
150 Diplomacy

"Are we still far from Królewiec?" (Jerzy Ossoliński)

"Two or three hours away, if I remember the way correctly." (MC)

The last time I was in this area was twelve or thirteen years ago when I was fighting the Swedes. Things had changed, but I was still able to recognize the area.

"The king entrusted me with the negotiations, so please be patient." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

My companion was Jerzy Ossoliński, the royal court treasurer and one of the best diplomats that our country had, knowing him from history, I always had a good opinion of him, getting to know him personally, my opinion only rose about him... unfortunately my liver did not share my enthusiasm. He liked to drink, and it was not right to refuse one or more toasts. We were also accompanied by two other deputies, but they were the people of the king with no great significance or achievements... I knew nothing about them and since they did not enter the pages of history, they were of little importance.

"Our king could be more decisive about what policy he chooses in relation to Prussia..." (MC)

"The king want Sweden, first he wanted to convince Prussia with concessions, now he wants to use force... or at least by threatening to use force." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

"Sooner a pig will see sky than he will see Sweden..." (MC)

"You should be careful what you say, many praise you for being victorious, but also many dislike what you say." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

"Never mind my tongue and what I say... Do you already know how you will negotiate?" (MC)

Of course, before the negotiations were to take place, I intended to torpedo them, or at least lead to situations where both sides would be in conflict... a little more than two hours later we reached Królewiec, thanks to the hussars accompanying us under the command of Rotmistrz Czarniecki, we did not look like a normal delegation... a hundred hussars in full armament made us more serious.

City guards did not even try to stop us, first they saw who knew the city, and secondly, their possibility of stopping the hussars was zero... many tried it, many died. We immediately headed to the castle of Prince Jerzy Hohenzollern. We were greeted by a group of servants in front of the castle gate, ready to fulfill our every request... or so they said. I was tempted to check it out, but I gave up on that... I was now representing the majesty of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, not myself.

"Before you meet the prince, you must leave your weapons here." (Chamberlain)

Either he was drunk or he was stoned, it was not possible for me to leave my saber.

"You can take my saber from my cold and dead hand... otherwise you will be cold and dead." (MC)

Fortunately, before things got out of hand, someone higher up than the chamberlain came and allowed us to have our sabers with us. We were quickly ushered into the audience hall, where the prince was waiting, accompanied by his court and several ministers or advisers. I felt sorry for the chamberlain when they introduced us, especially when it came to me... It was a funny practice, during official visits it was necessary to list all noble titles that a person has, from the most important to the least important as well as all decorations, but as in Poland the nobility was equal, the title of Hetman dominated the title of ducal.

"...Wilkomir Michał Jazłowiecki-Ostrogski, Field Hetman of the Crown, Prince of Jazłowiec, Prince of the Reich, Prince of the Papal State, Moldavian boyar. Honored with the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Order of the Golden Spur." (Chamberlain)

I was impressed, the chamberlain managed to say it all, and he didn't even have to catch his breath.

"Hetman Jazłowiecki... heard about you." (Jerzy Wilhelm Hohenzollern)

In the prince's voice there was a clear reluctance, even hatred... I like when someone makes my work easier.

"I assume that from the people of Brandenburg, I remember them fondly, especially the people of Berlin... how wonderfully they pleaded for their lives." (MC)

The prince's face turned red with anger, Ossoliński nudged me with his elbow to make me silent.

"Why is the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sending someone who has the blood of my subjects on their hands as an envoy? This is not a friendly gesture." (Jerzy Wilhelm Hohenzollern)

I decided to remain silent and give Ossoliński a chance to show his diplomatic talent.

"My dear Prince, Hetman's actions in Brandenburg have nothing to do with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, he was then in the service of the Emperor and if you want to blame someone for the death of your subjects, turn your eyes towards Vienna and the Emperor, and as far as we know you are now in good relations. Do you want to blame the soldier for obeying orders?" (Jerzy Ossoliński)

Technically, Ossoliński was wrong, the Emperor never gave me such an order, I was supposed to fight only his enemies, and the methods were my choice... but the Prince as a German should understand the meaning "I only carried out orders."

"These are Empire affairs and I will not discuss them with you..." (Jerzy Wilhelm Hohenzollern)

"Nor do we care about the Empire, but about the few settlements and villages that were attacked by your soldiers. They carried out your orders or do you not control your army? If you do not control it, perhaps you should return to Brandenburg and leave Prussia to us." (MC)

This time, Ossoliński did not manage to stop me from saying what I thought.

"Hetman, be careful what you say, for they may be your last words. I am the elector and subject of the Emperor." (Jerzy Wilhelm Hohenzollern)

"You are our vassal, nothing more, and you will either submit to the will of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or we will blow you out like a candle flame." (MC)

I was not fit to be a diplomat, I and Chancellor Zadzik knew about it... and now Jerzy Ossoliński has found out about it too.

"Wilkomir !!!" (Jerzy Ossoliński)

"What? I say as it is, or the Prince will go to Warsaw with us, he will fall before the our king, pay homage, restore the laws of the Prussian population, begin to comply with trade agreements or... " (MC)

Apparently it was too much, because one of the Hohenzollern men pulled out a rapier and attacked me, I was surprised by this move... the attack on a diplomat was something unforgivable in every country, but we were separated by a few matras and I managed to get my saber out.

I easily parried his attack, took a step back and took a fighting stance... behind me stood one of the King's men, named Sikorski, which gave me a sure idea. I lowered my saber and smirked. I wanted to provoke my opponent to attack... and I succeeded. He delivered a quick and strong thrust, but I was prepared for it... one move. All I heard was the scream and the sound of the body falling on the floor behind me, I turned around and saw that Sikorski had a rapier stuck in his head, and more precisely on his temple.


"Murder !!! You killed the envoy !!!" (MC)