
71 My Good Heart

My first goal was Szczecin, which was the headquarters of the Pomeranian Dukes.

The road was not far, only 130 kilometers, but it took us a week to get there ... As Prince Bogusław was not an enemy, I showed enough courtesy that I announced my arrival.

I had a plan in my head and wanted to test it, but even if it didn't work out, I wouldn't lose anything.

"Greetings Prince Jazłowiecki, I would not say I am happy to see another Imperial commander, but this is what they say in the Kingdom of Poland. Guest at home, God at home... so, welcome in my house." (Bogusław XIV)

"Maybe I serve the Emperor, but my name is not Albrecht von Wallenstein, this pig, even in Bohemia, where he comes from, they call him a traitor. The Emperor tolerates him because he wins, but does not respect him." (MC)

"The Imperial Commander arrives with a kind word and good intentions ... unheard of." (Bogusław XIV)

"The prince is wrong. I announced my arrival as Prince Jazłowiecki, and not as a commander in the service of the Emperor. I am here privately." (MC)

This interested my interlocutor, if you came to someone privately, it usually meant something confidential.

"So how can I help you?" (Bogusław XIV)

"I will not waste time on beautiful words, I do it only because of the Griffin family past ... and a future that this family does not have..." (MC)

"What do you mean, Prince? You are my guest, but your words ..." (Bogusław XIV)

"I will explain, this war will not end soon. It will continue for years. Prince, while remaining neutral, will be exposed to attacks from both sides. Now the troops under the command of Wallenstein have come and have demanded obedience from you, the Swedes will come in a year or two and will do the same... there's not much choice." (MC)

"So I have to choose between the Emperor and the Catholic League or Protestant Union ..." (Bogusław XIV)

"No, choose the third option. Become a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland. Before you interrupt me, listen to me to the end. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth defeated Sweden not so long ago and for several years they will not dare to attack us again. The Emperor has France, England, Denmark, Sweden and many electors against him, but he also has the support of Spain, the Papal State, several Italian Principalities and the political support of Poland. of course only political, although the King would like to help Habsburg militarily, he cannot. If the Prince became a vassal of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden would not dare to attack, the Emperor might be displeased, but he would have to accept it, it would not be wise on his part to start a conflict with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. I would like to add that if the prince decided to do it, it would be possible to give some title of the Voivode, for example in Livonia, thanks to which you would also become a senator." (MC)

Bogusław didn't answer anything for a long time, he probably wouldn't make such a serious decision overnight, but it is important that he wonders and he did not refuse immediately... That's why I decided to forge the iron while it's hot.

"Dear Prince, your family used to be a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland in its history, one of your ancestors married the daughter of the Polish King ... You are from Pomerania, but your roots are in Poland, not in the Empire. I know that you have to think about it, and I have to return to the war. Therefore I will not take any more of your time, but I have a small request. I need to send something to Gdańsk, could I rent one of your ships?" (MC)

I was not sure if the Prince Bogusław would agree to my proposal, but I gave him a chance... in the end, I still have the option to kill him, although I would prefer to avoid it.

Bogusław agreed to rent a ship for me, and my people loaded all the loot on it, which we did not need at the moment. I also wrote a letter to Graf Ferber with instructions.

After a short and sleepless night with local whores, I summoned a few people and headed north to Wołogoszcz. It was there that the Jarowit Temple was located, from which in 1128 a cleric named Dytryk stole Jarowit's Shield... After four days, we were already there. I told my people to wait.

Although the task itself from Weles was easy, the search was more difficult. The temple was destroyed and 500 years have passed since then, the legends and folklore were not always accurate, so I had to put some effort into searching.

After a few hours of senseless digging in the ground, searching under stones and bushes, I regretted that I had not asked Weles for more details ... the area was large and I was alone. I could call my people and tell them to search, but how was I supposed to explain to them that we are looking for a shield of a Slavic God that was stolen 500 years ago.

I sat down on a stone and began to remember every legend, fairy tale, folk tale, article or scientific study that I read and was related to Jarowit ... I tried to analyze every word, every detail. Only someone's voice broke my thoughts. I looked up.

Weles was standing in front of me and only now I noticed that the night had come ... and unnatural silence.

"It's good to see you, I need more information." (MC)

"Maybe some greeting first ..." (Weles)

"Geetings Lord Weles. Good to see you, I need more information." (MC)

"Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake in choosing you ..." (Weles)

"You're saying the same thing as all my exes. Information?" (MC)

"But you don't need information, you found it ... you're sitting on it, you idiot." (Weles)

"I'm sitting on a stone, the shield was gold. Even my butt knows the difference between granite and gold." (MC)

Suddenly I remembered an old epiphany by Czesław Miłosz from the times when Poland was a communist country.

"They looked in the trunks, they looked in the suitcases, they didn't look into the ass - and that's where I have socialism."

It's so obvious under a stone, darkest under a lantern.

Weles applauded maliciously.

"Congratulations ..." (Weles)