
Compendium Primordial: The list of species for Kigal

In the ancient era of Mesopotamia, a civilization remarkably ahead of its time, the inhabitants possessed an understanding that Earth was a crucial part of Kigal, a primordial cosmic entity from which the known universe originated. The question that looms over history is how they acquired this knowledge and what significance Kigal held in their ancient beliefs. Fast forward to the year 2045, where an unprecedented accident shakes the foundations of contemporary science. In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists accidentally create a wormhole, unleashing a swarm of peculiar green beings armed with swords and armor. Amidst the chaos, one scientist urgently warns of the creatures as "goblins." Enter Edward, a chosen pioneer selected to embark on a journey into this mysterious new world and uncover its secrets. As Edward ventures through the wormhole, he discovers a realm unlike anything he could have imagined. From ancient ruins reminiscent of Mesopotamian civilization to strange landscapes inhabited by enigmatic creatures, Edward must navigate the unknown and confront the mysteries surrounding Kigal. This compendium serves as an introduction to the unfolding saga, leaving readers with a tantalizing glimpse into a world where ancient knowledge collides with futuristic exploration. As the story develops, readers can anticipate a rich narrative that combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and historical intrigue. Suggestions and feedback are eagerly welcomed as the author stockpiles the tale for its upcoming release. The journey into the unexplored cosmos of Kigal promises to be a riveting adventure filled with discovery, challenges, and the unraveling of ancient secrets.

Umaru_chan · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Slimes (RImuru)

1. Primordial Slime:

 -The base form of a slime, emerging from simple organic compounds. Primordial slimes are small, amorphous blobs with minimal intelligence and basic survival instincts.

2. Aquatic Gelatin:

 - Slimes that adapt to aquatic environments evolve into aquatic gelatins. They gain the ability to navigate through water more efficiently and might develop special adaptations for underwater survival.

3. Luminous Ooze:

 -Slimes in environments with low light evolve into luminous oozes. They develop bioluminescence, making them capable of producing light to attract prey or communicate with other slimes.

4. Venomous Blob:

 -Slimes in regions with toxic substances evolve into venomous blobs. They develop the ability to produce and secrete toxins for hunting and self-defense, becoming more formidable predators.

5. Mimicry Muck:

 -Slimes that adapt to mimic their surroundings evolve into mimicry mucks. They gain the ability to camouflage themselves, making them effective ambush predators or allowing them to avoid predators.

6. Conductive Gel:

 -Slimes exposed to electrical environments evolve into conductive gels. They develop resistance to electricity and may even harness electrical energy for various purposes, such as stunning prey or powering internal processes.

7.Intelligent Puddle:

 -Slimes that evolve heightened cognitive abilities become intelligent puddles. They demonstrate problem-solving skills, memory retention, and the ability to learn from their environments.

8. Dimensional Amoeba:

 -Slimes that tap into dimensional energies become dimensional amoebas. They develop the ability to manipulate space, potentially allowing them to teleport, create portals, or access other dimensions.

9. Cosmic Ooze:

 -The ultimate evolution of a slime, the cosmic ooze transcends its material form. Cosmic oozes may exist as ethereal beings, capable of manipulating cosmic energies and potentially influencing celestial bodies.

I love slimes that's why I put the final evolution here, rimuru will rise becareful of slimes never oppress them. As they are useful for almost anything take care of them. You don't want a cosmic ooze knocking on your door. Beware you who kills the slime.