
46 Truth and Lies

This day couldn't have started better ... I woke up earlier than usual, Sveta was lying naked next to me and I sucked her breasts ... one led to the other and we both ate breakfast later.

"Lord, your son ..." (Sveta)

It begins again, even breakfast can not be eaten in peace anymore ... I did not want to show irritation and although I kept my stone face and calm voice ...

"Yes?" (MC)

"I have a request if you could visit him more often. Since you returned from the war, you haven't seen him or even asked about him." (Sveta)

"I thought that if something bad happened to him, you would tell me about it ... My visit." (MC)

Let's think logically, I'm going to give him a church career, then use his influence ... and probably better not give him reasons to dislike me.

"Sveta I am a very busy man, but we can do this ... You can bring him to the office when I'm working, but he has to keep calm." (MC)

She was very happy with my proposal, but I felt the headache approaching...after finished breakfase... I did some saber training and went to my office.

I have been thinking for several days how to harm the emperor and the Habsburg family ... supposedly the pen is stronger than the sword, I personally did not believe it, but the pen can also be useful in a fight, propaganda.

I decided to publish a book under a pseudonym, consisting of two chapters. In the first of them I was going to describe the story of Countess Elizabeth Bathory and the false accusations ... About how the Habsburgs fabricated evidence and rumors, out of fear that she would support her cousin, the Prince of Transylvania Gabriel Batory in the fight against them. How the collection of evidence and the whole Countess's case were entrusted to her other cousin, Jerzy Thurzo, who after her death inherited some of her property and, of course, I will also mention that one of the reasons for the Habsburg intrigues was her conversion to Lutheranism.

The second chapter was about how behind the Emperors and the Habsburgs, there is the Jewish Fugger family and their money, of course I wasn't sure of the origin of this family, but Jews are always a good excuse ... Jews or Gypsies, but no one will believe in a rich gypsy. Anyway, a lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth. I remembered what I could about loans, selling noble titles and debts ... this book will be a real bestseller.

The only thing left for me to choose was my literary pseudonym... after a moment's thought I chose François Voltaire. The nickname will point to the French, which can only deepen the hatred between France and the Habsburgs... Satisfied with myself, I immediately started writing ... I was going to publish it only in German, so my writing was not as smooth as it was in Polish, but I assumed that I should finish it within a month.

Less than a week later, Secretary Kowalski returned from Lviv with the golden skull of Khan Temir. I immediately placed it on a shelf in my office ... leaving some room for other trophies.

Unfortunately, not all the news was good, from Kowalski's account I found out what is rumored in taverns. My name appeared often on people's lips, about how I defeated the Tatars, but the description of the events was a bit inconsistent with what happened ... Apparently I was a Tatar prisoner captured on the way to Tarnow and only thanks to the help of other prisoners I managed to get free. That I caught Khan Temir by accident because he was drunk. I knew they were lies, but I couldn't help it ... I can't shut everyone's mouths, and if I deny it, people always know better, even though they weren't there.

I was also wondering who could try to lower the rank of my victory ... I thought about Koniecpolski, but I quickly rejected this thought. He had many flaws, but it was not his style. He had many such victories throughout his life and he would not risk telling lies that would give him nothing. I also thought about the Zasławski family, because after all, all my grandfather's fortune went to me, and they only got crumbs ... yes, it's more likely.

The whole situation irritated me a lot ... I had to let off some steam. The perfect opportunity came in the form of Teofila, who came to my office.

"Wilkomir, I have a request for you, I would like to hire a few painters to see their skills and choose from among them the one who would teach me." (Teofila Tarło)

"I don't see a problem, I will order a carriage to be ready and you can go to Kiev, Lviv or Kraków and hire whomever you want ... although it will be rather expensive, but you know best how to manage your own money." (MC)

Teofila lowered her head, but I could see the flush on her face anyway. She was ashamed.

"I don't know how to say it ... but I was hoping that you could help me financially ..." (Teofila Tarło)

"Of course I can, but let's stop playing cat and mouse, although it can be interesting, the longer it takes, the more tiring it becomes." (MC)

"I do not understand." (Teofila Tarło)

I wasn't going to play any longer, she understood perfectly well, but she tried to pretend to be naive.

"If you want me to open the treasury before you, you must open your legs to me." (MC)

"How dare you! I'm not a whore!" (Teofila Tarło)

"Lean against the desk, pull up your dress, or go out and don't waste my time ... and spare me those performances and false indignation." (MC)

I watched her with amusement and wondered what she would do ... she sat in the chair for a few more minutes, then got up and headed for the door... She turned the key in the lock and once the door was locked, she began to undress... I did not expect that I could break her so quickly.