
Structure of the State.

The structure of the state ... will be completed as the novel progresses.

King - Elected by the votes of the nobility.

Grand Marshal of the Crown - the equivalent of the first minister and minister of the interior.

Crown Court Marshal - Second Minister and Deputy Grand Marshal of the Crown.

Grand Chancellor of the Crown - His duties included ensuring that the king obeyed the law and was responsible for foreign policy in Western Europe.

Grand Chancellor of Lithuania - He had a similar range of powers to the Grand Chancellor of the Crown, but his duties included foreign policy in Eastern Europe.

Grand Treasurer of the Crown - taking care of the treasury and the state mint. His prerogatives were similar to those of today's minister of the treasury, finance and the head of the central bank.

Vice Chancellor - Deputy Chancellor, one of the highest state officials. The chancellors conducted diplomatic correspondence, as the head of the chancellery, he issued royal privileges and grants as well as other acts related to the internal organization of the state. The legal power and scope of duties of the vice-chancellor were identical to those of the chancellor's.

Voivode - Governor of the Province.

Grand Hetman of the Crown - Second, after the King, the highest military commander in Poland.

Grand Hetman of Lithuania - Second, after the King, the highest military commander in Lithuania.

Field Hetman of the Crown - The main task of the Field Hetman of the Crown was to protect the south-eastern borderlands of the Commonwealth against invasions from neighboring countries. Field hetmans were responsible for intelligence, reconnaissance and fighting. During the battle under the command of the Grand Hetman, they commanded the less prestigious left wing, and in his absence, took command.

Field Hetman of Lithuania - had similar powers and scope of activities as the Field Hetman of the Crown, only in Lithuania.