
OSL: Carter ll

"Holy shit," I groaned, my eyes rolling up into my head.

Why the fuck did I keep putting this off? You're a fucking idiot, Carter. If you'd let Lana do this the FIRST time she wanted to, you coulda been getting blowjobs for three WEEKS!

"Am I doing good?"

"You're doing great, sugar," I said hurriedly, grabbing the back of Lana's head and then shoving her back down onto my cock. She opened her mouth like a trouper, but gagged when I pushed her a little too deep. "Sorry."

"Nn-uh," she mumbled, re-focusing herself and resuming her suction on my mushroom head while her index finger and thumb stroked my shaft.

"You're so good at this," I sighed. Not that I had anyone else to compare it to. I couldn't know for sure whether Lana was a complete novice or an experienced cocksucker, but I knew this: Lana's blowjob certainly blew Cameron's hand jobs out of the water.

Lana popped off again, a proud grin on her face. "Laurie taught me. On a carrot."

I chuckled in amusement, but I would have rather been feeling the pleasure. So after all of two seconds, I put my hand on the back of Lana's head again. She took the hint and resumed sucking my dick before I pushed her down.

I felt like I had pretty good sexual endurance. It's not that I was used to trying to control my ejaculations. Cameron certainly would prefer I get off sooner than later before her hand got tired. But I was so used to her hand jobs that sometimes it took up to ten minutes to bring me off.

Blowjobs, however, were a different story. As wonderful as my Cameron was, there was no way for her to compare to the warmth, moistness, or softness of Lana's mouth. I was unprepared for the intensity of the sensations. So once Lana stopped popping off every thirty seconds to say something and just concentrated on sucking, she quickly brought me to my limit.

"I'm gonna cum," I wheezed, fighting like hell to hold it in.

Lana's eyes glittered in excitement as she straightened her spine and sped up her hand-pumping motions. While she'd been pulling off my jeans, she'd told me she was going to swallow my sperm. At the time, I'd thought she was just trying to get me excited (it worked). But from the eagerness with which Lana was bringing me off now, I think she was looking forward to the experience as much as I was.

But she wasn't expecting the volume. I'd closed my eyes, picturing that it was Cameron kneeling on the bed between my legs, sucking on the end of my prick. That vision alone was enough to set me off, and bit down on my lip to prevent myself from shouting my step-sister's name. Instead, I grunted loudly just as my cockhead opened up, and great gouts of white lava erupted into the brunette teenager's mouth.

Lana actually caught the first wad and swallowed it down. But she was trying to breathe after that first batch when the second splattered against her throat, and she choked immediately and tried to pull her head off. But I was unaware that she was choking, and truthfully, I wouldn't have cared that she was. My hands held fast to the back of her head, pinning her against me, so she had no choice but to accept the third and fourth and fifth wads of cum that blasted out of me and threatened to literally drown her in cum.

But after the fifth, Lana broke free and she turned her head to cough out a glob of spunk onto the bedspread. A sixth shot sprang out of me and landed on her cheek. And then I lay my head down in exhaustion as the rest of my load simply dribbled out the end of my prick like a shower faucet dripping its way to finally being turned off.

Lana was still coughing. Her eyes were rimmed red and tears had rolled down her eyes. I immediately felt bad for her, and knew I should apologize right away if I ever wanted another blowjob in my life. "Oh, crap. I'm so sorry!" I mumbled quickly, sitting up and rubbing her back.

"No, no," Lana choked out, waving her left hand at me. "It's my fault. Laurie told me this would happen if I tried to breathe in the middle of it."

"I did this to you. I'm sorry," I stated, more because I knew it was what I was supposed to say than anything else.

"You're sweet. But don't feel bad. I'll do better next time."

"Next time?" I asked, a silly grin spreading across my face.

"Yeah," Lana said before coughing twice more. She wiped a tear from her eye and managed a weak smile. "Next time."

"Well, I think it's my turn now. Whaddaya say you let ME try with the oral sex thing?"

Lana blushed, that electric green energy back in her eyes. "Really?"

I nodded. "I'll bet you have a really pretty pussy."

I was waiting in her bedroom when she got home, sitting pants-less on her bed, although I still wore my shirt. Mom and Dad were both at some company party and Elena had gone home for the evening, so I had no worries about someone walking in on us.

I'd been stroking myself in anticipation, so I was fully hard when she walked through the door, still in her cheerleading uniform. I nearly blew my wad just staring at her aching beauty. But I held back and gave her a look of absolute, devoted puppy-eagerness.

"We did it. Well, Lana and I both gave each other oral," I stated proudly.

Cameron sighed, a little smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, a promise is a promise," she admitted, and she sashayed into the room with more than a little extra sway in her hips.

When she came next to the bed, she reached down and began to pull off her uniform top. But I quickly reached out and stopped her, saying, "No ... leave it on."

"Kinky..." Cameron giggled. Fully dressed in her uniform, she climbed onto the bed and knelt between my legs. She took my throbbing cock in her hand, bent over, and blew gently across the tip while I groaned in utter satisfaction.

And then she sucked me inside.

Fifteen seconds later, I nutted inside her mouth. Unlike Lana, she swallowed every drop like a pro.

Immediately after, I whimpered in disappointment. I'd been looking forward to this moment for practically my entire life, and it was over so quickly.

"Don't get down on yourself, Carter," Cameron soothed me in that serene voice that always relaxed me. "You did say you and Lana BOTH gave each other oral. So I guess it's time I started giving you pussy-eating lessons. And when we're done, I'll do you again. Okay?"

That sounded great to me.






The curtains along the main wall were suddenly illuminated by powerful headlights outside. All of us abruptly went quiet and looked up in alarm. Sam had virtually absent parents, but the few times they HAD been home they'd made it abundantly clear they did not like us smoking pot in the house.

"Quick, hide the stash," Sang barked, sitting up straight and rapidly gathering together the materials on the table.

"Fuck, the whole room smells like weed," I scoffed. "We're screwed."

"Wait, wait," Sam stated abruptly, holding up a hand. His head was turned slightly to the side, his right ear cocked as he furrowed his brow in concentration. "That's not my parents. Chad's home."

I arched an eyebrow in momentary confusion, but as I listened to the sound of tires crunching leaves in the driveway, I also heard the low pulses of thumping hip-hop music and the rumble of a heavy-duty engine. Sam went to the window and pulled the curtains aside, and we all saw the easily recognizable forward lighting arrangement of a tricked out Escalade.

