
22 Man on a Mission

After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, I went to my office and called Secretary Kowalski. I wasn't here for a long time and I had to get to know the situation in my estate... A few minutes later my secretary appeared with a pile of papers in his hand.

"There are tax statements, income and expenditure balance, letters, documents regarding the transfer of land, although here I dared to change the arrangements that the Lord left. The land was not handed over, but leased for life. I did it to avoid later inheritance problems." (Secretary Kowalski)

"It doesn't matter much, it is important that the land issue has been settled. Before I start reading these documents, are there any other matters I need to know?" (MC)

"I handed over the supplies of food and gunpowder to Grand Hetman's army, bless his soul and Grand Hetman's body was temporarily deposited in Kamieniec Podolski. Besides, I don't think anything significant happened." (Secretary Kowalski)

"I want to be alone now if I need anything or have any questions. I'll call you." (MC)

The first thing I did was the tax statement. Compared to last year, there weren't many changes and everything looked normal. Although it didn't take long, I will have to hire an intendant or accountant in the future. Then I started reading letters and stocktaking documents.

Among the letters I received was one from my grandfather, in which he invited me to his palace in Tarnów ... I will definitely visit him, good relations with rich relatives are always advisable.

There were also letters from lesser nobility, merchants, nothing that required my immediate attention. I spent several hours on the papers, so I decided to take a break. I called Sveta to bring me something to drink and eat.

"Something interesting happened here while I was away?" (MC)

"Except for the royal army that passed this way, it was quiet, Lord. People were afraid that the Tatars would come under the city, but God saved us from it." (Sveta)

I had a few more short sentences with her, asked about her children, and after the meal was over, I went back to work.

I have yet to go over the expenses, castle maintenance, salary ... I really need an accountant. "Everything is correct ... let's add ... another page, 35 pennys ... that's 71 ducats a year, but I have 58 ducats on record."... I'm not a math genius, but Sveta's salary is 13 ducats less than it should be. I doubt if anyone tried to cheat me for such a small amount of money ... small for me, for others it is a fortune for which you can buy four or five oxen. I called Secretary Kowalski to me.

"I have a question, all books and notes are correct, but I found a mistake in one place. Sveta's salary is 35 pennys a day, 365 days a year ... which should add up to 71 ducats, but the book says that she only received 58 ducats ... Where does this difference come from? " (MC)

"Sveta did not work for two months, she was sick at home." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Sick? Something serious? I saw her today and she looked normal." (MC)

"No, nothing serious. She was disobedient as a wife and her husband got her right ... maybe a bit too much, but no serious harm happened to anyone." (Secretary Kowalski)

I dismissed Kowalski ... I am not a saint and I do not interfere with the matters of others, unless there is an advantage in it for me ... but Sveta was already my property in my consciousness ... I had a lot on my mind, but since I'm already in Jazłowiec. Her husband has walked this world too long.

but before I do anything to him ... I counted 26 thalers and called Sveta to me again.

"I heard you were sick for two months and you didn't work ..." (MC)

I handed her the purse.

"Here, that's 26 thalers for two months that you haven't worked. You are my personal servant, whether you work or not, whether I'm in Jazłowiec or not." (MC)

She was surprised and delighted, she thanked me, fell to her knees and started kissing my hand.

Very good, get used to this position ... I told her to leave and went back to the desk. I had to plan what to do... the next three years will be quiet, it will be a time of development and gathering strength. I definitely have to visit my grandfather, increase my military capabilities, get rich, gain fame and prestige.

Fortunately, I already had a few ideas ... fame and prestige do not have to come only from my military achievements, I can also gain recognition in literature. In my previous life I read many books, but not many of them could be presented at that time ... The first thing that came to my mind was "The Teutonic Knights" and "Quo Vadis" by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The first one takes place during the Polish Teutonic wars, and the second one during the times of Nero. Another book was "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Aleksander Dumas, although the story takes place after Napoleon's overthrow, but the details and historical places can always be adjusted, it is not a big problem. I was wondering if I should plagiarize the "Three Musketeers" ... but the romance between the Duke of Buckingham and the French Queen Anna of Austria could be badly received and even end in war.

Having three titles, for the moment I decided to stop there, tomorrow I will send someone to Lviv to contact local printers. I'll also call local merchants. I need information and good business contacts, and instead of building something from scratch, I can use existing structures. As for the military, I will have to find and hire a few gunsmiths and people who know how to cast cannons... looked at the list ... these are going to be a busy three years... but now I need to get some sleep, I haven't left these four walls all day.