
Chapter 24

Cold wind was blowing furiously on Trice Mountain. A man with thick clothes to counter the cold was seen walking around the wide white field snow mountain. He was looking around left and right searching for something.

He did not seem to be lost and looking for way out but he was searching for something. His face did not show anxious but excited. He did not walk fast nor it was slowed.

Suddenly, a monster that looked like a deer appeared a hundred meters away from the man. The man quickly lied down on the snow and he opened his system and used its camera. He fiddled the camera a bit for better performance.

The deer monster did not seem to realize the appearance of that man as that man seemed to have a good control of his energy and able to properly hide his presence.

The man zoomed in the camera to get a better and clear picture of the deer monster. Once the camera got a clear view the man gasped.

"Whoa~ this deer monster is beautiful. I don't think anyone ever found it. Maybe someone found it but never tell anyone about it," said the man. The man was actually Firl, the rookie photographer and writer for The Magna magazine. He came to Trice Mountain searching for good news to report and he was happy that he found a new type of deer monsters.

The deer monster's body was as white as snow. It was the same size as normal deer found on Earth before the Earth changed. The deer's horn was actually that made it look beautiful. The horn was branches like tree branch but it was made of clear crystal. Firl did not know whether the crystal was a crystal or just ice.

While taking pictures and recording the deer movements, the deer ears perks. It sensed something. Firl saw the deer's ears moving and he looked around if there were any other monsters nearby. Monster usually had better sense than human and Trice Mountain was a dangerous place so Firl needed to be careful and alert at all times.

Although Firl was not that good at his works, he was actually quite a strong phase 1 human. He was currently almost finished collecting mythical grade data. Soon, he can start hunting for supreme grade monsters.

When Firl looked around, there was nothing around him. In better words, there was not even a single monster detected around him other than the deer who suddenly also dashed and disappeared in the thick snow. Cold sweat formed on Firl's forehead.

"Something strong must be nearby. Supreme monster? From all the information I collected, there was no way a supreme monster will appear in this area," said Firl. He was thinking of something but he quickly decided to leave the area.

He stood up and a vast field of snow was within his sight but he found it weird. The wind was strong and the visibility supposed to be low but why can he saw the snow field clearly? Firl's instinct said that he should run but not to the windless field but the other way.

However, before he can move away from the area, he realized that his eyes were playing with him. What he saw was not a windless vast snow field but a towering huge solid white thing. That thing was so white that it blended with the surrounding snow perfectly.

He did not know when it appeared, Firl did not even detected anything at all. Fear creep him. He knew something that can hide itself properly like this must be a strong monster.

Suddenly the ground shook and a roar appeared right above Firl. Firl quickly covered his ears. The roar came from the towering white solid but it was not directed at Firl but further past the place he stood. From the roar, Firl knew that the monster was freaking strong.

The roar stopped and Firl quickly above him. The strong roar made all the snow blew by the strong wind disappeared and a clear view above him can be seen. While looking at what above him, Firl's face went blue. His body was filled with fear. What he saw made him froze on his spot.

What he saw above him was a huge monster head with smooth snow-white hair covering its whole head. Rather than saying it a hair, it was a mane. What he saw was Trice Mountain's peak 1 ruler, the supreme grade monster, The White Lion.

The white lion was not supposed to appeared there. Firl was not even neared any of the three peaks. He was far away from the peak area. The place he stood was a low-level area. Only monsters of low grade can be found in the area. The highest been the legend grade and lowest was the elite grade.

Suddenly another roar can be heard further in front of him. The roar was as strong as the white lion and it was directed at the white lion. The unknown roar force reached Firl and the white lion and it was so strong that Firl fell on the ground.

He looked towards the direction of the unknown roar and was more surprised at what he saw. It was another white monster as big as the white lion but totally in different shape than the white lion. The monster was standing strong with its two legs but it had six big and muscular arms. It was the Six Arms Yeti.

And not even a few seconds after the six-arms yeti roar, came another roar but this one was not a roar but a howling. It was a wolf howling.

"The Green Wolf? No way!!!" said Firl and he was extremely scared with everything that happened. He looked towards the direction of the howling and a green monster was seen. It was not clear whether it was a wolf or not but Firl was confident that it was the green wolf.

If the ruler of peak 1 and 2 were here than that means the peak 3 rulers will be there too. They rarely came out of their area but they were all outside of their ruling are.

