
Saint, Charlatan or...?

Human history is full of events and things that cannot be rationally explained. Almost everyone has heard about Michel de Nostredame, a French apothecary, mystic and astrologer, better known as Nostradamus. His predictions about future events capture people's imaginations to this day. However, he is not the only character to enter the pages of history as a clairvoyant.

We do not know when he was born, we do not know when he died, apart from a few brief references from the 17th century, we do not know how he lived. If I know so little about him, did he even exist?

We know about him from several old issues of the first printed newspaper in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, letters and documents from all over Europe.

Our story begins in the first half of the 17th century. It is then that the Field Hetman of the Crown, Wilkomir Michał Jazłowiecki, meets a hermit priest living in the forests of the Bracław Province. It probably happened during the Moscow war or the later war with the Ottoman Empire, Jazłowiecki himself, known for his outstanding mind, was very impressed by the man he met, to such an extent that for the next several dozen years they remained in contact with each other.

We do not know how this hermit won the trust of one of the most powerful people of his time, a man who treated Europe as chessboards, and kings and queens as his pawns. However, we can certainly say that the recigious texts and prophecies of this hermit priest began to appear regularly on the pages of the newspaper published by Jazłowiecki.

... and this is one example of the many predictions left by this mysterious hermit, most of them focused on future wars, death and the birth of important personalities, tragedies and natural disasters.

"When three bees die, three lilies will sprout on their graves, and a dove with an olive branch will return to this land."

This is the text of one of the first prophecies of priest Robak (Worm) , which has survived to our times and, like almost every prophecy, it was deciphered a few years later... text of this prophecy concerns the death of Urban VIII and his replacement by Inocenty X as the new head of the Roman Church.

In the second half of the 18th century, Pope Leo XIII, the first pope from the Hungarian Kingdom, beatified Father Robak, which allowed to spread his cult locally, mainly in the lands associated with him.

Magical Esoteric Magazine "The Witch"