktoriya moaned ecstatically, her mouth constantly in motion as she speared her tongue in to finally get her first taste of mine.

When we were done, I smiled and let the fantasies percolate in my head.

"Let's begin."

Being a 'Master' wasn't exactly instinctive for me. I wasn't the type of guy who wanted to lord over people, tell them what to do, or otherwise impose my will upon them. I felt too much compassion for the people I cared about. I wanted to know what they wanted. And in my everyday life, I always did my best to improve the lives of those around me.

But when it comes to sex, yeah, I can get a little ... dominant. And this night, I simply had a blast ordering three freakin' hot babes around.

I sat on my throne (read: a comfortable armchair) with my naked, 40-year-old, chestnut brown-haired, blue-eyed gorgeous Economics professor kneeling on the floor before me while she worshipped at my phallic altar of pleasure. I raised my right arm and gestured with my fingers to make two 20-year-old naked coeds writhe about the King-sized bed as if they were on puppet strings. Kim's dark-haired head was currently wriggling in Dawn's crotch while the blonde lay atop her in a sixty-nine position, her own blonde head wriggling in Kim's crotch.

And then on a whim, I ordered them to rotate. Viktoriya went and tackled Dawn, her silicone-enhanced tits splitting Dawn's natural (but just as firm) cleavage as they swapped spit and pawed at each other's body. My sweet, innocent-looking roommate Kim then brushed her hair behind her ears and came to kneel before me. And when I ordered her to suck my cock, she simply smiled happily with a twinkle in her dark eyes and set to her task.

I groaned pleasantly as Kim's delicate hand wrapped around my shaft and began stroking. Her lips and tongue danced upon my mushroom head. And all the while, she kept her gaze attentively on me, watching the pleasure she was inducing cortort my face. Kim may not have had a serious boyfriend since high school, but she certainly knew how to give a blowjob.

But as much as it was a turn-on to have Kim sucking my cock, after more than a month of idle fantasies of her doing just this, I didn't want to waste an ejaculation in her mouth. I had three hot babes to fuck tonight. And after gently reaching down and lifting Kim off my prick, I strode to the bed and dove right in.

Viktoriya was the closest one to me as I yanked her onto her back and lifted her legs over my shoulders. The tall, regal-looking Ice Queen had cheeks flushed with pink from her arousal and exertions. And she threw her head back and screamed when my thick cock suddenly penetrated deep into her vaginal canal. Actually, Viktoriya kept screaming; so turning back to Kim I ordered my fellow intern to mount our professor's face and smother the older woman's screams with her crotch. And to complete the foursome, I then ordered Dawn to join in.

The four of us pulsed together like that for about five minutes, Dawn and Kim making out and squeezing each other's tits, Viktoriya sucking Kim's orgasmic juices out of her snatch, and me pounding Viktoriya's pussy with unrelenting strokes.

But after slam-fucking Viktoriya to a climax – and nibbling on Kim's tight buttcheeks at the same time – I yanked myself out and pushed Dawn onto her back. My girlfriend had been fingering her empty pussy, but it wasn't empty much longer as I wrapped her long legs around my waist and drove myself deep within her. And then I rutted myself with abandon, not worrying about her pleasure as I took my own from her body and then gave it back with the powerful spray of spunk as I hosed down Dawn's interior with my explosive climax.

Even though I hadn't worried about my love's pleasure, Dawn had gotten her own climax quite nicely. When I rolled off her, her head lolled to the side as she fluttered on the brink of unconsciousness. And she panted shallowly while her body twitched and quivered in miniature aftershocks from her last orgasm.

I ordered Viktoriya after the creampie leaking out of my girlfriend, and the gorgeous older woman happily leapt to obey. Meanwhile, I moved myself back to the armchair and simply pointed a finger at Kim. The pretty Japanese-American babe shivered and stared at me at attention. And when I just as emphatically pointed at my crotch, Kim nodded her obedience and moved back to kneel before me.

There was a tingle in the back of my head when Kim started slurping Dawn's and my mingled fluids off my semi-hard cock. It was a sense of familiarity that quickly passed as Kim moaned and reached a hand up to fondle my balls. Of course it was familiar; she'd blown me already tonight. And as I let the idle distractions of the mind melt away so that I could focus solely on the pleasure, I felt my cock rehardening for another round.

"Stand up," I commanded once I felt I was at peak rigidity.

Obediently, Kim pushed up off the armrests and stood before me. She brushed her longish black/blonde hair behind her ears and then dropped her arms before her, her left hand holding her right wrist as she simply waited for my next command.

I paused to admire the girl before me first. Kim was of average height, around 5'5". She was in good shape from all the motorcycle riding without looking overly athletic. She had no defined musculature, but no flab, either. Her breasts were modest, shapely B-cups. And her pussy was cute and pink and lightly covered with an efficiently-trimmed thatch of dark hair.

In short, while Kim was pretty, there was nothing particularly spectacular about her body, either. She wasn't a lingerie model like Adrienne or a simply gorgeous angel like Dawn. Kim was just a nice girl, albeit with streaked hair and a semi-punk appearance when dressed up for biking. And yet for some reason she'd attracted me way back at the beginning of my freshman year. I couldn't put a finger on exactly why. I couldn't say, 'Oh, I love her tits' or 'She's got the most angelic face' or any one thing that made her special to me. I just always liked her.

And because I really liked her, I hesitated just one more time. I'd been in the same situation, the same physical position even, with other girls. I'd bedded Tri-Delts and co-eds and cheerleaders without questioning the situation many times before. But right now, as I looked up at Kim waiting obediently for me to bend her over and use her body, I had to reassure myself that this was what she wanted. "Is this what you want?" I asked.

Kim frowned, the nerves coming back as her face fell. "I ... uh ... well..."

