
116 Spanish Diplomacy

Moving away from the negotiating table and and informing the other side that you go to negotiate with the competition was a trick that had been used for centuries. Cardinal Barberini had no idea what I was going to talk about with the emissary of the Kingdom of Spain.

I managed to find the ambassador in one of the game rooms, he was sitting at the table with Tomasz Zamoyski, who, as soon as he saw that I was approaching them, invited me to the table and introduced me to the ambassador. After a brief presentation and exchange of courtesies, I signaled my uncle to leave us alone, although it was not necessary, the conversation with the Spanish ambassador was of a completely different nature than with the cardinal.

"Prince, I think everyone congratulates you on conquering Moscow, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for writing "Quo Vadis", an excellent book." (Fernando de Monroy)

"Thank you. It is true that my career as a writer has come to an end, I had to change my pen for a saber, but it is nice to my heart to know that my books have gained recognition, even in distant Spain." (MC)

"The Kingdom of Spain is a Catholic country, you have many admirers there... In the days of Nero it was not easy to be a Christian, but it is not easy in these times as well." (Fernando de Monroy)

Small but significant suggestion in the ambassador's last sentence opened the door to a change of topic and further discussion. However, it has to be done carefully, I didn't know much about the ambassador and didn't want to reveal all my cards.

"Nero was a pagan and can be considered a fool who wandered in the dark and did not see God's light... but worse are those who see this light, but reject it for their own benefit. Many of them have God on their lips, and greed in the heart... true Christians must stick together." (MC)

"I am praying for such a day ... Prince, as a political man, do you think that an alliance of our Catholic countries is possible?" (Fernando de Monroy)

Considering all the factors and knowing the history... and how bad King Filp IV Habsburg was, no, the alliance was just a pipe dream.

"Dear Ambassador, I can only express my opinion. Much speaks in favor of the alliance, but one important thing casts a shadow on our relations. Neapolitan sums, Philip II forged the will of Queen Bona..." (MC)

"The will was not falsified..." (Fernando de Monroy)

"Of course... and the death of the Queen and her few servants, cooks and maids on the same day was a coincidence... ordinary food poisoning. We can debate it for hours and we will not come to an agreement." (MC)

"These are not the words that a friend of the Kingdom of Spain would say." (Fernando de Monroy)

"I am not a friend of Spain, but I am also not an enemy, so I will give you two pieces of information and advice on how to ease your conflict with the Pope." (MC)

The ambassador only smiled mockingly, he probably did not think that any Polish nobleman, even a Hetman, could have important information... of course I will not tell him that Spain will go bankrupt three times in fifteen years, that Spain will lose its union with Portugal, or about the revolts in Catalonia... Spain was supposed to be useful, but not strong.

"Pretty soon your trade with the colonies will cease to be profitable, I'm talking about the Portuguese colonies in the Far East, the Philippines and Formosa (Taiwan). The Ottoman Empire is building a great canal that will shorten the travel time, you won't have to sail around Africa... and your spice will not flow." (MC)

My information surprised the ambassador, he wanted to say something, but I stopped him with a gesture of my hand.

"Second information and advice. Prince Odoardo Farnese is in the Kingdom of France where he is negotiating an alliance against the Kingdom of Spain. If your army had captured the Duchy of Castro during the battle... the Barberini family, relatives of Urban VIII, they want this Duchy for themselves. If Spain were to cede these lands to the pope's family, the pope would probably be very grateful for such favor... at least I think so." (MC)

I do not know which of my information was more surprising, but both made an impression on the ambassador... as I did what I wanted to do, I got up from the table and was about to say goodbye when the ambassador stopped me...

"Prince, is that true?" (Fernando de Monroy)

"Of course. The will was forged and the Queen was poisoned ... Please forgive me but I have to go now, there are some guests waiting for me and I need to talk to them. I wish you a pleasant stay in Warsaw." (MC)

I left the ambassador with my own thoughts, and went for a short walk in the gardens myself. Theoretically, I could talk to the French ambassador, but I did not want the Kingdom of France to cease its attack on Spain because of my information. There was also an English ambassador, but I decided to leave him for later, Sweden and Denmark did not matter much... but I knew I had forgotten someone. My reflections were interrupted by the cardinal's voice.

"Hope the conversation with the ambassador was successful." (Cardinal Francesco Barberini)

I looked at the caridinal.

"A lie is not befitting a clergyman. I think the Cardinal is curious about what we talked about... I suggested to the ambassador that if the Kingdom of Spain accidentally came into possession of the Duchy of Castro, they should hand over these lands to your family... You see, Cardinal, it's good to be my friend." (MC)

I remembered who I forgot ... Hetman Potocki and Moldova... His ex-wife was the sister of the former Moldavian hospodar... and there still remains a large group of people dissatisfied with the Ottoman government.