Everyone sighed in relief. Sam's older brother mostly regarded us younger kids as beneath his notice, and he wouldn't give a rat's ass about us toking up. How could he? Chad was Sam's supplier.

Still, it was an extremely rare occurrence for Chad to come to this place. He had his own swanky bachelor pad near the local community college. Chad wasn't enrolled or anything; he just liked being close to the coeds. And the coeds apparently liked being close to Chad.

Case in point, the guy came rolling in with three girls in tow. All were scantily clad. All were fairly hot. And I was pretty sure I'd never seen two of them before. That was just the way it was with Chad. He was tall, good-looking, and he always seemed to have brand new hotties in his orbit.

"What up, insects?" he scoffed by way of greeting, without waiting for a response. Chad continued walking right past us, he and his little entourage already halfway down the hall before he ordered without turning around, "Wait for me in the living room."

The three college-aged girls came to a stop. The one in front, a bottle-blonde named Debra with hollow eyes and ribs denting the pale skin beneath her crop top, gestured back. The other two did as ordered. And my friends and I exchanged awkward glances with our girlfriends.

None of us tried to make small talk with the newcomers, or even eye contact. The few times Chad had shown up while I was around, he always went into the back of the house for a little bit and then left shortly thereafter. We high schoolers pretty much just waited around for the same to happen, knowing that soon enough Chad and his girls would leave and we would be able to do our own thing. Sang even started smoking again, sharing his roach with Nickie.

But something different happened tonight. Chad came out looking no different than when he'd gone in, save for the aviator sunglasses he now wore over his eyes despite the sun having gone down hours ago. Raising one finger, he circled it and grunted, "Let's roll."

"Chad, please," one of his girls whimpered pitifully. I'd noticed her from the beginning and had been idly watching her ever since she arrived. She was a tall, leggy brunette, just like I liked them. Yeah, she was a bit on the skinny side, but she had great cheekbones and nice tits. But the other reason I'd been paying attention to her was that the poor girl had seemed to be shivering the entire time Chad was gone.

Her skinny arms had been wrapped around her torso as she hugged herself for warmth, while her jaw quivered as a prelude to full-on teeth-chattering. I'd found this confusing, because although she was skimpily-clothed in a sheer cocktail dress, the room was actually rather warm. She'd kept her eyes downcast, not looking at anyone or saying anything. But the hoop-like bracelets on her wrists had started to clink against each other with her shivering, continually drawing my attention.

"I need a hit -now-," she pleaded, only now looking up and wincing in obvious pain.

"Later," Chad waved her off without even looking back. He went to the door and grasped the handle.

"Chad, PLEASE." The quiver had reached her voice, and she started shaking hard enough to look like she was amidst an epileptic seizure. The only part of her body not moving was her face, and that's because her eyes were glued to Chad's torso ... or perhaps more specifically, his pocket.

Chad frowned and shot her a disapproving glare. "Get in the fucking car, Evelyn."

"I ... I can't."

Chad sighed now, yanking off the shades and surveying us teenagers. With his arms spread wide, he shifted his hips and raised his chin. "Seriously? In front of the kids?"

Debra spoke up, murmuring, "We could give it to her in the car."

"Fuck, no," Chat spat. "Never in the car; you know that. 5-0 can smell that shit in a half-second if we ever get pulled over."

Evelyn kept shaking, obvious desperation on her face. "I'm ... I'm sorry. I'll do anything."

"Yeah, I already know you will," Chad scoffed before exhaling slowly. "Fine. Whatever. Just so I don't have to hear you nattering in my ear all night."

"You want to get rid of the kids?" Debra asked.

"No. It's better this way. Give the horny bastards a thrill." Chad smirked and looked straight at Evelyn. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a Ziploc baggie of translucent white rocks. Waving it in Evelyn's face, he sneered and then commanded, "Bend over."

Evelyn's grimace ruined the beauty of her face. But she didn't hesitate, slipping off the wall she'd been leaning against and moving behind the couch I shared with Lana. She didn't look down at us, her gaze locked onto the plastic bag.

Chad muttered something to Debra, who went down the hall. He himself swaggered over to the beautiful brunette, holding the baggie by one corner and letting it dangle and sway with his every movement. Her eyes tracked it incessantly, like a kitten fixated on a moving spot of light. She seemed completely unaware of Chad himself, even as he moved alongside her and then started to caress her body.

Already panting in anxiety, Evelyn started breathing even harder as Chad's hand slid up her thigh and beneath the hem of her dress. Her shaking started anew, but the expression on her face was one of eagerness, not fear. The corners of her lips tugged upwards, and she practically hummed in anticipation. When Debra returned holding a Pyrex tube, a full-blown smile spread across Evelyn's features. And she actually started giggling as the blonde took the baggie from Chad's hands and went to work.

I'd never actually seen crystal meth with my own eyes, although I'd heard enough about it to recognize it. I watched in open curiosity as Debra prepared everything, recording the procedure like it was a chemistry lab experiment I would need to replicate for a passing grade. Next to me, Lana was equally enraptured. She'd taken hold of my hand, squeezing it so tightly without realizing it that I actually needed to stroke her arm to get her to relax.


The groan from directly above me suddenly drew my attention. I turned to see Evelyn's eyelids fluttering as she hung her head forward. The hem of her dress had been pulled up her lower back and Chad's naked pelvis was pressed up against her ass, making obvious the reason why she'd just groaned. Sam's older brother held himself inside the lithe brunette, just enjoying the sensations for a bit. His hips shifted side-to-side, wiggling around for extra feeling. And then he reached up with his hands, yanking down her dress straps to bare her swollen tits just inches from my face before he cupped them in his hands and pulled.

"Nnngh!" Evelyn grunted as Chad thrust himself deep into her. But her head snapped up a second later as the sound of a bic lighter flared to life. And from then on, she was completely oblivious to the man fucking her as the focus of her entire being was on that Pyrex tube.

"Breathe, Carter," Lana murmured next to me.

Glancing at my girlfriend, I suddenly realized my body was screaming for oxygen and I inhaled sharply. I'd been as fixated on Evelyn as she had been on the crystal meth. Sure, I'd seen lots of porn in my life. But this was the first time I'd ever actually witnessed people having sex. The wonderful round naked tits of a developed young woman were -literally- hanging in my face, swaying back and forth with Chad's thrusting motions. And the sheer eroticism of the moment was even more powerful to me than the best of Lana's blowjobs.

