
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Hey how's goin

due to my flickering passion in story writing I found it hard to continue writing this story. My college life is getting even more challenging as time goes by. that is why I don't see myself, enjoying writing this project anymore like I used to.

So for the readers, that still find the story interesting, I will do a complete redo of the story. the concept will still be the same. but the plot and names will be improvise.

the publishing date will not be announce, but the drafts will be collected and improvise. I don't want to make a promise that will never happen.

keep safe everyone! "companionship: terraforming in another world" will be in complete hiatus for a while.