
83 Home Again

We spent the next month and a half in the saddle, traveling in winter was definitely a stupid idea, but I wanted to get to Jazłowiec as soon as possible ... Over the last year I have traveled almost 10,000 kilometers and to be honest I was tired of it, maybe if everything turned out to be my way, I would feel some sort of satifaction, but saving the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was like sticking your fingers in holes in a sinking ship. Which in itself wasn't the worst ... The worst thing was that the stupid king and mindless nobles were making new holes.

Sometimes I wondered whether I should take all my possessions, sell my property and move to some civilized and normal country. Unfortunately, my choice was very limited. I guess I'm getting old because I complain so much...

The following months will not be too quiet either, I will have to meet Lew Sapieha and Aleksander Gosiewski, the very thought of the latter made my liver ache. I would like to convince them to support Stanisław "Raver" Potocki for the position of Grand Hetman of the Crown, and then arrange the position of Crown Field Hetman for myself... We arrived in Jazłowiec at the beginning of April 1628 ... more than a year has passed.

Unfortunately, it was not without stupid greetings, but I didn't feel like the whole ceremony. Of course, the first one who wanted to greet me was the old secretary Kowalski ... I looked at him and wondered how old he might be, when I was a child he was already old, more than twenty years had passed and apart from a few wrinkles and gray hair, he had not changed much.

"Lord, welcome home. Your face ..." (Secretary Kowalski)

Now Kowalski will remind me that I should not risk my life until I have an heir.

"I didn't have time to shave." (MC)

"Lord!!! Risking your life... Jazłowiecki family..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"I know, but maybe I have an heir ... I visited so many brothels ..." (MC)

"Jesus Christ, what would the old Lord say, such behavior, such ... In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Amen. Are you done with these prayers? I am tired, I go to my room to get enough sleep." (MC)

"But there are a few things that need ..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Has anyone died?" (MC)

Kowalski was surprised by my question. He looked at me and with all seriousness ...

"Several people..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Has someone important died? If not, I go to sleep, and if die, I can't help him any more." (MC)

"Lord ..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Tomorrow or day after tomorrow, I will find time... someday." (MC)

I immediately went to my room and threw myself on my bed ... that was what I missed. I don't even remember falling asleep. I woke up after a few hours, or rather, I was awake. I felt someone stroking my face ... first thought, fortunately I'm not in prison.

I opened my eyes and saw Sveta sitting next to me and she ran her hand over my head ... cute, but she could let me sleep. She noticed that I woke up.

"Lord" (Sveta)

I didn't really understand her, once she called me by my name, and once officially ... she had my cock in her mouth so many times that she could skip these formalities.

"Very nice wake up but it would be even nicer if you were naked ..." (MC)

Sveta turned red in the face, got up and began to undress.

"Just kidding, there will be time for that too. Sit down and talk about what you've been doing this year." (MC)

Then I regretted asking as I wasn't there, her responsibilities were minimal. She didn't have to serve me or sleep with me, so she spent her time mainly raising her children. She mentioned that her son turned 16 this year, he was still young, but this year or the next I will find him a wife and give him some land, probably far from Jazłowiec. It is not my bastard that I should bother with him in some special way.

"Your head ... How did you get these wounds?" (Sveta)

"I was surrounded by hundreds of Danish soldiers, one of them fired a pistol ... nothing interesting. Don't you like me anymore?" (MC)

"No, Lord. No ... you just look ... more dangerous. As a child, you had a delicate face like an angel. When you grew up, you weren't an angel, but you still had a delicate face." (Sveta)

I don't know if that was a compliment or not, but I won't be petty to point out to her that she weighed less when she was younger.

"Governess fulfilling her duties?" (MC)

"She looks after our children every day, but I don't know what the learning progress is ... I can't read." (Sveta)

"I'll take care of it myself. Regarding the future of our children ... I had to sacrifice my delicate beauty and lie a little, but the Emperor gave the titles Reichsfürst or Princeps Imperii, to Piotr and Katarzyna." (MC)

Sveta didn't really understand what I was talking about, she seemed happy, but not fully aware of the significance of this situation.

"Piotr and Katarzyna received the titles of Prince and Princess of the Reich, they are honorary titles, without money and land, but these are hereditary titles, I was also in Rome. I spoke to the Pope's nephew, when Piotr grows up, he will take our son under his protection." (MC)

"Jesus Christ..." (Sveta)

On my lover's face I could see all kinds of emotions: happiness, fear, surprise, disbelief ... and with each emotion the color of her face turned either very pale or red as if she had a stroke.

Of course I will let Sveta think I did this for her, which is somewhat true ... but not entirely true. Piotr with the title of Prince can make a bigger career in the church hierarchy, and I have plans for him to be the Primate of Poland. Katarzyna, if everything goes according to my plans, she will become the wife of the Moldavian Hospodar in the future.

As you can see from my sense of humor or certain things I write. I am politically more on the right, maybe a little libertarianism ... or maybe the center, with a bias to the right. Political compasses are strange.

If this bothers someone, I warn you that in the future there will probably be more such things.

MedTryglawcreators' thoughts