
121 The Near and Distant Future

In the morning I was awakened by the sound of the cleaning... I looked in the direction of the noise... it was Sveta who woke up earlier. I turned, Galina still lying in the bed with only the bedspread on... you could see only her dark hair and legs... the rest of the body was wrapped more tightly than the Egyptian mummies.

I got up, went to the bowl of water to wash the tiredness off my face... the night was a half success. Galina knew nothing about sex with a woman, and she had to learn a lot about sex with a man... especially the use of teeth... but she had the potential to be a good lover... in the future. I held my breath and plunged my face into water... I felt someone hugging me from behind and starting to touch my penis ... I lifted my head, water began to trickle from my hair all over my body.

"Beautiful... I'm not a rabbit." (MC)

Sveta knelt in front of me, I felt her tongue... I was a little tired, but...

"You convinced me." (MC)

Only around noon I managed to get out of the bedroom... Women are monsters. Sveta tried more than usual... maybe she felt threatened by the presence of a new toy or she wanted to show that despite her age she is better... anyway, I was safe in my office... for now.

The number of documents on my desk has slightly decreased, but I have one big problem on my mind... a problem with locating 18,000 women and children... I had no choice but to leave most of them in Podolia. I divided them into several categories, young women without children, women with children, older women without children and orphans.

I decided to keep the orphans in Jazłowiec. Until they are old enough, I will pay for their upkeep and education. I did the same with women who already have children... I will give them a small piece of land and for two or three years I will not tax them... but it's not that simple. I called Kowalski to me, after a few minutes he appeared in the company of the young Wroński.

"Lord?" (Secretary Kowalski)

"I need a thousand or two thousand people to build several hundred houses before winter comes." (MC)

"There will be harvest soon..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"I know, but it is also important. Gather as many people as you can, carpenters, blacksmiths, brickmakers, stonemasons... let everyone produce for the construction industry. Everything else can wait." (MC)

"Wroński, you will go to Tarnów and Smolensk with similar orders... I am going to send a thousand women with children there and they must have somewhere to live." (MC)

"Yes, Lord." (Wroński)

"Any more orders?" (Secretary Kowalski)

"Until everything is prepared, these 18,000 women and children are dependent on me... we have enough food to eat. If these women have any professions... sewing clothes, weaving baskets or picking forest fruits, find them something to do." (MC)

More expenses awaited me, but it was inevitable... I can have all the land in Podolia, actually I already have it, but a land that produces nothing, is useless... I will not take gold to my grave anyway, so I might as well use it.

"Lord?!" (Secretary Kowalski)

"I thought... Wroński, when you come back to Jazłowiec, then you will go to Warsaw and buy a printing house on my behalf, you will also hire engravers and printers... if you do not find enough people, look for them in Lviv or Krakow..." (MC)

Unfortunately, all my future plans require raw materials, work and time... it's a pity that I don't have a magic wand that will make everyone happy with one move... actually I have it, but it only works for women. In my previous life I read many novels that someone had a system or wishes and everything was successful with a flick of a finger... being in a similar situation, I had no such luxury, almost every year war, idiots on the throne, idiots in the government... While I've been able to push off all external threats at the moment, I haven't had much time to focus on the internal ones.

"Kowalski... bring Stefan Czarniecki, Saddat and Ivan to me. I have to discuss war matters with them." (MC)

Some time later, the three of them sat in my office.

"First of all, I read from the reports that the hussar company is doing quite well, so I officially appoint Stefan Czarniecki, who is here, as Rotmistrz... Before you start thanking me. I got information about a possible Turkish attack, your task will be to stop it. Your opponent will be Abaza Pasha, he has no more than 10,000 men under him. The entire garrison in Kamieniec Podolski and my private army are at your disposal. Any questions?" (MC)

"I've never heard of him, who is he? Has he achieved something significant?" (Rotmistrz Stefan Czarniecki)

"He rebelled against the Sultan, lost and survived ... it's already an achievement. He was a beylerbey of Erzurum and Bosnia, but the sultan demoted him, now he is sanjak-bey in Silistria... it's a trial attack. If he succeeds, the Ottomans will send more forces, if he loses then they will probably punish him as a rebel, their old tactics to check our strength... Go to Kamieniec Podolski today and check the garrison readiness and see if they are missing anything, gunpowder, food and the like." (MC)

Czarniecki immediately left my office.

"I have an unusual request for you two, many Tatars and Cossacks living in Podolia have no families... Currently, there are several thousand unmarried women in Jazłowiec, I would like your people to settle down, take wives and put down roots here... let an additional motivation be free children's education, extra land or gold if they prefer." (MC)

My request was unusual, but if thanks to this Cossacks and Tatars become more connected with this land, and I get rid of the problem of several hundred women, it will be pure profit.