
105 Throne Hall

Boyars decided to surrender the city and the castle and start negotiations ...

"Search all the chambers, wardrobes, chests, find every person who is hiding ... Cossacks do not enter the castle, only Tatars ... Saddat pick a few people and come with me." (MC)

The Cossacks were Orthodox, and so were the Muscovites, so I wanted to avoid unnecessary aggravation of the situation... After a few minutes I was led to the throne room by one of the Boyars, he tried to have a friendly conversation with me, but without success ... there were over seventy people in the throne room, the Tsar with his family, diplomats, nobles, priests and ordinary servants.

"Greetings to all of you gathered here on this beautiful day. My name is Prince Wilkomir Michał Jazłowiecki-Ostrogski, Abdank coat of arms and I am the Crown Field Hetman. Enough of this presentation. I would like to hear why Michał Romanow sits on the throne of my ancestors and calls himself Tsar?" (MC)

"Your ancestors, what ancestors can you have? Lies, Lies!!! Poles want to re-occupy the city and throne ... that you will be plagued... Jewish henchmen... son of a bitch." (Filaret)

"You are wrong, I do not want this throne, but I have the blood of Ostrogski who come from the Rurik family." (MC)

It was true, my grandfather's lineage was closely related to the Rurik family dynasty that ruled in Moscow, but there were many such families in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ... I had no rights to this throne, nor did I want it... I walked over to Saddat, leaned over his ear.

"Search diplomats' chambers, all papers, letters ... take everything." (MC)

Saddat just nodded and immediately left the throne room... I sat on the Tsar's throne, looked around the room, at people's faces ... some of them were known to me from old paintings, the patriarch of Moscow Filaret, his son Tsar Michael I Romanov, Tsarina Eudoxia Streshneva.

Suddenly, one of the Tatars entered the throne room, carrying a child in his arms, not more than a year and a half. He handed them to me, it was a girl.

"Whose child is this?" (MC)

I noticed the Tsaritsa's agitation, she was also giving a sign to some woman. Who after a while came out of the crowd and said it was her daughter. I approached the woman, her eyes showed fear and uncertainty ... I tore her dress, I had her naked tits in front of my eyes, I grabbed her right breast ... she was so scared that she did not know how to act, she tried to cover herself, tears fell her eyes.

"Your breast is empty, you have no milk ... did you think I would take your word for it? That I didn't see the Tsarina giving you signs." (MC)

I lifted her up by the neck, she began to kick her legs and try to free herself from my grip. I pushed her to the ground and headed towards the Tsar and the Tsarina... and I handed her the baby.

"It's yours, is it? If I'm not mistaken, her name is Anna ... and Irina and Aleksei are hiding behind you. I also see that you are expecting another ... my congratulations..." (MC)

I put my hand on her stomach, she shuddered but didn't protest.

"Son ... healthy boy." (MC)

I could play clairvoyant, I knew from history how many children and in what order they would be born in the Tsar's family... The tsarina just nodded.

"Let's move on to the most important things. The Tsar, despite the perpetual peace he had concluded with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, declared war on it. The boyars surrendered the city and want to negotiate peace terms, but before we sit down to talk ..." (MC)

I went over to the Boyars.

"Friendly is like a home and needs a firm foundation ... so before we negotiate peace, I want proof of your friendship ... The Tsarina, her children and the Moscow Patriarch, you must kill them. If you refuse, I will do it myself, but then I will kill you and your families... Some kinds of friendships do not require ink, but blood." (MC)

There was silence in the room, nobody expected such a turn of events. The tsarina fell to the ground and began to cry, hugging her children tightly. However, the tsar's face resembled a mask carved in stone. No emotions, no feelings ... although I noticed that he was moving his lips without words ... I think he was praying.

I took the saber out of its scabbard, went to the Tsar ...

"Are you done?" (MC)

"Be damned." (Tsar Michael I Romanov)

"To waste your last words on something so trivial ..." (MC)

I made one cut with the saber and the tsar's head rolled across the floor ... The tsarina began to cry and scream even more ... and my collection was enlarged by another trophy. The tsarina grabbed my leg, begged for mercy for her children ...

"Do you think your husband would have done otherwise in my place? ... There will be no more Dimitrias and self-proclaimed Tsars." (MC)

Before I finished speaking, Saddat returned with a handful of documents ... He quickly showed me what he found, the documents belonged not only to diplomats, but also to the Tsar, Boyars and the Moscow Patriarch.

"You can't do this, we are diplomats ..." (Luis Deshayes)

"If you were in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with a diplomatic mission, yes, your people are protected by law. However, you are diplomats in Moscow ... and these documents show that you conspired against us together with the Tsar ... I would already pray in your place... Saddat." (MC)

"Yes, Lord?" (Saddat)

"If within ten minutes the Bojaars don't kill the Tsarits, children and patriarch ... then introduce the Boyars to the rats, there will be no shortage of them in the city." (MC)

I sat on the throne, closed my eyes and soaked up the silence ... but it did not last long ... I heard the sounds of a struggle, muffled voices, the crying of children and the scream of the tsarina ... a scream I had never heard before. As if all the gates of hell had opened at once ... despair, pain, loss, madness were all and much more could be heard in the voice of the mother who saw her children being murdered.