
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Magic Circles

After the events of the last chapter.

Luccione walk into the class while the other classmates were talking about the mysterious hero who save the lives of the BCD members.

"Hey, who do you think it could be?"

"I think it is human in disguise, there is just no way it is a bird"

"A bird saving a human! tssk... Impossible"

"I know right"

just like his daily routines, he went to his seat at the back of the class. and stay isolated from the group. he look at the supposed seat of Roxanne but she wasn't there. Luccione then looks at the windows and sees a flock of magical birds flying in the sky.

Luccione then scratches his head.

"What did that stupid bird do this time" he mumbles, because of the class conversation he just knows who is crazy enough to do that.

later on during the class.

Sir Damos enters the classroom, holding 3 papers with magic circles engraved and a hat.

"Good afternoon class, as you might see from what I am holding. These are the magic circles."

Damos then show the 3 magic circles one by one. the three of them have a different pattern than the other.

"Can anyone explain to me what these magic circles are?" Sir Damos asked

No one dares to answer anymore, they keep looking at each other thinking that person might answer. even Luccione and Roxanne were just looking for somebody else to answer.

Damos then sighed.

"Still the same for the last 3 weeks or so. My goodness, you are all disgrace"

"Magic circles are a form of magic that activates with a certain function ordered to them"

then everyone started saying "ahh I remember now"

"Yeah, you're right I almost forgot. hahaha"

Some classmate then talks to her seatmate.

"I told you I was right, you did not listen to me"

And then everyone silent.

Damos thinking something like "I can see no future for these retards"


"In earth terms, Magic circles are like a program. and you, as a person, are programming something and making it do what you want it to do."

"I will give you one sample demonstration"

Damos shows one of his magic circles as he places the other 2 on top of the table.

"I program this particular magic circle to find out if the person stepping on it is lying or not. this is the same as the ones I showed you before. in this particular magic circle, I used the incantation for the spirits of memories. I will not tell you my whole incantation, that is for you to create on your own"

"But I will tell you the three vital magic systems that can only be used using Magic Circles"

Sir Damos went to the blackboard and start writing something, with quick handwriting.

"There are three major components that heavily use magic circles to initiate. The Spatial Fabrication, Summoning Magic, and Magic Alchemy"

"To be more specific Spatial Fabrication is creating something out of nothing, Summoning Magic is teleporting something out of anything, while Magic Alchemy is mixing more than one magic to create a newly improve magic. In today's school year I will teach all of you the foundation of Spatial Fabrication"

"To give you guys a fact, those old-school TV that you have. it took 8 years for an expert to create every material necessary to build that. Now you know how important it is"

Roxanne raises her right hand and asks Damos why didn't they just find materials in this world.

"Tell that to the death worm beneath the ground, or dragons living inside the mountain caves. or better yet, tell that to the tentacle beast lurking beneath the ocean floor. there is no valuable information on how this magical world operates nor what is existing in this world, we cannot risk the lives of this country's greatest mind."

One of the students raises a hand.

"Sir Damos, I know this is not in the topic but since we are talking about the greatest people, is there an available job for exploration? just like all the animes, I watched on earth. Can we still find a good job even if we are not geniuses?"

Damos look at that particular student's eyes with disappointment.

"You can be one of those public enforcers, or do businesses like us, Supreme Justice Corporation. But if you want an adventurous life in your profession. You can be a researcher, major in exploration."

Almost everyone in the class is overjoyed after hearing about their dream jobs.

Certain male classmates jump for joy and said "Ohh yeah! I knew this world is amazing"

"Is there an Academy that teaches students about that job?" said the other male classmate

"The University responsible for teaching college students in that particular major has a lot of graduates who took the job and were instantly hired. Becoming an explorer has the most job application than any other job in the country" said Damos

Everyone was so excited to become old enough to go to college all over again.

"Alright, I know what I want to become"

"Hahaha, see you in that university then"

The other girl in the class asks Damos. "Sir did one of them successfully found information that would help humanity"

Sir Damos straight up said "No, all of them died"

"The agency responsible for exploration haven't contributed anything other than finding how stupid most of the people can be. they are willing to die just to escape reality. Unfortunately, this world is the same as earth or maybe way worse"

"On earth, becoming a soldier in an army is one of the most unpredictable jobs. because your life is in a constant countdown and you can die at any moment on the battlefield"

"In this world, becoming an explorer is the same as becoming a soldier. This means the chances of dying are inevitable. the only difference between the two is that your death has no contribution to humanity in here."

Those students that were excited a while ago were depressed and downhearted after hearing the reality from Damos.

"that's a quick transition of emotion" is what Damos was thinking

"Hahaha, stop acting like your life is already over. look, let us go back to the topic"

It took 20 minutes for the class to return to its lighthearted state.

"As I said, it took 8 years for engineers and scientists to create a television out of nothing. the good thing about magic circles is that as long as the right formula and blueprint are acquired, they can mass produce that product in exchange for offerings."

Roxanne raised her hand again and asks "Sir if the scientist brought back technology in this world, why didn't they start with high-tech television?"

"Oh excellent question Roxanne, actually as of now the scientist is almost finished coming up with a formula to create metal"

everyone tsk... in the class and say "lame"

Damos was annoyed.

"You despicable bunch are you now, you have no idea how important that is for human advancements. Because of magic circles, we can now mass produce metal and not get worried about depletion."

"That is why the government suggests spatial fabrication as a major course, it also has the highest paying wage among all courses. That is why I am teaching you the basics now."

"Just like the rest of advanced magic that we learn over the past weeks, spatial fabrication also uses six incantations. I will do a demonstration"

Damos then erase what's written on the board and writes the example incantation.