"Move, children," a voice suddenly barked from behind me.

I turned to see Debra holding up the Pyrex tube, gesturing with it for me and Lana to get out of the way. Feeling like the little children she accused us of being, we quickly scrambled out of the older girl's way and wound up standing next to Sang's couch, with Lana leaning back against me. Debra held the tube up to Evelyn's lips, and sighing with incredible relief, the brunette happily took it.

And still Chad kept fucking. He was having a blast. The cocky bastard even grinned and seemed to be showing off for his teenaged crowd. I couldn't blame him. The guy had a lot to be proud of: he was handsome, well-muscled, and most importantly had the privilege of banging a hot chick right in this living room.

For a moment, I found myself watching -him- more than her. No, I wasn't attracted to the guy in the slightest; but I observed the ease of the smile on his face, the carnal delight in his eyes, and the pure physical superiority of his position. I wanted that position. I wanted what HE had. Chad exuded confidence and power, and right in that moment, the dude was my fucking idol.

Meanwhile, Evelyn looked so hot being fucked, with her dress bunched up around her waist and those naked tits still swaying. Even though I wasn't up close and personal to them anymore, I found that I now had a better view of the whole sex act. And I was turned on beyond belief.

I suddenly felt a hand slither into my shorts. Still leaning back against me, my girlfriend had slipped her hand between us and down to my crotch. Breathing hard in arousal, she worked the button open and unzipped me before wrapping her warm hand around my warmer dick. I was already rock hard, but the blood rush made me feel like I was getting even stiffer as Lana began to stroke me. And all I could do was groan at the overload of stimulation for my brain from both the visual scene and physical sensations.

The crowning moment for me came after Evelyn finished her hit. Chad had been pacing himself, just enjoying the supple texture of pussy-wrapped cock that I had yet to experience. But once his fuckdoll was free of distraction, he gripped her hips and really started to work her over.

Now feeling her body being driven against the couch, Evelyn bent her head down and braced herself against the new onslaught. Her silky dark hair hung over the side of her face, obscuring my sight of her. And then all of a sudden a new vision sprang to mind.


The two young women had similar builds, and similar skin coloration. While Evelyn was a little skinnier, with her face hidden by her hair it was easy enough to see a resemblance. And as the hormones flooded my body my dear Cameron's words came back to me.

Pretend she's me.

"Hrrg ... URGHH!" Chad thrust forward a final time, grunting and groaning as he fired his first wad into ... her...

Pretend she's me.

"Mmmnh ... Nnnhh..." Lana whimpered in front of me, squeezing my cock harder and she continued jacking it up and down.

Pretend she's me.

The gorgeous half-naked brunette screamed in orgasmic ecstasy, wailing to the heavens the pleasures assaulting her body and mind.

Pretend she's me.

And I came.


"Ohhh ... Nnnh ... Carter... Carter ... I'm gonna ... Nnnh ... Shit, shit, shit ... CARTER ... I'm cumming! I'm cumming! NGAHHHH!"

My girlfriend's thighs clamped together suddenly, boxing my ears as her fingernails dug into my scalp, shoving my entire face deeper into her crotch. Her entire body quivered, vibrating against my nose while her orgasm caused her abs to tighten and her pelvis to almost lift me up off the mattress.

But just as I started to worry about getting my next breath of oxygen and thought about prying her thighs off my skull, Lana abruptly went limp and flopped back across my bed, her knees parting to the sides while she crossed her arms over her face and sighed contentedly in a euphoric stupor.

After catching my breath, I leaned back in and licked her slowly, giving my girlfriend a few extra tickles of pleasure the way Cameron always liked post-cunnilingus. Lana giggled at the sensations and then dropped her forearms off her face, picking her head up to smile at me and comment, "Honey, you're getting really good at that."

I grinned and mentally thanked Cameron for her expert instruction. My gorgeous step-sister had taught me that particular move just last night. Satisfied with a job well done, I lifted my head. I looked up Lana's body, a teenaged wet dream as she was fully naked with perky tits thrust up into the air and a tight belly leading down to her pretty pussy, now bare-shaven just for my oral convenience. Light pink labia had parted to the sides, revealing a dark chasm that called to me invitingly.

"Do you want to?"

Lana's voice seemed to come from some great distance away, but it was enough to shake me from my momentary trance. Belatedly, I realized that I'd been staring for several long seconds, and when I diverted my gaze up to Lana's face, she propped herself up on her elbows and gave me a sultry, come-hither look. "Do you want to?" she repeated in a husky voice, breathing hard in a way that had nothing to do with her most recent orgasm. "I'll let you, Carter. Right now. I want to. I want you to make love to me."

My mouth went dry. Lana had always been the one driving our physical relationship; she'd been the one to first move my hands to her ass, to her tits, inside her clothing, or initiate a blowjob. I'd been content to explore those sex acts with my dear Cameron first, and had never felt the need to push my girlfriend any farther than she already wanted to go. And as much as I always wanted to fuck (like any 15-year-old boy would), I'd never once suggested to Lana that we have sex. Surprisingly, neither had Lana.

Until just now.

While I was certain she was as horny as any other hot-blooded female, full intercourse had been that mysterious – and intimidating – line beyond which she had always feared to cross. Her virginity was a precious thing, a purity to be protected. And no matter how horny she got, at only sixteen years old her childhood ideal of "waiting for her one true love" still mattered more.

Until just now.

For months, Lana and I had enjoyed everything sexual we could except full intercourse. It's not like we hadn't had plenty of opportunities. We were two well-off kids with lots of time and privacy. My dad was never home and my mom was often out. Her parents liked me and never asked questions as long as I brought her home before curfew. There was nothing stopping us from going all the way ... except ourselves.

It was like we'd hit the baseball out of play, but after getting to third base we'd been happy to settle for the triple instead of running for home.

Until just now.

"Carter?" Lana asked quietly now, a worried quiver in her voice. She'd just asked her boyfriend to make love to her, and I'd hesitated in the crucial moment. It wasn't that I hadn't thought of this possibility before. I'd understood my girlfriend's reluctance to lose her virginity but had been warned by Cameron that in the heat of the moment, Lana might someday ask this of me. But now that this moment was here, I didn't know what to say. I needed more time to think. So without a word, I slid straight up Lana's body, being sure to give our naked flesh lots of physical contact until I could cradle her head in my hands as I leaned over her. And closing my eyes, I gave her the softest, most tender kiss I could muster.

