
107 War and Politics

Another person I invited to the table was Luis Deshayes, France as a key player on the international political scene was the country with which I did not want to worsen diplomatic relations... They fought for their influence and interest, using the Tsar and the Duchy of Moscow, they wanted to weaken the Habsburgs by harming their informal ally ... I understood this behavior and I didn't hold it against them, it was just politics.

"Please sit down, maybe some wine?" (MC)

"Thank you, but I'm not thirsty ..." (Luis Deshayes)

"A Frenchman who doesn't want wine? Amazing ... there are still things in this world that surprise me... but for a diplomat, wine is like a shield for a soldier when a difficult or awkward question is asked ... one reaches for a glass of wine to gain a few moments for an answer." (MC)

"So from what I can see, Prince is an experienced diplomat ..." (Luis Deshayes)

"No, I'm Polish, we just drink a lot." (MC)

"Since the Prince invites me to the table, he probably wants to discuss something very important ... The death of Tsar and his family may cause discontent at many European courts." (Luis Deshayes)

"I have a question and I hope to get an honest answer. Does the King of France want the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to enter into a military alliance with Austria and the Kingdom of Spain?" (MC)

"Of course not. Such an alliance is not in the interest of the Kingdom of France." (Luis Deshayes)

"So I am all the more surprised by the support Louis XIII gives our enemies?" (MC)

"Your close relationship with the Habsburgs ..." (Luis Deshayes)

"These relationships can become even closer." (MC)

"The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth would gain only enemies from this alliance." (Luis Deshayes)

"Who? Turks, Swedes, Danes, Protestant Princes of the Reich ... or maybe the Kingdom of France and England? It seems to me that one more enemy doesn't matter anymore ... but one more friend can change everything." (MC)

"So the Prince wants to be our friend?" (Luis Deshayes)

"No, but I do not want to be a friend of the Habsburgs unless I am forced ... so I have a proposal. You will convince your fellow diplomats to approve the truce. Each of you will sign the document of capitulation. Part of the lands of the Duchy of Moscow will be incorporated into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and this what will remain of the Principality of Moscow will be our vassal..." (MC)

"Prince, I don't have that authority. I can't do something like that ... It would be a treason." (Luis Deshayes)

"Treason? ...This will make the document more official, but please do not have the impression that I need your signatures and seals, diplomats from Austria, Spain and the Papal State are waiting in Warsaw to recognize our new borders as a fact. Perhaps, on the occasion of this victory, we will also forge a new military alliance..." (MC)

"Prince, are you threatening France?" (Luis Deshayes)

"Threat? You misunderstand me, that's only one of the possibilities ... there are others as well. Please think what they will say about you in Paris ... 'Luis Deshayes, the man who prevented the alliance with Spain... the hero who saved France' or they will say 'what a fool who has ruined it all'... Your choice." (MC)

It was one of the things the French feared ... an alliance of three countries that could change the balance of power in Europe. Therefore, despite being a Catholic country and persecution of Protestants in France, France supported Protestants from the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Denmark and Sweden.

After several hours of discussion, I managed to persuade a French diplomat to sign the document, now he had to persuade diplomats from England, Denmark and Sweden. The first two will not be a big problem, for England and Denmark, the Principality of Moscow was a distant country in the east, different beliefs, different culture and few diplomatic contacts. It will probably be more difficult to convince a diplomat from Sweden, they imported 7,000 tons of grain from Moscow annually, and now it will not be possible anymore, fortunately there were still 2,000 Swedish soldiers near Smolensk as a bargaining chip.

I summoned Saddat, Ilya, Ivan and the other officers. The occupation of Moscow and the surrender of the Boyars did not end the war. Within the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, there were still 40,000 Moscow soldiers, and an additional 30,000 were deployed in various fortresses along the border.

"Ivan, you will take 9,000 Cossacks and go to Smolensk, I will give you the appropriate letters to Hetman Radziwiłł. Ilya You will take the remaining Cossacks and my private army and go to Sich, you will take the gold I promised to Ataman Koszowy." (MC)

According to my calculations, the Cossacks should get the equivalent of 800,000 ducats, judging by what I saw in Moscow, the property of the Tsar, the inhabitants, rich Orthodox churches ... I will still earn good money in this war.

"The two of you can go and prepare the troops for the next march. Saddat, you wait ... I must have a word with you." (MC)

When Ilya, Ivan and the rest of the Cossack officers went to fulfill my orders and I was left alone with the Tatars, I was able to move on to the rest of my plan.

"In a week, we will also go to Smolensk ... but before we do that, we will deal with the inhabitants of Moscow. According to the agreement, Khan will receive 100,000 prisoners and weapons that are in the city ... other prisoners ... young women and children up to five years old are my property." (MC)

"How are we going to divide the army?" (Saddat)

"10,000 Tatars will escort 100,000 prisoners, the rest will accompany me to Smolensk. Those who will escort prisoners can also rob all settlements on the way to Crimea... If everything goes well ... Khan will get an additional gift from me." (MC)