

No matter what life throws at us all it takes a little breather and companion to over come it all

dream_art · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Standing near the beach with free air conditioner that is of course cool breeze from ocean waves with an ice cream on the hand with a boy whom you had hard crush wow sounds romantic right ???

Veronica pov

Romantic my foot !!! Oh my god i dreamed that it would be romantic only if my scuba diving was available look at me now!! after long periods of training for individual diving license and  when finally it was time to show off my majestic skills to Simon only to have broke the equipment. That's why they said that we should just sleep when we are over excited and try to not touch exactly when you are in state of ecstasy d**n it now that i was over excited with playing and broke the equipment i deserve it now i have to watch him diving without doing anything  still its good that i get to spend time with him

Simon : Ver why do you have broke your equipment ? see i am going deep now you will be bored now

Veronica :wow now u have poke on my sore spot ( heart with knife gif) just go head man i will enjoy the view 

Simon : then wait for me { went far away for diving)


i sat on a sea rock observing the view then i got a call from jenny

Jenny{ my best friend for 13 years now ) : Hey tommy ( it was a nickname among my friends) where you girl i on my way to house now

Veronica: i am not in my home jenn ( jenny nick name) i am on beach with simon

Jenny : whattttt 

Veronica : wow slow it down girl u r gonna break my ear now

Jenny : shut up i was just exited so whats going on anyway when did you get the courage to ask for beach date 

Veronica : its not a date but thats nice to imagine i broke my equipment he is diving and i am seating on the rock watching sea

Jenny : then what counting rocks on the sand ? you had such great opportunity now that you ruined god bless you my poor child it may take another 2 years for asking him another date soo sad i gonna cry for you for 5 minutes giggling

Veronica : come on make fun of me all you want i am just 21 now there will be lot oppournuties 

Jenny : Yeah 1 year back you said the same thing babes hey i will you back my husky is calling now

Veronica : good for you having your sweetheart and all 

Jenny : you do have one babe you are happy with watching him i am not saint like you then update me todays feedback at evng bye tommyyyyyy.....


Stranger 1 : see i told wear your shoes who would wear heels on beach susan

Stranger 2 : who would guess that you will be take to me beach,,, you have all dolled up yourself and what is it with your outfit d**n it who would wear shirt trousers for beach

Stranger 1 : calm down Susi now take my hand and stand up we can sit on the rocks near by 

Susan while taking hand : you know you should have asked to carry me rather than walking side by side you should learn to take advantage of situation buddy

Stranger 1 : its not very gentlemanly you know

Susan : laughting should i praise you for being gentleman ??(inner voice: or should i scold you for not taking hint man)

  Stranger 1 yeah you should praise me said shamelessly

sitting on two rocks beside veronica

Stranger 1 : excuse me do you have water please ?

Veronica : yeah here gives extra water bottle 

Stranger 1 : thanks

Susan : takes water and sips down wow now i am feeling alive thanks buddy i am Susan 

Veronica : its ok i am veronica Thomas 

  Stranger 1 : i am adams meadows

Susan : wow now we are using full names are we ? its long time i heard people using full names for greeting

Adams and veronica at the same time : its just a habit looked at each other after saying flinched

Susan : hahaha ,, hello veronica is there any restrooms nearby i need to use restroom now 

Veronica : Take right and first left you will find it 

Susan : thanks , addy i will be back in a minute give me your shoes

Adams : while giving shoes wait i will come with you 

Susan : what am i ? 8 ? i will come back and take my flips on the car wait for me

Susan left

Adams & Veronica silence around the background

Adams breaks the air : are you waiting for someone ?

Veronica : yeah looks in the direction left by Susan and asks girlfriend ?

Adams : not yet 

Veronica : looks like you can caught on soon

Adams : are you looking for your boyfriend?

Veronica : not yet but how do you know i waiting for someone i like

adams : you are looking at that direction same way i look at susy 

Adams& veronica : both sighs

Veronica laughs: its funny but good on luck on pursuing buddy

Adams : same to you looks (straight and tells) look there is he the one you are waiting for ?

Veronica : looks at direction and waves the hand to Simon

Veronica: yeah stands up bye buddy we will meet again if fate prevails

Adams :  yeah hopefully than we can succeed on our pursuits

veronica laughs yeah and lefts

Veronica : have u had fun while diving

Simon : yeah a lot we should definetly partner up next time ver

veronica ; when u have time definetly

Simon : looks straight at veronica than asks : ver do you have plans next weekend if not lets come again here lets do this again

Veronica: Yeah i am free smiles brightly

in those times of youthful energy i felt  pure affection for  having to look forward to meet you to brighten up my mood 

that was the time felt for the first to hold your hand and walk through the road for the days to come>>>

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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