"Mmm..." she moaned happily into our embrace. I let my lips part and slithered my tongue out to play, but all that happened automatically. My mind wasn't required for kissing, and it was a good thing since I needed every ounce of brainpower for trying to figure out my situation.

Should I do it?

What the fuck do you mean, 'Should I do it'? Of course you fucking do it. This is SEX! A hot chick wants you to stick your boner into her! Hurry the fuck up and do it!

But I was saving my first time. For her. For Cameron.

Forget Cameron. She's been holding out on you forever. Here is willing pussy. Stick it in!

She said the same thing about doing a lot of things with me. Eventually she caved in. Every time. I just have to wait for the right moment.

Fuck waiting, Carter. She's flying off to Harvard or some shit in a few months. You're running out of time.

But I'm not out of time yet. I still have a chance.

Never gonna happen. She's too freaked out by you being in love with her and all.

I have to believe.

Idiot. What's more important to you? Having sex for the first time with Cameron? Or having sex with Cameron, period?


Think about it: Cameron said she won't do anything you weren't already doing with your girlfriend. So if you fuck Lana first, THEN Cameron will fuck you.


Remember your first blowjob? You went straight home and told her you did it with Lana. And poof, Cameron was on her knees with your dick in her mouth.

But I CAN'T make love with Lana first. My first HAS to be Cameron!

If you wait around for Cameron to be your first, you're gonna die a virgin. But if you DO fuck Lana today, I guarantee you're gonna get Cameron pussy -tonight-.


It's Formal Logic buddy. Just like in Mrs. Martinez' class. Not A if Not B. So the reverse is: If B, then A. Right?

Um, I don't think that's quite right.

Whatever. If you're not fucking Lana, Cameron definitely won't fuck -you-. So if you want to fuck Cameron, you've gotta fuck Lana. There's no other way.

There's no other way.

There's no other way.

There's no other way.

But how? My whole life I'd dreamed of Cameron being first. How could I betray my one true love? How could I give my virginity to another?

Pretend she's me.

Cameron's voice filled my head as my eyes opened. I looked down at the gorgeous brunette beneath me, saw the look of adoration in her sparkling green eyes. And for a moment, I truly believed I could see Lana's pretty face morphing into that of my precious Cameron's.

It was easy, and getting easier to layer my true love's visage over Lana's. Repeated practice and all that. I saw her beneath me. My dick was rock hard. I wanted her. I wanted to make love with my Cameron. My body was already flush atop hers, my iron cock trapped between our two bellies. It didn't take much movement to shift downward until my dick slipped into the valley between her thighs. And as I dipped my nose down her neck and absentmindedly nibbled on her shoulder, I shifted forward once again and brought the tip of my cock to her heavenly entrance.

This was it. I was about to lose my virginity, and with the girl ... nay... woman ... of my dreams. I wanted in!

"Uh, Carter? I don't suppose you have a condom."

Lana's voice abruptly shattered my mental illusion of Cameron. My true love's visage fell away, her mature lines replaced by Lana's similar, and yet obviously different and younger face.

I stopped immediately and blinked twice. Condom? Why the hell would I have a condom? I'd long known that Cameron was on the pill, so if she ever gave it up for me I wouldn't need condoms. And I'd never seriously entertained thoughts about fucking Lana. My cocktip was wet and I'd already felt her pussy stretching a bit at my initial pressure. I didn't want to stop, but I was forced to pick my head up and grunt, "Uh, no."

Lana frowned and the hesitation was obvious in her eyes. She didn't push me away, but she bit her lip worriedly.

I scrunched up my face while I felt my cockhead securely centered in the right place. I was THIS close, and I had refused to back away even a millimeter. In a strained voice, I asked, "You want me to stop?"

Lana thought about it for a few seconds, blinking quickly. She looked away from me, her mind racing. But then a moment later, she bit her lip again and rolled her eyes up to me. And in a hopeful voice, she asked, "You can pull out in time, right?"

"Right," I replied while feeling the adrenaline thumping in my skull. The realization that this wasn't Cameron and the obvious fear of a 16-year-old girl on the brink of losing her virginity weren't exactly turn-ons. But with constant pressure and the simple force of gravity, I'd sunk another couple of millimeters into Lana's pussy. With her twat already stretching and my dick already wet, teenaged hormones had taken over and by now I'd stopped caring. Cameron, Lana, didn't matter. I want to have sex! I want to have sex! I'm halfway there and I want in!

Lana winced as she felt me stretching her. She took a deep breath and spread her legs to the sides a bit more, relieving the pressure while at the same time, letting my cockhead press even harder against her maidenhead. "I'm just ... scared," she said in a quiet voice.

Didn't matter anymore. Hormones flooded my brain and washed away every lingering doubt in me. I was here. Her legs were open. And I was going in for the kill. My jaw tensed. My eyes hardened. And in a deep voice, I growled, "It'll be alright."

I pushed forward with my hips, and as the pain of her tearing hymen shot up Lana's nerves, she suddenly grabbed my arms and yelped, "Wait, Carter, STOP!"

But it was too late. I shredded Lana's virginity and drove myself powerfully into her compliant body. She screamed in anguish and wrapped herself around my body as my chest came down and crushed her. And she didn't stop screaming for the next two minutes as I roughly took her over and over and over again.

But then those two minutes passed and she was able to cease her howling. That's because I'd thrust forward a final time and filled my sobbing girlfriend with a pint of creamy jism. A minute after that I pulled out and let her roll onto her side to have a soft cry in the fetal position while I stroked her spine and whispered repeated proclamations of my love and my thanks for her giving me something so special and anything else I thought might make her feel better.

My words must have worked, because once she composed herself and wiped away her tears, she rolled back to me and gave me a kiss. I promised her that the next time would be better now that she didn't have a hymen anymore. And with enough reassurances from me, she let me lead her into the shower where I put on a great show of washing her body from head to toe and telling her that she was even more beautiful now that she was a woman.

And then I led her back to my bed, closed my eyes, and made love to her quite tenderly this time. It was better. Of course it was better. Because that time, I was able to make myself believe she was Cameron.

I was waiting in her bedroom when she got home, sitting completely-naked in her bed, beneath the covers, waiting for my big reveal. I'd showered and shaved and carefully made sure every last hair on my head was in place. I'd doused myself with the cologne she'd gotten me for Christmas. And I'd even taken a small pair of scissors to my short and curlies to make sure every part of me looked well-groomed.