First Damos looks at the page, he seems to be scanning. he then flips the page and scans the next page. He flips again for the last time to see the final part. he realizes writing the incantation will be meaningless since it will be erased anyways.

he then dropped the chalk to the table and proceed to just read the book.

"Spirits of the earth infuse with the circle, gather all desired elements, combine as one, chemical element silicon with an atomic mass of 28.08 u, Electron configuration of [Ne] 3s²3p², Atomic number of 14, Electrons per shell 2, 8, 4, combine with chemical compound carbon dioxide"

Damos take a break from exhaustion as he looks at the class.

"wait class I am not yet done, the magic circle already knows what chemical element I will need I just have to create the carbon dioxide"

Damos then start chanting in the background.

Everyone was confused as to what the hell Damos is talking about.

"Do you know what he is talking about?" Someone whispered to Roxanne.

"I have no idea"

Luccione was looking outside the window, not participating in the class. he was thinking something.

What exactly is there to explore beyond the horizon? if this new world is just one big prison. everywhere is an owned property. going to the aristocratic class is just like selling your soul and body to society all over again.

Is this never gonna end? is this how god punished us, defective souls? is the cycle never gonna stop even if I die now? I thought once you die, all worries and problems will disappear. that is not what is happening, I'm afraid. no, there must be something wrong here. this world is not how it used to be, isn't it? whenever humanity arrives the world is turning into a human world. I hate to see a future where humanity will ruin this magical world just like what is happening on earth.

The creatures of this world, despite being called inferior, cannot communicate with us and has no mental potential, unlike a human. they know everything in this world more than any of us. they are following the natural order, that we humans always avoid.

"Maybe I will become an explorer after all" Luccione mumbled

But instead of giving the information that I found to contribute to humanity, I will give the information that I learn from humanity to them.

Damos exhaust for the 3rd time now.

"Don't worry guys, almost there. I already mix the silicon dioxide A.K.A. silica sand with the sodium carbonate and calcium oxide after this all we have to do is use a furnace and to do that we ask the spirits of fire"

Damos's clears his throat.

"Spirit of fire and spirit of the wind, hear my requests, make combust using heat, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, create a hot gas with 2,230 degrees Celsius, combined it with the magic circle."

Meanwhile, some of the students are facing down the arm desk sleeping. and some are daydreaming. Luccione is watching the birds as they fly nearby.

Only Roxanne is listening.

It took another 5 minutes to finish the whole incantation.

Damos now chants all the words written in the two-page book.

"There, the incantation is complete. All I have to do now is to say the activation enchantment, and hope that this will work"

Damos put on his hat and point his hand at the paper and says the activation enchantment.

"Elemental spirits, accept my command, do as I say, fulfill what is written inside, show your capability, and accept my offer"

The magic circle suddenly glow

The bright light is somewhat blinding but if we barely blink the effect of the light is less painful. some of the classmates even cover their eyes with their hands to make a small gap between two fingers to see what happens.

Luccione who is not paying attention also did the same.

The class saw how the process works, 3 small orbs generating from nothing, suddenly collide with each other. they then saw another 3 small orbs appearing out of nowhere as they spiral with the bigger orb and molded into a shape.

Suddenly we felt the heat intensifies, and the object starts radiating. and the magic circle below starts to emit heat waves in the classroom. but it is not actually too hot, it is like the heat from when you are standing beside the morning sunrise. at first, we felt warmth but as time goes by it's getting warmer, and then it hit the same temperature as the ones in the Philippines every afternoon in the open sun...

"SIR DAMOS! THAT'S ENOUGH IT'S TOO HOT NOW!!! OUCH!!! OUCH!!!" Luccione shouts loudly

Everyone was shouting.

"What is this, this is nothing I experience before in my previous life," said a classmate

Damos was just standing nearby the overheating magic, as he felt unharmed from it. he opens both of his arms wide and embraces the heat.

"Hahaha, this is the exact reason why we implemented climate compatibility exercise every afternoon, your body is not yet compatible with the burning sensation"

"If you want to be a future explorer, this is one of the tests you must overcome"

At some point, the heat slowly decreases and the beaming light from both the object and the magic circle slowly dims. to the point where looking is no longer hurting.

the class took a peak at the object.

there, they saw a plain glass cup.

"It's nothing much, but it sure did come out of nowhere. that's a spatial fabrication for you, even I have no idea I was capable of doing it," said Damos as he is bragging about it humbly.

The class fainted at the same time.

"Hey, what's with that discontent reaction?" said Damos, he is asking why the class is not amazed.

Luccione sighed...

And he looks back to the windows again.

10 minutes left before the end of class.

the girls are already packing their school materials. while the boys are ready to dash to the hallway the moment the bell rings, they did the sprint start position and everything.

"What are you doing? there is another minute left. you will have an activity, with a partner. you have to present it the next day after the sports festival" Said Damos

the class suddenly stops what they are doing and faces him with a resentment face.

This class has grief with me.

"You will be presenting your own spatial fabrication of any earth-made objects. it must not be a natural object, and don't you dare try and summon existing things in here, I know the difference between the magic circle of spatial fabrication and summoning magic" Damos state the requirements for the activity.

Luccione thought he can outsmart the rules by advanced learning summoning magic.

Luccione smiled.

"Damn it"

- End Chapter

Hello readers, it's been a while.

If you guys were wondering what the man in the cover photo of my novel is.

Well, I still have no idea what will be the design of my characters.

The cover does not mean anything related to the story, sorry about that. I am not really good at drawing. if I was able to draw fine, I won't be doing novel writing at all. and I'll upload it on the webtoon instead.

Thanks for reading my shitty cover novel, really appreciate it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts