
59 Opportunities

We reached Gdańsk the next day, which was a great success. The crews of the ships were not full and I had to use the Cossacks to fill the gaps in less important positions. The very entrance to the port was also a problem, we sailed without any flag, which caused suspicions and many unnecessary questions. Only when I asked for the arrival of Constantin Ferber III, who this year became the city councilor in Gdańsk, things became clear.

I waited in the port for the arrival of Graf Ferber, from a distance I saw the great port crane built in 1444 ... to think that my bones would turn to dust, and he would survive for another 600 years. The air was filled with the smell of salt water, fish, and less pleasant things. Behind me I heard quick steps and the scream of seagulls taking flight. I turned, three men were walking towards me, one of them I knew from a painting that I once saw in a museum or in some church ... it was Constantin Ferber III, he made a sign with his hand and two men were left behind.

"Prince, I did not expect to see you so soon in Gdańsk. I read your book "Robinson Crusoe", wonderful, really excellent ..." (Graf Ferber)

"Thank you, but I don't have much time for talks, I have to go to Lithuania to Hetman Sapieha." (MC)

"So how can I help you?" (Graf Ferber)

"These two galleons and five barges are my new ships, I got them in Sweden. Please include them in my fleet, enlist the crews and, like "Jurata", let them earn for themselves." (MC)

It was evident from his face that he was surprised and a little scared, Gdańsk was afraid of the power of the Swedes, and here someone shows up and says that he had captured Swedish ships.

"Swedish ships?! How?!" (Graf Ferber)

Then I had to tell him about the events in Piława, about the storm, about the battle ... about everything that happened, although I omitted the issue of amber.

"It was God who favored the Prince." (Graf Ferber)

"Not me, but us. My dear Graf, Gustaw Adolf wanted to attack Gdańsk, but the Swedes lost 125 ships and their King is in captivity. The Baltic Sea has become ... more empty and someone has to fill this void. You have mine eight ships, make use of them." (MC)

"You think ..." (Graf Ferber)

"This is a normal thing in trade, some things will become more expensive, some things will be cheaper ... whoever has the information has an advantage. As you know, Sweden buys a lot of grain in the Principality of Moscow, but the Moscow fleet is almost non-existent. Copper from the north of Sweden without ships is just a pile of worthless metal." (MC)

My suggestion, although general, ignited the imagination of my interlocutor. Graf was an intelligent man who knew how to trade, he didn't need much to understand the possibilities of this situation. His voice grew more excited.

"But what about peace? This opportunity may not repeat itself again." (Graf Ferber)

"It will be negotiated by Hetman Sapieha, but I think that all Livonia, up to the Gulf of Finland, will belong to the Kingdom of Poland." (MC)

"If that's true, the possibilities are endless." (Graf Ferber)

"You can also attribute part of the glory for capturing the King of Sweden to yourself, your prestige will increase in the eyes of the inhabitants of Gdańsk. I can announce myself that you helped me." (MC)

"No, that's not possible. It's a tempting offer." (Graf Ferber)

"There will come a time that the Ferber family will be known not only in the Baltic Sea, but also in the Black Sea ... but I have already lost a lot of time, I need a ship that will take me and my people to Konigsberg. One more thing, Arend Dickmann?" (MC)

"I used my connections in the Union of Gdańsk Sea Captains, it cost a bit, but he agreed to take the position of captain of "Jurata"..." (Graf Ferber)

"Well, now he'll be in charge of my entire fleet." (MC)

"Prince, Dickmann is a good captain, but so far he has only transported wood and grain. Is he really worth that?" (Graf Ferber)

"I hope I will never have to find out about it ... Without Sweden, trade in the Baltic Sea will be like a beautiful lady with a large dowry ... Dear Graf, watch out for the Danes." (MC)

It was the last thing I said to Graf, it was not a big secret either, the ambitions of the Danes were obvious... Having a city councilor from a wealthy patrician family on your side makes many things easier. Less than an hour later, a ship was waiting for me, for which Graf himself had paid.

The ship's captain assured me that we would be in Königsberg in two days at the most.

As I had a lot of time, and even more ideas, I decided to test some of them on my prisoners, and at the same time deprive Gustaw Adolf of commanders and advisers ... killing them did not make much sense, I could not torture them normally because there are traces on the body. I called Saddata to my cabin.

"Bring me Count Horn, put a sack over his head so he doesn't know where he's going." (MC)

By the time Saddat came back, I had adjusted everything to test waterboarding on Count Horn ... the fun lasted a few hours, then I had another inmate brought in, and then another. I gave them nothing to eat, and they only got sea water to drink. I tested keelhauling on them, of course on everyone except Gustaw Adolf. Unfortunately, he had to remain healthy and in his right mind.

Two days later, as promised by the captain, we sailed to Konigsberg ... now I only had to travel 360 kilometers to get to Wilna to the court of Hetman Sapieha.

I was only supposed to rewrite these 240 chapters and then finish the novel, but it gets so extensive that I don't know if 350 chapters are enough.

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