Tonight was perfect. Mom and Dad were both gone somewhere. We'd stopped asking them long ago. Elena had gone home for the evening. And Cameron was once again at cheerleading practice, due to come home any minute.

I'd refrained from stroking myself, wanting to save up all my stamina for her. Still, despite getting my rocks off twice with Lana this afternoon, I was fully hard in sheer anticipation. Tonight was the night. Tonight I finally got my Cameron.

She looked a little tired as she walked through the door, still in her cheerleading uniform. I did my best to appear far more mature than my nearly sixteen years, looking cocky and confident, so that perhaps she might recognize that I was now a true MAN, and no longer a virginal boy.

She gave me a bemused look as she leaned against the dresser, setting down her purse. "You look quite pleased with yourself," she commented observantly.

"We did it. Lana and I had sex," I stated proudly.

Cameron immediately whistled, a smirk spreading across her face. "Wow. Congratulations little brother. I can only imagine the conversation Laurie is having with Lana right about now." With a nod, she headed into her bathroom, turning on the sink and reaching to the pump of facial soap she kept on the right side.

I frowned, not understanding. In every version of how I fantasized this announcement coming, Cameron always stepped forward and expressed her eagerness to go for a ride on my joystick now that we'd gotten her little aversion to popping my cherry out of the way. But she hadn't done that. She was now ... washing her face?

"You don't have to clean yourself up for me," I called after her in a warm tone. "I'm gonna make you sweaty and sticky anyway."

"Wait, what?" Cameron picked her head up, her face still covered with soap.

"You know what I mean..."

"Oh, Carter ... I'm actually really tired now," she said while still rubbing her face. "A couple of orgasms sound nice and maybe you can eat me later tonight. But right now I just want to sit down and veg out."

"Veg out? Now?" I whined. "But ... This is the moment!"

She didn't respond right away. Her face was down in the sink with the water running as she rinsed her face. And when she stood back up and began to pat herself dry with the towel, she came back to the bedroom asking, "What did you say?"

"This ... But this..." I sputtered before jerking the covers away, revealing my nakedness to her. "This is the moment!"

She gave me a puzzled look. "What moment?"

"Now WE can have sex!"

"Whoa, whoa, mister," Cameron held her hands up, that bemused expression on her face again. "I'm happy that you've lost your virginity. Really, I am. And I'd be happy to sit here with you and talk about it. Maybe even hearing about all the ways you explored Lana's body will turn me on and we can fool around for a bit. But I thought I made myself clear on this point: You're my brother; we're NOT having sex."


"Doesn't matter. You'll always be my little brother. And we CAN'T cross that line. Ever."

"But Cameron-"

"No, Carter."

"But Cameron!"

"NO, Carter," she stated more forcefully. Holding a hand up. "I said 'No'."

"But I -love- you!"

She seemed to shrink three inches. Her shoulders sagging, Cameron gave me a look of pity. And then shaking her head, she turned and walked to the door.

"Cameron, wait!" I called, leaping off the bed.

"We're not going to do it, Carter..." she stated emphatically without turning back.

"But Cameruuuuuun..." I whined, following after.

"N. O. NO," she barked as she abruptly turned on me. "We're NOT having SEX." She turned away again and huffed off, walking much faster than before

I hurried to keep up.

"But you promised," I whined even more petulantly, all attempts at appearing mature now abandoned.

"Promised?" She stopped suddenly in the hallway and spun around to face me. "Promised what? That I'd have sex with you? No. I didn't."

"Well, not promised it explicitly."

"I didn't promise it at all: explicitly, implicitly, tacitly, inferred, or even hinted at. In fact, I think I made it abundantly clear that we would NOT cross that line!" She shook her head for emphasis and turned around again, walking away. I wasn't sure exactly where she was headed, but for now she kept walking away, and I kept following.

"Sure you did. You said that you wouldn't do anything I wasn't already doing with Lana. Well, we're having sex now!"

"Congratulations. My little brother popped his cherry. But I am NOT fucking you!"

"But why not?"

"How many times do we have to go over this?" She spun around once more. "I'm your SISTER!"


"That doesn't matter!"

"Of course it does! There's no blood between us. In the eyes of the law, we could get married and have kids and-"

"That would be WRONG!" she cut me off.

"But why? Because our parents are married?" I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows. "Is that what it's going to take? Do I need to get my dad to divorce your mom? Then we wouldn't be siblings, step or not!"

Cameron's eyes went wide in horror. "How can you even THINK that? How can you even consider breaking up our family for what ... for sex?"

"How can YOU? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you pushing me to the breaking point like this? I LOVE you, Cameron! Not as a brother, but as a LOVER!"

"You're fifteen, Carter."

"SIXTEEN! Well ... almost! I KNOW what love is!" I stamped my foot insistently. "I love you. I've always loved you. You're gorgeous. You're amazing. You're the most perfect girl ... perfect WOMAN ... I've ever known. You turn me on like no one else. When I'm with Lana, half the time I'm pretending she's -you-. Fuck, I'm only WITH her because YOU want me to be! I did it for you. I've done everything you ever asked of me. All for you!" My voice cracked, and much more softly, I added, "Only you ... Forever you..."

She gave me a pained expression, a look of infinite sorrow. "You're just a kid..."

My voice had trailed off at the end of my little rant, but at the admonition of being 'just a kid', my adrenaline spiked and I got angry. "I am NOT just a KID!" I screamed. But then I caught myself, looked down at my feet, and took a deep breath before continuing. If nothing else, I had to -prove- that I was mature enough for her.

We both stood there for a moment, breathing heavily. When I felt like I'd collected myself, I looked up to find her staring away, biting her lip and looking for all the world like she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"If I'm just a kid," I began in a much more calm tone. "Then why have we been fooling around like this? You say we can't cross the line for this moral brother-sister NON-incest BS; but how do you rationalize blowjobs and cunt-licking and all the other things we've done together?"

"Ths dfmrg," she mumbled, her gaze still averted.


Taking a deep breath, she sighed and then looked up at me. "That's different. That stuff is just ... physical."

"So is sex."

"Sex would be ... Sex would be ... intimate." She looked away again and took another deep breath. "Fuck, how the hell did we get to this point?"

"You wanted to watch me masturbate."

Her head snapped around and she glared at me. "YOU put a peephole into my room."

"You're fucking gorgeous. I couldn't help it." I grinned goofily at the memory.

