
Competent Poseidon

Ron dies and gets another chance at life. He has but one wish. He wishes to be transmigrated as one of the big three Greek Gods, Poseidon but this time, he wants to be competent. A competent Poseidon ... Impossible? We shall see.

DaoistqZxYMH · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

The day had arrived, finally. The Kingdom of the Rising Tide was in chaos and anticipation for the upcoming event. A marriage is going to take place. Poseidon, god of the Sea, Earthquakes, Life and Linguistics was marrying Ra, goddess of the Sun, Order, and the Sky. 

Everyone in the Kingdom was allowed to attend and some special guests were invited as well. A grand area was used for the occasion and everything was arranged by the minor gods and goddesses or nymphs, nereids and oceanids who lived there. Even the humans were allowed to attend. Poseidon and Ra didn't differentiate between those when it came to celebrations. There weren't that many humans in the Kingdom yet, because either Ra or Poseidon chose them personally and wouldn't allow anyone to enter. 

The processions were starting and just like a rather modern marriage, Poseidon arranged both him as the groom and Ra as the bride to have one witness. He chose Hades as his witness and his sister Hestia, who was also invited, was the witness for Ra. None of Ra's family had arrived, but that wasn't important to her. She had waited far too long for this moment, to let it slip past her fingers, due to her family. 

Hundreds of thousands of Poseidon's soldiers were present as well. They didn't look like high-society guests, but no one cared about that. The Kingdom of the Rising Tide was not a shallow one. Actions were more important than appearance and everyone knew that. Then the moment arrived. Hephaestus arrived, dressed in formal and beautiful clothes. His limb was long gone after Poseidon had healed him with his power over life. It would have been so easy for Hera to ask him for help and he would have helped her. Despite his words to her, he cared for her like he would for a sister. But her arrogance made it hard to do it. 

"Greetings everyone, men and women of the Kingdome of Rising Tide.", Hephaestus addressed everyone. His voice was magically loud so that everyone could see him. 

Due to magic, everyone could both see and hear everything that was going on. 

"Despite not being fit for this job, I will take the role of prime witness today to have our King and Queen married. We are gathered here today to have our beloved leaders, our King and Queen, our God King and God Queen married on this day and with it, see a new era arrive. Because this day is special in another way as well. On this day, the Kingdom of the Rising Tide will no longer be a mere Kingdom in a separate dimension. 

No, with this unity of Ra and Poseidon, a new Pantheon WILL BE BORN!!"



"That's right everyone. You heard right. With this union, a new Pantheon will be born. One that is separate from the Greek Pantheon or the Ennead and will stand on its own, against all opposition. I was invited as well and naturally, I accepted. The invitations also went out to Lord Hades and Lady Hestia, but they are still undecided.

But now for the main event. 

Do you Lord Poseidon, take Lady Ra to be your lawfully wedded Queen, to have and hold from this day forward, for good and better, for rich and richer, in health, to love and cherish, for all eternity?"

"I do.", Poseidon answered. 

"And do you, Lady Ra, take Lord Poseidon to be your lawfully wedded King, to have and hold from this day forward, for good and better, for rich and richer, in health, to love and cherish, for all eternity?"

"I do.", Ra says. 

"May we get the rings please?", Hephaestus says. 

Hades and Hestia step forward to present the rings both Ra and Poseidon have prepared for one another. The rings were special of course and would hold secrets as well as authority and mark them as belonging to the other. Ra was the first one to step forward. 

"I thought long about what I could gift you, my love. But I settled with creating a ring that burns as brightly and powerfully as my love for you. As long as you wear this ring, you will share my power and be able to do what I do, have the same authority as I do over my domains and feel where I am at all times. The ring will be warmer and shine brighter the more love it is fed, so keep it warm."

Ra presented her ring to Poseidon. It might not have looked like much, but there was a massive amount of power contained inside the ring. It was pure love, melted down and made into a ring. 


Poseidon smiled at that and as soon as Ra put the ring on his finger, it started to shine as brightly as the sun. So much so, that he had to dim it using his magic. 

"It's beautiful. I will cherish it forever. But now it's my turn. I also thought long about what I could give you. In the end, I want to give you everything but that might be a bit much for just a ring. So I settled with almost everything. With this ring, I grant you authority equal to mine in our future Pantheon and the Kingdom of the Rising Tide. Your word shall be my word and your decisions mine. Through wearing this ring, I also grant you a new divinity and make it, so that you may never feel weakness, no matter the environment you are in.", Poseidon says. 

His ring was more feminine with what looked like precious stones inside. But those stones weren't really stones, they were water. This water represented the authority Poseidon granted Ra and the power she would gain after wearing it. It was also a rather unassuming ring, but as soon as she wore it, a powerful wave of water shot out from the ring and drenched her. When the water receded, Ra wasn't wet though and only smiled brightly understanding that she had gained a divinity over all kinds of radiation. 


