
96 Present

(Khan Mehmed / Shahin Giray POV)

"What do you think, brother, about Prince Jazłowiecki's proposal?" (Shahin Giray)

"It seems tempting, 80,000 prisoners, each worth at least 10 gold coins is 800,000. The Sultan now needs slaves. I heard that many people die while digging this canal, food and water are lacking... Perhaps he will pay even more than 10 gold coins." (Khan Mehmed)

"So you want to agree?" (Shahin Giray)

"Yes, but I'm still going to negotiate. I'd like to get more prisoners and weapons from him.... but now give him this gift, we'll see how he reacts." (Khan Mehmed)

"We will need him to fight the Turks, unfortunately Jazłowiecki always says that it is bad time for war..." (Shahin Giray)

"You are too impatient, brother, revolts break out in the Ottoman Empire, the Sultan has to extinguish them by force, which causes more rebellions ... The more Ottomans lose their strength for internal struggles, the better for us." (Khan Mehmed)

(End POV)

In the evening, Chan's brother Shahin came to my quarters, brought with him a small wooden chest, decorated with gold and precious stones.

"Prince, is a small gift to thank you for being a friend in difficult times." (Shahin Giray)

I was surprised, there was nothing strange about receiving gifts, I just did not expect such a gesture. I thanked him and then opened the chest... inside was Arğın Doğan Toğay's head wrapped in a silk scarf. That surprised me even more, and Shahin noticed it too.

"My brother wasn't sure if your information was true or not, but decided not to take any chances."

I never expected to have Tugay Bey's head in my hand and to add it to my collection. It made me happy ... but it also opened up new possibilities.

"I was hoping that Khan would wait with this ... if he was spying for the Sultan and the Sultan would find out about his death ... Your brother acted too hastily." (MC)

"What do you mean by that?" (Shahin Giray)

"His sudden death may seem suspicious ... you can kill anyone, even an innocent one, but you must have a good reason ... no matter if the reason is real or not ..." (MC)

I pretended to think for a moment, took a few steps around the room.

"I know! You can report that he has entered the harem, which is reason enough to kill him. You can even sacrifice some concubine as if she was having an affair with him... I think this will surely calm down the possible suspicions of the Sultan." (MC)

"Is it necessary? He was killed because that is what Khan wanted ..." (Shahin Giray)

"He probably had a family ... Father, brother, son ... mother or sister. They all have to die. Someone may seek revenge in the future ... if there is no family, there will be no revenge, and Khan will avoid problems." (MC)

My plot led to the death of a man, and now I was advising to get rid of his entire family ... but it won't keep me awake at night. Personally, I have done much worse things and will do them more than once again.

"I will pass your words to my brother and now I wish you good night." (Shahin Giray)

Then I was left alone in the room ... almost alone. I opened my chest, pulled out Tugay Bey's head, unwrapped silk scarf, and placed head on the table.

"I don't know if you deserve a place in my collection. I killed the others myself, I saw their eyes go dead, you are a bit like a consolation prize or a participation trophy. You will look nice on a shelf, but nothing else... something like a feminist, it's a woman but no one wants to fuck it." (MC)

I talked with my companion for a while, and then I went to sleep. Tomorrow I was to receive a reply from Khan.

In the morning one of the servants woke me up, he also brought me breakfast ... but it was only after drinking coffee that I felt alive. The meeting with Khan took place in the afternoon, we were walking around the garden, talking about various topics, but the topic of his participation in the Moscow war was not mentioned, and I was not going to ask ... I didn't want to give the impression of desperation. We walked out onto the road leading to the palace and saw a row of spears stuck in the ground, on which were impaled heads of men, women and children.

"I took your advice, problems are best solved immediately. It will also cause fear in my opponents in Crimea." (Khan Mehmed)

"As Horace wrote ... fate favors the bold and rejects the timid." (MC)

"How many troops do you need?" (Khan Mehmed)

"The more the better, but a minimum of 40- 50 thousand. I do not need them typically for a fight, but to take care of prisoners, reconnaissance and attack any help that would go to Moscow. Destroying crossings and bridges, burning the surrounding villages. The city itself will be captured by the Cossacks." (MC)

"I agree, but under certain conditions. You want an army, you will get it, but you have to feed it. 100,000 prisoners and weapons." (Khan Mehmed)

The conditions did not seem excessive, maybe apart from the weapons that I did not want to get rid of.

"You can take all weapons that will be in Moscow, I do not have any other weapons. I agree with the rest." (MC)

Eventually the deal was made, now I could be calmer. Although the Tatar cavalry was not suitable for a siege, it will be perfect for securing the area, my camp and making quick attacks on small towns, settlements and villages.

I spent a few more days in Crimea, Khan in his goodness equipped us with new horses and to save us the road he organized a ship for us, thanks to which we would be able to save a few hundred kilometers.