She looked at me and sighed, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Shaking her head, she exhaled, "It gets me so hot when you look at me that way."

I deliberately let my gaze rove up and down her body, ogling away. "It gets ME hot when I look at you."

But still shaking her head, she clenched her eyes shut, turned away, and raised a hand up between us. "No, Carter. It's wrong."

"There's nothing wrong about it."

"Blood or not, divorce or not, you've been my little brother since I was nine. Fooling around has been my fault. I'm the older sibling. I should have known better. I told myself we were just experimenting. As long as we didn't cross that final line, it would be okay. You got to learn, I got to have some fun, and nobody got hurt. But feelings are getting hurt now. We've got to stop. Stop everything. And I mean... everything."

"Wait, you can't mean that."

"You're in love with me. Completely and totally in love with me. That can't happen."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I don't love you back."


She held a hand up. "Not like that, at least. Of course I still love you ... but only as a brother. Nothing more."


Her hand extended forward again, her fingers spreading out as if to create an even larger barrier between us. "I just found out I got into Yale. I already told Mom and Dad I want to go on a trip with my friends for the summer. So in five weeks, I'll graduate and leave here. You won't have to worry about being all awkward around me or anything like that."

Cameron? Leaving? The color drained from my face.

"Everything will be okay, you'll see. You ARE just a kid now, not even sixteen yet. But you're growing up fast. Shit, you've grown up so much already from that 14-year-old twerp who drilled a peephole into my bedroom. In four more years, who knows? You'll be twenty, a grown-adult. You'll have plenty of time away from me to really see the people around you and get over this infatuation. It'll be better. Everything will be okay."

Her words were reassuring, but they weren't doing anything to reassure me. This was a break-up, pure and simple. And I'm sure the hurt was plain as day on my face.

She didn't fail to notice. When she dropped her hand, Cameron's eyes softened and my big sister's worried look of love and concern instantly covered her features. Pinching her lips together and wincing at the realization that SHE was the one who had hurt me, she gave me an apologetic look and reached a hand for my cheek.

But the tender caress never came. She stopped herself an inch short of touching me. With a world of pain in her eyes, she blinked away a single tear. And then she turned back the other way and left.

Her words reverberated around my head. Everything will be okay. Everything will be okay.

But I didn't believe her anymore.


"Dude, you gotta pull the stick outta your ass."

I arched an eyebrow and gave my best friend an odd look. "Huh?"

"It's your fucking sixteenth birthday. One would think you might be enjoying yourself at least a little." Sam shook his head and sagged deeper into the couch, raising the bottle of Corona to his lips.

I sighed and took a sip of my own, scowling a bit as I stared across the bottle top and across the room to where Cameron was talking quietly with Mom. Dad wasn't around, as usual. My birthday or not, 'Making millions doesn't happen sitting around the house'. At least he'd personally bought the cases of beer we were now drinking (or so Mom claimed; I kinda doubted it).

Apparently I'd begun to zone out as I stared at Cameron, because I was startled from my reverie by the clink of bottles colliding and the sudden feeling that I was about to spill my drink. I jerked up and righted my Corona to find that Sam had deliberately knocked my beer just to get my attention. And after a moment of scrutinizing me, he shook his head and wondered, "Hey, what gives? You've been pretty out of it for the last week or so."

"It's nothing," I muttered.

"Don't 'it's nothing' me. I'm no flaming queen who's all sensitive and shit; but I know when my buddy is feeling out of it." He glanced around to check and see if anyone was in earshot, and then roughly grabbed my elbow. Yanking me up to my feet, Sam literally dragged me down the hall and into my dad's office, closing the door behind us.

Even though we were now in a closed room with apparent privacy, Sam leaned in close and murmured in a quiet voice, "Dude, was it really that bad?"

My eyebrows furrowed, my malaise momentarily wiped away by my confusion. "Was -what- bad?"

"The sex." He glanced around the empty room again before muttering even quieter, "Lana told Jennifer everything. She said how you two did it after school last week. And you've been... this ... ever since." He gestured to my entire being up and down for emphasis.

I blinked rapidly. "What? No. The sex was fine. I did great." I blinked rapidly, panic suddenly setting in. "Didn't I? What did Jennifer say? What did Lana tell her?"

Sam kept glancing around the room like he expected the girls to suddenly materialize out of thin air beside us. But after a deep breath, he confided, "Lana said it hurt at first. Always does. But she said things were good after the first one. She had a good time and you made sure she got off and everything. But Lana is FREAKED right now because you've been so weird the last week. She's worried you just wanted to pop her cherry and now you're moving on to the next chick."

I frowned. "That's riDICulous!"

"That's what I told Jennifer. I've been around you every day, dude; and the last thing you're doing is checking out other girls." Sam suddenly paled and recoiled a bit from me. "You're not like ... turning gay are you?"

My eyes widened and in a burst of anger I reached out and punched Sam's shoulder. Hard.

"OW! Shit, man, okay, okay," he whined, rubbing the spot where I'd hit him. "I've just heard that can happen, you know? Guy first has sex with a girl and realizes he's not into females. I'm sorry, but you've kinda been acting like that. Fuck, the day after I first plowed pussy I couldn't get enough. Damn near wore my pencil down to the nub that week if you know what I mean."

"It's not about Lana."

"Does SHE know that? Like I said, the girl is FREAKED, and not in a good way."

I rubbed my forehead. "Naw, man. It's not her. Besides, she got her period right away, so we haven't been able to do it for the last week anyway. I've had other shit going on."

"Shit even I don't know about? C'mon, man. You can confide in me."

"You want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with me, fucker?"

"Fuck you." Sam punched me back, but not very hard.

I managed a grin and took a deep breath, exhaling loudly. "You're right. I've been out of it. But I can work this out."

"You like Lana, don't you?"

"Course I do. She puts out, doesn't she?"

"Fuckin' straight."

"I gotta talk to her."

"Yeah, you do. You notice how she's been hovering around all day, giving you some space but keeping herself close just in case you want her? The girl digs you, and she's Jennifer's best friend. And when Lana's unhappy, Jennifer's unhappy, which makes ME unhappy. So go fix this, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"And do me a favor."


"Get rid of your mom and your sister."

I frowned. "Why?"

Sam's grin now spread from ear-to-ear. Opening his jacket, he pulled a plastic baggie from his inner pocket and showed me the stash of crystal meth he had in there. "Chad hooked me up. Special for your birthday and all. He says the chicks get CRAAAZY horny on this stuff, especially when it's their first time. Get rid of the parentals, let's get the girls wired, and I promise you buddy, we're gonna make all your problems go away."