Ra and Poseidon smiled at one another and she jumped at Poseidon kissing him deeply. The kiss contained all of the emotion these two held for one another. 

"Well, we skipped a step, but by the power Poseidon so graciously granted me for this occasion, I now pronounce you King and Queen. You may kiss ..."


A loud cheering roared through the crowd as they witnessed the birth of a new Pantheon. One that was founded with love and marriage between two God Kings. The power these two held was higher than any other new Pantheon. Right now, the power between these two was second only to the Hindu Pantheon. But the three most powerful deities of the Hindu Pantheon thankfully didn't really care about the others. But we shall see. 

The Pantheon of Solar Tides was born.


The celebrations were going on in full swing and unlike the parties on Olympus that were filled with getting drunk and orgies, this one was not like that. There was alcohol, but it was drunk sparingly and there were also other beverages. 

Everyone was talking to each other. Station didn't matter, divinity didn't matter. Hades talked to his wife, Persephone but also others like Nymphs and even a few humans. His image was slowly changing and it was all thanks to Poseidon. There was no one more powerful than the royal couple and since they were so familiar with everyone, it was not scary for them to see Hades or any other god. 

Poseidon and Ra ate with all the guests for hours, but then left the party to be alone. Poseidon led Ra to a new area, where he had created a new palace just for them.


"So you just created this in your free time? And how did I not see you do this? I was with you most of the time."

"That's right, 'most' of the time. I work very fast. Besides time has not much meaning when you can manipulate it.", Poseidon says as they walk. 

"I love it. I really do. Nothing will ever separate us again, after all, I hold your heart in my hand.", Ra says with a mischievous smile as she caresses her ring.

"Ah, so you noticed."

"Of course I did. It has been a part of me for a while now.", Ra says. 

"Haha. Well, there is in fact another reason, I wanted to show you our new residence."


"Yes. I have another present for you.", Poseidon says as they reach their sleeping chamber.

On the humongous bed, a small long box lay there with a sword on top. Ra looks at the weapon and then at Poseidon.

"A sword?"

"It is a Soul-Cutting Weapon. The shape of the weapon is not fixed and can become whatever you want. All you have to do is infuse your essence with it.", Poseidon says. 

Ra approaches the weapon. She takes it into her hand and as soon as she does that, a bright light and heat emanate from it. As a powerful goddess, she has long mastered most of her abilities. 'Most' in the sense that she has development potential and since meeting Poseidon who never stopped growing stronger, she was motivated to also become more powerful and train. So the connection with her Soul-Cutter Weapon is a matter of seconds. 

A great change takes place inside the room and the sun that shines in the Kingdom shines stronger. Poseidon watches as his wife undergoes a change. Not just spiritually and conceptually, but also her clothes change. For some reason, the clothing style of Ra, where she wears the least amount as possible, carries over and she appears in a different state. Her hair becomes white and a staff appears in her hand. 


Ra smiles as Poseidon walks towards her. He moves very close. While he looks apathetic to most people, he doesn't look that way at all, when Ra is around. And something has started to rise to see her like this. He gives her a deep kiss.

"We will never let anyone see you like this. And in the off chance that you do, make sure to kill them, otherwise, I will.", he whispers into her ear. 

"Mhhh ... I love that possessiveness and I agree. How about I show you my soul realm?", Ra asks. 

"Are you sure? It doesn't get more personal than that."

"Are you serious?"

"I just thought I'd remind you."

The two focused and a moment later, they both appeared in Ra's soul realm. The place was shining brightly like the sun on steroids. The heat would kill anyone who didn't have a similar domain or resistance to heat. To put it into perspective, the core of the sun in our solar system is roughly 15 million degrees Celsius and this is not even a fraction of the heat in Ra's soul realm. And the heat was rising more and more. Thanks to the new divinity of radiation, the soul realm also exuded all kinds of radiation, with an intensity that would instantly kill even superhumans. Not even gods would come out unscathed from this and would develop cancer quite fast in fact. 

Poseidon looked around and saw Ra sitting on a golden throne. He could already see her True Release being very overpowered indeed. It would make Yamamoto Shigekuni look like a candle or less. 

"You know love, I have the perfect martial arts for you, now that you have gained a major divinity over radiation.", Poseidon says. 

"I am interested to see it. What's it called?"

"The All Life Eradicating Fist."

"Mhh, I want to see it now. Say, how about we use this large bed for the first time? I suddenly feel like it would be the best time.", Ra says after they return to their bedroom. 

Ra moves on the bed and lies down, looking back at Poseidon seductively.


It was clear what would happen tonight and ... the next couple of months. Poseidon smiles and joins her. The two finally consummated their marriage. 


I will be very bold in the next arc. War is on the horizon and it will be glorious. 

I also decided on the number of women he would have at the end. I don't really like harem novels and rather prefer single female leads. But I have to change my way of thinking since he is a god. No more than three and I might not even do more than two. But two are certain.

Don't worry, I will make it 'somewhat' realistic and give the women a character.