
14 Poison

The owner of the inn was not entirely convinced of my proposal, so I had to use stronger arguments ... unfortunately the servant did not survive it, but the innkeeper changed his mind. I feel sorry for this girl, I did not enjoy her death ... but her life was sacrificed for the greater good.

The inn was under our control, my disguised soldiers were pretending to be customers, the rest of the group was in the back with the owner's daughter and wife preparing food, and the innkeeper stood outside the inn and encouraged customers to come. I was hoping that the second group under Olszewski's command was doing equally well.

From the information we obtained, the city garrison numbered 300 soldiers, but there were also Swedish warships in the port with a crew of about 500 sailors. Poisoning all 800 people was impossible, but every single Swede less is a success.

I went to the kitchen to talk to my soldiers.

"It smells nice, but add a little more salt, they'll be thirsty ... and the wolf berries, mask them with other fruits. When it gets darker, four of you will go out into the streets and grab a few sailors, we'll change into their clothes and we'll try to get on one of the ships." (MC)

Some time later the advertisement started to bear fruit, at first not many, but a few Swedish soldiers showed up ... two hours later the inn was full, the news spread out in word of mouth ... alcohol was pouring in streams, the tables were bent from the food. Every now and then toasts were raised to King Gustav Adolf, to Sweden ... I noticed that two people started to vomit, but it was alcohol's fault rather than poison.

At one point, the nervous innkeeper went to the kitchen, I followed him to see what had happened.

"I can't ... I'll tell everyone ... you made us do this, they will kill my family!" (Innkeeper)

I was standing behind his back and listening to his nonsense ... he needed a lesson. I approached his wife, covered her mouth, took her by the hand and put it in the cooking dish.

"Listen, old man. You will do what we tell you, or we will serve you as the main course ... but before we do that, we will give your wife and daughter to play with the Swedish sailors ... there will be songs about them, songs about the best whores in Pärnu. If you listen, you will survive, you will have to flee but you will live ... you will betray us ..." (MC)

My behavior surprised the owner of the inn, he froze and did not know how to behave. I took his wife's hand out of the pot... hand was burned, but nothing serious happened, only a few scars will remain and ... in the worst case, she will have to please her husband with the other hand.

"Go to the guests, they are probably hungry and thirsty ... be a good host." (MC)

Having no other option, he obeyed, and I also returned to the room to observe what was happening... Some soldiers and sailors were coming, others were leaving, it was difficult to judge how many guests there were in the inn, I was only afraid if there was enough food.

It was dusk, everyone in the inn was drunk, there was a lot of laughter and singing ... tomorrow they will not laugh like that anymore. I felt that someone patted my shoulder, it was one of my people.

"Lord, we've caught five sailors, we've got their clothes, and we're running out of food." (Soldier)

"Where are the bodies of these sailors?" (MC)

"We hide them in the warehouse where the cart is." (Soldier)

"Well, we'll change into their clothes, pour wine on each other and try to board the ship. Tell the rest that in an hour, we have to kill the innkeeper and his family, barricade the inn discreetly and set it on fire ... with the Swedes inside." (MC)

I got up from the table, grabbed the jug of wine and left the inn and went to the warehouse where the bodies of the sailors were ... four people were waiting for me inside.

"It's time for us to join the Swedish Navy, we change our clothes and go to work." (MC)

"What do we do when we get there?" (Soldier)

"I have two plans. There are five of us, we can try to fire a few cannons at the ship moored next to the one on which we will be, then we will put fire in the gunpowder warehouse and sink it. In this way the Swedes will lose two ships, or we can only blow up one ship. We'll see what can be done." (MC)

We changed into the clothes we had bought, poured the wine I had brought and headed towards the port. We were loud and indecent ...

"An engineer told me before he died,

He had a wife with a cunt so wide,

She was never satisfied.

Ah-hum titty-boom titty-boom titty-boom

Ah-hum titty-boom titty-boom titty-boom

So he built a fucking great wheel,

Two brass balls and a prick of steel,

The balls of brass he filled with cream ..." (MC)

Nobody stopped us in port with his staggering pace we climbed the gangplank, I dropped the wine jug on the deck, there was a loud noise ...

"Fuck !!!" (MC)

We were completely beyond suspicion, usually people who want to sabotage keep silent and avoid drawing attention to themselves, we on the contrary ... our show was worth an Oscar. Drunk, smelly and noisy.

"We're going under the deck, try not to arouse suspicions." (MC)

It took us a few minutes to find the gunpowder magazine ... but the realization of my plan to shoot the second ship was impossible, we could only blow up the one we were on.

"Go on deck and jump into the water when you see me running ..." (MC)

My soldiers went upstairs. I opened one of the barrels, made a small gunpowder trail ...

"I'm not particularly religious ... but Weles, I hope we won't meet today." (MC)

I grabbed one of the lit lamps and threw it on the floor ... I knew that my training would pay off someday, but I didn't think I'd ever run away from something so quickly ... I ran up the stairs, almost falling over, then on board ...

"Jump!!!" (MC)

The seconds seemed to go on for hours, my body hit the surface of the water ... time seemed to stand still ...

"Why didn't you want to see me?" (Weles)