"Ohmigawd ... I feel ... I feel like I'm on FIRE!" Lana breathed, staring at me with her eyes looking bigger than they ever had before. Suddenly, her head went completely still, like a robot with the off-switch suddenly thrown, except that the electricity in her emerald green eyes remained crackling as she bored her gaze deeper and deeper into the back of my skull. She seemed to be scrutinizing me as if under a microscope, and her lower lip dropped another few millimeters before a soft, breathy pant escaped her throat.

Her hands suddenly came up and she grabbed my head, almost too hard, keeping me still. "I can ... I can see your pores..." she exclaimed in a voice of wonderment. And then her tongue darted out to lick her upper lip before she swallowed thickly and canted her head to the side to look at me from a different angle.

"Holy SHIT!" Sam suddenly grunted, drawing our attention three feet to my left. I snapped my head around to see that Jennifer had actually yanked my best buddy's jeans down and was even now bobbing her head up and down his pasty-white cock while he sat on the seat next to me.

"Holy shit..." Lana breathed like delayed echo, blinking quickly in surprise. And then a second later, a silly grin swept over Lana's pretty face. "Want me to do that, huh, birthday boy? Want me to blow you here in front of all your guests?"

"Really?" I replied in amazement, too surprised to actually consider what she'd just proposed.

But to my further shock, Lana took my response as an affirmative, and before I could say anything else she dropped off my lap to kneel on the floor and start fumbling with my jeans.

"Holy shit," I muttered. "Lana?"

"Happy Birthday, boyfriend," she just crooned, her eyes a little crazed and beads of sweat forming in her hairline despite a lack of recent exercise.

The moment I felt Lana's lips surround my prick, I found my gaze drifting to the left, surveying the crowd instead of watching my girlfriend. I expected to find the half-dozen or so other people left to be gawking in shock and awe at me getting blown right here in my living room, and indeed Eric Tseng was practically drooling as he gaped at the back of Lana's head. But everyone else was pretty much wrapped up in their own activities, with Rowena Bautista practically crawling inside Sang's shirt and Ronald Hulce helping Wendy Chin take another hit off our crystal meth pipe while Albert Nam watched in amazement.

All of the girls at the party had taken at least one hit off the pipe, and most of the guys. Following Sam's explicit directions while we'd still been in my dad's office, I'd sort of faked a hit, taking the stuff in and just holding it before exhaling it all out. Sam said that Chad had been very insistent about the person who DIDN'T get wired being the one in charge, not for the sake of being responsible but because that person would be in a position to take advantage of all the horny, wired hotties. I still got a little buzz, but nothing like what everyone else was experiencing. And I certainly wasn't feeling as uninhibited as Lana was in this moment.

After I faked my hit, Lana certainly hadn't faked hers, coughing a bit when she was done. We then cuddled on the couch, talking about our relationship while the drug worked its way into her system. I gave her platitudes about feeling like I'd lost control that first time and taken her precious maidenhead by force. I'd felt so torn up and guilty over it that I'd been avoiding her for the past week when all I really wanted to do was prove to her how much I dearly loved her.

That L-word was important, Sam stressed. I had to say it as many times as I could and that Lana would melt. And he was right. Talking turned to kissing. Kissing turned to petting. And fuck, now she was giving me a damn blowjob on my parents' living room couch!

"Oh, gawd ... fuck me..."

Jennifer's voice carried over to us once more. Lana abruptly pulled her head out of my lap and gawked at her best friend, who had jerked her party dress up around her waist and was now quite clearly undulating in her boyfriend's lap. Her dirty-blonde hair hung over his face as they conducted an elaborate tongue duel. And then Sam jerked Jennifer's top down, exposing a rosy nipple and suckling on it while his hands held onto his girlfriend's ass.

Lana's overly-intense gaze was on me once again. "We haven't done it since that first day. I've been so lonely this past week, honey. I can't wait to have you inside me again."

"Holy shit," I muttered as Lana climbed up onto the couch, staring over to be sure she'd copied Jennifer's position before jerking the crotch of her panties to the side and then parting her labia with her own fingers. For a brief moment, I wondered in amazement at this miracle drug that turned my 16-year-old girlfriend into a wanton slut. Just a week after losing her virginity, she was now hot and horny and completely uninhibited. And then Lana's pussy sank down around my cock and I couldn't coherently wonder about anything anymore.

Sam let his head fall back as his girlfriend urgently humped herself on his prick. He didn't even have to do any work she was so revved up. And with a goofy, shit-eating grin my best buddy turned to look at me, on his face an expression that said, 'Can you fucking believe it?'

I couldn't believe it, but it was happening right before me. I wondered what else I could talk Lana into doing while she was in this state, and on impulse, I reached up to her cheek and turned it toward our friends, saying, "Kiss her. Go on baby, kiss her."

Jennifer heard me and suddenly turned to look at Lana. She stopped humping Sam for a second, her eyes unfocusing before refocusing on Lana's lips. My own girlfriend seemed to be turning over my suggestion in her mind, but then I applied a little more force to the back of her head, and suddenly our two girlfriends were grabbing at each other's skulls and shoving their tongues down each other's throat.

"Fuck, YEAH!" Sam crowed, reaching a hand up for me to high-five him.

I did so, and then relocated my hands to Lana's hips, jerking my girlfriend up and down to get her to start fucking me again as I smiled at the little bit of power I'd just displayed. And I wondered what ELSE I could get a meth-wired girl to do.

"Suck her tits," I ordered, taking Lana's head and guiding it down.

She didn't even resist this time. Reaching behind Jennifer's neck to untie her friend's halter, she dropped the sheer fabric down and then lifted a D-cup breast to her lips. Jennifer moaned and trapped Lana's head to her chest. And as I watched my girlfriend slurp and suckle at her best friend's boob, I found myself reaching the edge of my orgasmic control.

"Fuck, you two are so fucking HOT!" I grunted before my abs clenched and I began spewing gob after gob of spunk into Lana's cunt. My girlfriend gasped and pulled back, groaning out her own orgasm as she felt my jizz hosing down her inner walls. And Jennifer started giggling in amusement as she watched us thrash on the couch beside her.

"Suck it out of her," Sam suddenly intoned.

