
179 Union

Over the following nights, Elisabeth slowly got used to the married nightlife and even took pleasure in it... but for me our sex life was rather boring, at least at this stage... a man who was used to feasting would not satisfy his hunger with a piece of bread.

My days became busy again, I resumed publishing the newspaper, I also taught Elisabeth our language, customs and history, she was a very learned student, but despite this our speech and writing was the most difficult for her. I was also forced to hire a maid who knew German, but this made our life easier, thanks to this, I did not have to deal with some small nonsense myself, and Elisabeth didn't have to look for me every time to say something to the servants.

Once, Jerzy Ossolinski, sent by the king, came to the palace. They were looking for ways to free Jan Kazimierz and decided that my contacts in Rome could be useful.

"Jerzy, I can write a letter to Rome, but it will not help... The Pope will not help." (MC)

"Why do you think so?" (Jerzy Ossolinski)

"I married a Protestant and not some unknown Protestant, but the daughter of a man who led to the outbreak of war in the empire, a few months ago I issued an edict inviting Protestants to settle in my lands." (MC)

"I know, but the Pope supports the French against the Habsburgs, and the French support the Protestants in the Empire..." (Jerzy Ossolinski)

"And in the Kingdom of France, they murder Huguenots. The Pope does not like the Habsburgs, which does not mean that he loves Protestants. Besides, our king married the Emperor's daughter, do you still think that the Pope will be friendly to us?" (MC)

"Then what are you advising?" (Jerzy Ossolinski)

"When winter is over, go to Paris and negotiate... maybe French conditions will not be excessive." (MC)

"The king will not be pleased that you refuse him again..." (Jerzy Ossolinski)

"I do not refuse, I said that I can write a letter, but that it will not help." (MC)

"Understand, but the king will take it as a refusal." (Jerzy Ossolinski)

Unfortunately, not all the information that reached me was of a good nature... my uncle Tomasz Zamoyski looked poorly and it is possible that he will not live to see the end of the year. In the East, some of the Russian boyars rebelled and wanted to regain what they had lost in the previous war. From what I learned, they also tried to contact the Cossacks and drag them to their side, using the Orthodox faith. There were also minor tensions on the Moldavian-Wallachian border, but nothing serious at the moment.

Even though I continued to avoid meddling in the country's domestic politics, I continued to take foreign threats seriously... it was actually the only reason I married Elisabeth.

"You will send a messenger to Jazłowiec with a letter for Saddat." (MC)

"Lord" (Wroński)

"I wish Khan would attack with his hordes the remnants of Principality of Moscow next spring... although the boyars became our vassals, they are not satisfied with it lately. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will not send troops to aid them, so Khan can safely attack, according to the old agreement. Khan can sell men and women to Persians, but I take children." (MC)

"All children?" (Wroński)

"My wife wanted to open an orphanage, so it would be a concern for her. I promised her this before the wedding." (MC)

"You are a good husband, Lord." (Wroński)

"I know... then you will send a second messenger to my gunsmiths, I want to know what they are currently working on and I'll have new assignments for them afterwards. Also find out if there is land for sale in or around Warsaw... a noble with debts, some monastery wants to get rid of wastelands." (MC)

"Price?" (Wroński)

"As low as possible, this is not a Stefan Bathory column and I am not going to overpay." (MC)

After long reflection, I also decided to publicly present my project of the future Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthand and there was no better place to do it than my newspaper... of course it was another historic plagiarism from 1658, which unfortunately was not implemented. However, Moscow was weaker in this timeline, and the Cossacks revolted less frequently... and by presenting this project twenty years earlier, I am also increasing the chances of its success.

I started writing the article by recalling the legend of Lech, Czech and Rus, then a shortened history of Poland and Lithuania.

"The future presents us with challenges, one of such challenges is the so-called Cossack problem and their status...

...maybe my solution will meet with criticism and public condemnation but I am ready for it. One country, one language, one king, three nations...

1) Creation of the functions of Ruthenian marshal, Ruthenian hetman, Ruthenian chancellor and other positions analogous to those existing in Poland and Lithuania.

2) Admission of Ruthenian deputies to the Seym, and Orthodox bishops to the Senate.

3) A thousand Cossacks will be granted nobility rights once, and a hundred Cossacks approved by the Ruthenian hetman will receive nobility annually from the hands of the king.

4) The Union of Brest will not apply in the territory of Ruthenia, but the rights of Catholics will be preserved and respected.

5) The nobility of Poland, Lithuania and Russia will jointly elect the king at the General Seym.

6) Higher Orthodox clergy will receive rights equal to them with Latin ones, including the right to sit in the Senate. With the proviso that in the Kiev voivodship the senatorial offices are reserved for the Orthodox, while in the Bracław and Czerniowski voivodeships there is to be a rotation of offices with Catholics.

7) Every year, the Cossack register will also be enlarged to the extent of the state treasury, but up to a maximum of 30,000 soldiers.

I propose the creation of a Republic of Three Nations... Establishment of the Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth."

I was sure that this article caused quite a stir, but the alternative is to fight the Cossacks in the future, which will only weaken us and make our enemies stronger.