
Chapter 188

AFTER WE ARRIVE AT the restaurant, I help Danny out of the Rover and place my arm around her waist. She insisted on leaving her jacket behind, and I don't argue. We have about twenty feet to walk and it will be warm inside. Even so, I take my sport coat off and wrap it over her shoulders. It's not much, but I don't want her freezing before we get inside. She's a bit wobbly on the heels and this makes me smile. I like that she went out of her comfort zone tonight.

The steakhouse is warm and Danny hands the jacket back to me. The place is decorated for Christmas and I do my best to ignore it. The restaurant isn't crowded. I reserved a nice table in the corner, but we pretty much have our choice.

"Do you mind if we sit at a table by the window? I love the snow," Danny says as she gazes at the tables by the windows.