Lana's eyes popped open in surprise. She looked over at Sam for a second, but only for a second because Jennifer moved and Lana yelped in surprise as her best friend practically tackled her off my prick and onto the seat beside me.

"Jennifer! Jennifer! Oh! OHHHHH!!!" Lana exclaimed before sinking into uncontrollable moans when her best friend's tongue hit her clit. Noisy slurping sounds soon emanated from between Lana's thighs as Jennifer rather sloppily went to work. There was no particular technique, and even I could tell that Jennifer had no experience doing what she was doing tonight. But every girl has her own box to play with and she figured out enough to push Lana's buttons. Or maybe EVERYWHERE was a button, now that Lana was high on speed. Whatever the reasons, my girlfriend was going out of her MIND. She yanked down her own halter top, yanked my head over to her chest, and forced me to start sucking and playing with her boobs while she screamed in her very first girl-given orgasm.

When Lana was done, I turned to look back at Sam, who was giving me a shit-eating grin. He sat there looking quite satisfied with himself, despite his prick still being upright with his jeans around his ankles. When he caught my gaze, he raised his chin and nodded for me to look around. And when I did, I found that we weren't the only ones getting it on.

Sang had Rowena folded in half on a couch, her feet hanging over his shoulders while he pounded her into the cushion. Ronald was pumping Wendy from behind while she knelt on all fours on the floor. Albert was lying flat on his back not far from her, gasping for air. And Wendy was using a finger to scoop up Albert's jism from her chin and pop it into her mouth.

Poor Eric was sitting on a dining table chair, his dick in hand just watching. But just when I began to pity him, Wendy gave him a big smile and crooked a beckoning finger to the guy.

"Fuck, I'm hot!" Lana suddenly complained, panting and sweating. She reached down and lifted up her dress, raising the entire thing over her head and tossing it aside. She still wore her bra, although both cups had been pulled down beneath her nipples. And after panting on the couch for another few seconds, she staggered to her feet and started walking for the kitchen. "My mouth is dry. I need a drink."

"Hey, here." Sam had gotten up before her, and was already returning from the kitchen. He handed her the Corona he'd already retrieved, then turned back to get some more. And standing directly behind the couch and behind my head, Lana upended the bottle and began chugging the cool beverage.

"Ahhh..." With fully half the bottle gone, Lana tore it away from her mouth, gasping for oxygen. She burped, loudly, and then giggled in amusement. And leaning over the back of the couch, she kissed my cheek and then murmured, "I'm still horny, honey. Think you can give me another good pounding?"

"Duuude, you'd better," Sam crooned from behind us. I turned my head to find my best buddy leaning against the wall openly ogling my girlfriend's ass. "'Cause the view from here is so nice I'm not sure I'd be able to resist."

I jerked my head back at his words, surprised at the sensation that shot through me. My first instinct should have been jealousy. After all, I wasn't really under the influence of any inhibition-lowering drugs, and the thought of another man touching MY property should have inspired jealous anger.

But it didn't. Instead, the thought of Sam porking Lana was ... exciting.


The fuck? I squeezed my eyes shut. I really wasn't that big into sharing. As a kid, I wanted ALL the toys. When bullies stole my lunch, it pissed me off. And when I got older and the bullies started throwing me into trash cans and stealing my wallet, it made me even MORE protective of my personal belongings.

Other guys had ogled Lana during our relationship. I had never once felt... excited about it. Sure, pathetic weenies like Eric Tseng always stared at her – my girlfriend IS quite pretty. But the one time he actually dared to grab her ass, I'd smacked him upside the head the very next day at school and warned him never to do it again.

So why tonight? Maybe I WAS a little more affected by the crystal meth than I thought. But then a new vision hit me.


Chad fucking Evelyn.

No, Chad fucking Cameron.

No, -ME- fucking Cameron.

I opened my eyes to see Lana responding to Sam's remark with a derisive, "In your dreams," accompanied by an extra-suggestive wiggle of her panty clad ass. My little epiphany had taken only a fraction of a second.

"Actually, why the fuck not?" I suddenly intoned in a voice that did not seem my own, despite the physical sensations of the words coming out of my mouth.

The eyeballs of three of my closest friends suddenly zeroed in on me. Lana just looked surprised. Sam's eyebrows were raised with intrigue. And Jennifer actually seemed to smile.

"We're all friends here. -Best- friends," I emphasized. And gesturing at our half-naked bodies, I added, "This has already been the craziest birthday party I've ever been to."

Jennifer giggled and blushed. Lana furrowed her eyebrows. And Sam was now -seriously- staring at my girlfriend's ass.

I got up from my seat on the couch and reached down to take Jennifer's hand. She glanced at her boyfriend for just a second before slipping her fingers through mine. And then I led her over to a side chair where we'd have a better view of Lana, who remained bent over the couch's backrest from behind.

I summoned every ounce of confidence I had in me. In my mind's eye, I imagined I was just as cocky and in control as Chad had been that one night in Sam's living room. And grinning self-assuredly, I raised my hands to Jennifer's shoulders and pushed her down into a kneeling position before my rejuvenated prick. "Suck me, Jennifer," I commanded. And without hesitation, she moved in and swallowed me down to the root.

Lana gasped when she saw her best friend take me inside. I think a single tear rolled down her cheek. But I shook my head and let my eyes flame up with all my self-confidence. "I still love you, honey. I'll love you even more for this," I said reassuringly. "I want to watch him fuck you. I want to watch."

She shivered when she felt Sam's hand touch her naked back, but keeping her eyes on me, she gave me a reassuring smile.

"I love you," I repeated.

She nodded, and then closed her eyes. Sam's hand slid around and under her bra, palming her breast and rubbing it firmly. His other hand dragged her panties down and then slid a finger into her furrow, finding her clit and rubbing it gently.

"Sss-ahhh..." she hissed momentarily and then sighed as his digit began to send little electrical impulses of pleasure up her spine. As Sam added more firmness and force to his touches, she began to moan and bent her head, causing her silky dark hair to fall down across her face.


Pretend she's me.

"Unnghhh..." Sam groaned as his hips pushed forward, his turgid rod pressing inside of my girlfriend's tight canal.

Pretend she's me.

"Nnngh, hmmgh," Jennifer grunted, slobbering over my prick as I drove myself up off the chair and nudged into her throat.

Pretend she's me.

"Mmmnh ... Nnnhh..." Cameron whimpered, feeling -me- begin to press inside her, deeper and deeper and inexorably deeper ... down to her very core.

Pretend she's me.