
198 Names

It was already official, my children were born on September 1st... and this time they were not bastards. This date must have something magical about it that it brings so much misfortune... as for my wife... apparently, women become more beautiful after childbirth, I don't know who came up with something like this, but Elisabeth looked like she was hit by a truck... and I have some experience in this subject. If it weren't for the fact that I had to do it, I would avoid this sight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" (Elisabeth)

I watched as Elisabeth breastfed our babies, trying to avoid looking at all the rest... with twins, I don't know when it will be my turn to be breastfed... To think that from the day they were born they already make my life difficult, fortunately it is the 17th century, not the 21st century because I would never get rid of them from home.

"You look beautiful... and I envy our children." (MC)

Elisabeth laughed at what I said and revealed her breasts even more, she did it on purpose... how can she be so cruel? I have feelings too.

"Do you want to hold them?" (Elisabeth)

She didn't have to tell me this twice, I reached out to grab her breasts...

"You are naughty, I talked about our children not my breasts... hihihi... men." (Elisabeth)

Well... no, I don't want to hold them... but I couldn't say this. So I carefully picked up my daughter... or so I think. She looked just like her brother... small, bald and wrinkled. Then I did the same with my son, I even played "find three differences" but I had to be blind.

"Thank you my dear wife, I will not forget this day for the rest of my life." (MC)

It was true, traumatic experiences always come back to haunt us, maybe I'll get PTSD. I had almost tears in my eyes.

"Have you already thought about names for them?" (Elisabeth)

I was partially prepared for this situation, my son's name had been chosen a long time ago... forty and four.

"Yes, for a boy Władysław Fryderyk Jazłowiecki Ostrogski Simmern. Władysław after one of our best kings, and Fryderyk after your father." (MC)

She did not react to the mention of the king, but she liked the idea of ​​commemorating her father very much.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me, and have you thought how will you name our daughter?" (Elisabeth)

I didn't think about it, only yesterday I found out that I have a daughter... but certainly I did not want to name my daughter Elisabeth, too many people had this name in the family... though not for long... and she could not be called Maria, a Catholic taboo name in Poland, even our future queen had to change her name for this reason... Not really knowing what to do, I said the first two names that came to mind.

"Łucja Anna?" (MC)

Why? I don't know, these names meant nothing to me. Anna was very popular, and Łucja... who cares.

"Łucja Anna Jazłowiecka Ostrogska Simmern..." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth tried to say the names and as I expected she had a problem with the name Łucja.

"Anna Łucja... it will be better this way, don't you think?" (Elisabeth)

I literally didn't care.

"You are right, Anna Łucja... now forgive me, but we must announce to the world their birth." (MC)

It was a great opportunity to make a good impression on people and gain popularity... I went back to my office and decided to issue a special edition of the newspaper and write a several letters.

A few hours later, my printing house started to work at full speed, the task was so much easier as it was only one page with names, date and a short note that for the next 4 days I was going to give away gold and silver... Then I started writing the letters, of course, among the addressees were my close and distant "friends" such as Graf Ferber, Prince Wiśniowiecki, Patriarch Mohyła or Ataman Koszowy Michał Doroszenko.

(Townspeople POV)

"Were you in the square yesterday?" (Józef)

"I'm there every day now, and so is half the city." (Zych)

"I was there but I was not lucky..." (Józef)

"I caught one ducat, and yesterday two thalers. Hetman Jazłowiecki is a great Lord... People say that every day he scatters 10,000 ducats and 20,000 thalers. Of course I drank for the health of Hetman, his wife and children... when I returned home my wife was angry as a wasp, but when I put a ducat on the table, she changed." (Zych)

"A whole ducat?" (Józef)

"Yes, but I left the thalers for myself." (Zych)

"Hetman... good man, God bless him and give him more children." (Józef)

"Well said ... for that I would like to drink. That Hetman would have more children and we would have more gold." (Zych)

(End POV)

In the following days I gave away maybe 25,000 in gold and silver, but with each day rumors doubled this amount... to the point that on the fourth day I heard rumors that I had given away almost 200,000 ducats... which was stupid but also worked to my advantage.

However, the given amount of money quickly returned to me in the form of all kinds of gifts, and this was just the beginning, because Graf Ferber or Prince Wiśniowiecki and several other people lived far away and will not receive letters yet.. Even people with whom I was not close sent gifts, congratulations and wishes, but the most surprised me was a gift from the King himself, our relationship was cold, but nevertheless he showed class and sent me two prams, decorated with silver and gold.