It was the wrong thing for me to say. I knew it the moment the words left my mouth, and I realized I had to put things in slightly different terms. "Kim," I stated flatly. "Tell me what you want," I ordered.

She responded to my tone, even if my words were actually asking what she wanted. And without stopping to second-guess herself, she immediately replied, "I want you to fuck me."

"Tell me why." I didn't ask, 'Why?' I commanded Kim to tell me why.

Again, she responded to the tone. "Because I want..." she hesitated. I just looked at her sharply and she paled. And then in a quiet voice, she answered, "Because I should have gone out for coffee with you that day."

I knew immediately what she was talking about. It had been a lost opportunity last year. She'd wanted me then, but just didn't have the nerve to go through with it. And now was a chance to make up for it. I didn't say anything further as I reached up to grasp Kim's hips. She shivered and then gave me a little smile when I clamped on a little tighter. And then she moved easily when I turned her around so that her back was to me.

For a moment, I stared at her flat ass, so perky and cute. But then I pulled back on Kim's hips, dropping her onto me in a reverse cowgirl position. She braced her hands on the chair arms until I got my cock centered against her pussy. And then with me pulling down on her hips, she slowly sat down on my prick.

It wasn't easy. Kim was incredibly tight, almost skin-peeling. I had to yank pretty hard on her hips, and she was even tugging herself down with the armrests, just to get my cock into her narrow channel. While Kim may have been Viktoriya's sex slave for the past few weeks, she certainly wasn't used to having large objects shoved up her cunt.

"Ohhh..." I groaned at the fresh sensation. My dick was still hypersensitive from my recent orgasm and the penetration had been almost painful. But now that the pain was receding, all that was left was the wonderful warmth and wetness of her pussy as she began rocking gently back and forth with my throbbing cock inside her.

Without prompting from me, I then felt a tongue licking at our joining. My legs were pushed to the sides and from the inside of Kim's pussy, I felt the dim vibrations of a mouth on the outside of her crotch. The tongue licked lower to swirl around my testicles and then to the very spot of our joining before returning upwards to titillate my new lover's clit.

Dawn then appeared next to me. Without a word, my girlfriend took my head in her hands and gave me a passionate kiss, with the taste of Viktoriya's pussy juices still fresh on her lips. She grinned at me and then turned her attention to Kim, similarly taking the girl's head in her hands and kissing her just as passionately as she had me.

Dawn and Kim moaned as their liplock built and built. Kim was writhing and undulating like a professional lap dancer, only with my cock almost eight inches up her twat. And from the other side of her, Viktoriya apparently tongued away.

With me fucking her from below and running my hands all over her sensitive pleasure spots, Kim would have some really nice orgasms. With me fucking her from below and running my hands all over her sensitive pleasure spots AND Dawn kissing her and rubbing her tits AND Viktoriya giving her an expert rug-munching, Kim never had a chance.

She actually squeaked as she came. It was rather cute, and the noise rang that bell of familiarity in my head once again. I knew the sound. I'd heard it before, though I couldn't remember when. In fact, this whole moment felt like déjà vu. And when she squeaked less than a minute later with her second orgasm, I listened carefully to the sound and continued to ponder that little mystery

But when Kim squeaked for a third time as her next orgasm swept through her, the way her pussy muscles contracted around my cock sent my pleasure nodes into a frenzy and all I could think of was cumming as I started humping my body upwards to drive my dick in and out of her clasping cunt.

"Ah, fuck," I grunted, gripping Kim's hips for leverage as I urgently pumped my thick cock inside her.

"Oh, gawd..." Kim whimpered, her head lolling back from the force of her second orgasm.

"I'm gonna cum," I growled, the speed of my thrusts accelerating.

"Oh, gawd!" Kim gasped as her head fell back against my chest. And then with a pained whimper, she quivered and exclaimed, "Don't cum in me! I'm not on anything!"

My balls contracted right then. I'd been getting close to popping off before, but my hard-wired male instinct to procreate reacted to Kim's exclamation with the urge to fertilize her. I groaned and actually pinned her body down on me for a half-second before my rational mind took over and abruptly pushed her body up. Kim slammed her hands down on the armrests to elevate herself as well, desperate to get off me before I blasted live sperm into her womb.

We were just in time. Kim's ultra-tight pussy cleared me just as the first wad of cum flew out my tip. Without warning, it splattered against Viktoriya's forehead. But rather than jerk away, Viktoriya actually leaned in, grabbing up my spurting cock and jacking off the rest of my load against her face, letting the cum run in little rivers down over her nose and eyelids and down to her cheeks while she giggled like a happy schoolgirl.

Dawn was giggling as well as she bent next to our professor, not trying to take my still-spurting cock away, but merely moving her own face into the line of fire, catching some of the spray on her cheek while she busied herself licking Viktoriya's cheeks. And when I was finally done squirting, my blonde angel of a girlfriend and my dark-haired Ice Queen of a professor/sex slave kissed wetly while continuing to lick my cum off each other's face.

At last, everyone was done. Kim was seated on the bed beside us, looking sheepish. "My apologies, Master," Kim lowered her head. "I panicked."

I shook my head. "No apologies needed. You were fantastic."

"You guys looked fantastic," Dawn enthused with a cum-covered smile. "After dancing around each other for two years, you finally went through with it," she commented.

"Yeah, finally," Kim sighed, panting heavily.

Dawn then reached up and patted Kim's thigh. "So what do you think, now that you've had your first Big Ben experience?"

Kim didn't answer, but blushed and looked down at the floor. It was Viktoriya who answered Dawn's question, first by cackling a knowing laugh before looking over at me with mirthful eyes and a hand covering her mouth. And then my professor stated, "Oh, Kim already confessed the real story. See, she's had sex with you before."