And after the howling stopped, voice from many other monsters can be heard everywhere in the area. Firl looked around and he saw lots of different monster from different grades were around the three rulers. They were the monsters under the three rulers.

"Are they going on a war? If they really went on a war…" Firl stopped talking and his lip curled into a smile. He excitedly said, "This will be huge news!!!" Firl was scared but upon the realizations of big news, all the fears he felt earlier disappeared.

He looked around and saw an area where there were particularly only weak monsters. He ran towards that side to get away from the attacking range of the three rulers. When he reached the locations, the monsters did not even mind him.

He knew that the monsters were focusing on the war and what Firl did was not in their eyes at all. Firl stood beside on of the monsters and opened the video function and photo function of his system and started taking pictures and video of the situation.

While he excitedly recording everything, his legs stumbles upon something squishy. He looked down and it was a white rabbit monster and more of them nearby.

"Why is a rabbit here?... LOL, why am I surprise that there are rabbits here? They can live here all they want," said Firl. He poked the rabbit at his legs and it was squishy. "Why is it squishy?? Hmm~ I guess there are many different kinds of rabbits. They are monsters too," said Firl. He looked excitedly around and saw the same deer earlier and recorded it again.

Even if Firl excitedly recording everything, he still kept an eye on every monster here in case they suddenly attacked him. The atmosphere was intense. He can see that from all the monsters present there.

While he was busy recording everything, he realized that the snow storm that was always occurred in Trice Mountain stopped. There were still snow falling from the sky but there was no wind. Firl found the situation weird.

From his knowledge, there was no monsters from the first dimension capable of something like stopping the wind. There might be monsters like that in the second dimension but even they were scarce. So, he found it weird.

Without the wind, he can clearly saw the view surrounding him. All the monsters far from him can be seen clearly and he confirmed the green monster was indeed the green wolf. Not long after the wind stopped, the monsters also stopped talking. It was suddenly turned really quiet like there was no one in the area.

"… Is this the calm before the storm?" said Firl in his minds. With all the monsters remained quiet, he did not feel like talking either.

Suddenly, a bright light shone from the middle of the three sides. Firl looked at the light and he recorded the light. "Could it be, this is the reason they were all here?" said Firl while looking at the light. He did not see what was the source of the light but he got a feeling that it was some kind of treasure.

The light shone brighter and brighter. Firl wanted to know what was in the middle of the light but he cannot see it. He adjusted his camera and video and finally saw what it was. His mouth was wide opened.

"This, this, this," Firl was lost for words. He gulped his saliva, "No wonder they all here. They are indeed in a war. A war to get this thing," said Firl. He continued, "The ice essence!"

From the video Firl recorded, he can see what was the source of the light. It was a small snowflake. He cannot feel the energy coming from it but he knew it was the elemental essence.

Suddenly the ground shook and the ice essence emitted a strong energy. Firl fell on his back from the earthquake. All the monsters looked serious and snow suddenly not falling from the sky but rise from the ground.

All the snow nearby flew towards the ice essence. Firl tried to record everything that happened but unfortunately, too many snows flew blocked the view completely. What happened was harsher than a snowstorm. Firl needed to close his eyes or else some of the snow will get inside his eyes.

A few minutes later, all the snow stopped fell back on the ground. The environment again became calm. Firl opened his eyes and looked at the ice essence and to his surprise, the ice essence was gone but there was a gigantic door made of ice floating at the same location of the ice essence.

"A dungeon!!!" Firl was totally surprised with the appearance of the dungeon. "That means the ice essence is a strong essence. It even capable of creating a dungeon," said Firl excitedly. "This is big news. This news is huge. This news will surely save me from getting fired from my job."

Firl looked at the dungeon's door and his eyes sparkling with stars. He was so happy with the development. He did not regret of coming to Trice Mountain. He thought he will die when all three rulers suddenly appeared there but he got lucky. He never thought an elemental essence will appear and he also clearly never thought that the ice essence was strong enough to create a dungeon.

Firl stared at the dungeon's door. He examined the door from far away. "It looks like the door won't open anytime soon. It will take a while before it open. I will have a lot of time to report this. I need to get back fast. The nearest camp here is camp 6. A month of travelling," said Firl. He clenched his fists and said, "This is my biggest chance and I will never let it go."

thank you for reading :)

next chapter coming in a few hours :D

NewKielcreators' thoughts