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About a hundred people gathered in one of the chambers of the Sultan's palace to witness the signing of the treaty and attend the banquet organized afterwards. I have to admit that the Ottoman architectural style, as well as the interior design style, had its charm... a mixture of European, Persian and Byzantine influences... but I wasn't here to admire these things.

The table was successively approached by rulers or representatives of different countries, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was represented by Hetman Potocki, the Crimean Khanate by Shahin Giray, and the Ottoman Empire by Kösem as regent... a few strokes with a quill, then a wax seal ... and that's it.

"What are you thinking about, re vera?" (Hetman Potocki)

"About nothing special... I just enjoy the taste of these dishes, Turks really know how to cook food. So many exotic spice... it's easy to hide poison among them." (MC)

"They poisoned us?!" (Hetman Potocki)

"Be quiet and don't make a scene... I was just kidding. They won't do it at a party, not when our army is under the city walls. The Turks are not stupid, with so many intrigues at their court, they know what, how and when it can be done... this is really tasty food." (MC)

"Then maybe hire a local cook, re vera you will have such dishes on a daily basis..." (Hetman Potocki)

"Maybe I will... Have you looked at our hosts?" (MC)

"Yes re vera... and I know what you're talking about re vera. There are two factions, one around the Grand Vizier, the other around Kösem. Who do you think will take over the Empire re vera?" (Hetman Potocki)

It was an interesting question, but if history does not change, then the gray eminence and the actual ruler of the country will be Kösem, the Sultan's mother... However, Murad died before he could reform the country, so the nobility has not yet been weakened, and they will probably favor the vizier... but what was better for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? Kösem was ambitious and dangerous, she was the most powerful woman in the history of the Ottoman Empire... So Vizier? Yes... The Grand Vizier is definitely better for my country, even if Ibrahim becomes the Sultan, he will not have the strength and experience to deal with the nobility, officials, Janissaries, and the divided Ottoman Empire is a weakened Ottoman Empire.

"Do you have any information from the North?" (MC)

"Re vera, the first encounters between the Ottomans and the Austrians have already taken place, and re vera the Turks seem to have the upper hand." (Hetman Potocki)

It's a pity... I was counting on the Austrians to be more of a challenge for the Ottomans. The best solution for me would be for both sides to kill each other, but apparently it was not going to happen.

"I see that you keep an eye on the princesses re vera, does the Cupid's arrow finally hit you? Hahaha... many women in the country will be disappointed." (Hetman Potocki)

"I only admire their beauty, it's like a beautiful painting... you would like to have it in your collection, but if you looked at it every day you would quickly get bored. It's the same with women, they can please the eye... but why do you think Odysseus returned from the war ten years?" (MC)

Of course, having an Ottoman princess in my collection would be intetes, but not worth the trouble... Sveta or Galina were nobody, their existence is easy to hide, but the Sultan's sister is another matter, apart from s.e.x, there was no other use for Ottoman princess, and it could also cause some problems... Troy fell because of Helene... and I do not intend to be Paris.

The banquet lasted a few more hours, but it was very boring, although the Turks turned out to be good hosts, it is difficult to celebrate with people who attacked your country a few weeks ago and murdered and maimed tens of thousands of people... a note of distrust remained.

Two days later, everything was ready for departure, unfortunately the road was going to be long and tiring, almost 1,900 kilometers. I was standing by my horse and adjusting the saddle when I heard the footsteps of people approaching.

"Prince, I would like to have a few more words with you." (Francesco Barberini)

"I'm all ears." (MC)

"I'm going to need assistance..." (Francesco Barberini)

"No, first you will do what I want, and then maybe, I will agree to help you. I hope I made myself clear. If you want something from me, you have to give me something in return." (MC)

"This is what I wanted to talk to you about, I thought about your words... maybe it would be possible to send the King's brother to Jerusalem." (Francesco Barberini)

It was not a bad thought, and the Vasa family might take it as some form of honor.

"You don't have to convince me to do this, only the Ottomans. If they agree, I have no problem with it, but I was hoping that you would send him somewhere further... much further." (MC)

I got on my horse, patted his neck and leaned over him.

"Believe me, this trip does not make me happy either, at the mere thought of it my balls shrunk..." (MC)

I looked at the Barberini.

"Goodbye Cardinal." (MC)

It was a strange campaign, supposedly a win, but not entirely, we achieved a lot, but not all plans were successful... I had more questions than answers.

First, we moved north towards Wallachia and Moldavia, there our armies split up and returned to their countries... we had many more days ahead of us to travel, especially since we were leading with us 20,000 liberated Christian slaves who were to be settled in the Kingdom of Poland.

It took us 75 days to cover almost 1,900 kilometers and my horse probably hated me as much as I hated him. We got to Warsaw at the beginning of April 1635... a year, so much time I wasted in the Ottoman Empire.