
Commoner Emperor

A new identity and relocating to a new city wasn't enough for Eroberer to escape the clutches of those he had deceived. They found him and left him dead in a dark alley,only for him to reincarnate in a body of a fifteen year old lad in another world.

Michael_Wanjiru · Urban
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11 Chs

Quest of Valor.....V

With six different techniques, Eroberer planned on training twenty tankers,twenty spearmen,thirty swordsmen and thirty archers among his hundred militia.

He would also planned on letting all of them learn the boxing techniques. He wanted an army was also good at hand to hand combat if it ever came to it.

As they headed back to the cave,he willed for the boxing technique to be imbued on ten basic blank manuals.


{Do you wish to imbue the skills [Basic Boxing]...}

{YES} {NO}

"Once again...."

"If I didn't want to, would I have willed it...."


{Skill copying initializing....}



{Skill copying complete...}

Seeing that the skill had already being finished, Eroberer took out one of the ten manuals and inspected it...


{NAME: Boxing Manual...}

{RANK: Basic}

{Upon successful compressor and enlightment,one will acquire the basic boxing techniques.}

{Limit:10 subordinate}

He then had the Dragon Might Skill imbued in eight basic blank manuals and one advanced blank manual, the only one in his possession.


{Do you wish to imbue the skills [Dragon Might]...}

{YES} {NO}

Eroberer chose to. As he lead the five ten squad militia army into the cave.


{Skill copying initializing....}



{The skill [Draconic Might] is of a higher grade than the Basic Blank Manual...}


{The skill [Draconic Might] has been degraded to [Wyvern Aura ]...}

"What the heck...!"


{Skill copying initializing....}



{Skill copying complete...}

In his poach he now had nine Wyvern Aura Manuals.

He moved on to the final manual.


{Do you wish to imbue the skills [Dragon Might]...}

{YES} {NO}

By now he was being saluted by the militia standing guard at the entrance.


{Skill copying initializing....}



{The skill [Draconic Might] is of a higher grade than the Basic Blank Manual...}


{The skill [Draconic Might] has been degraded to [Drake Aura ]...}

"That's better..."


{Skill copying initializing....}



{Skill copying complete...}

Now Eroberer had nine wyvern aura manuals and one drake aura manual.

He planned on giving the drake aura manual to the best ten,who would act as squad leaders,the rest will have to do with the wyvern aura.

Eroberer could only imagine the suppressive effect his militia would have on others.

"Get the other three squads to come over...."

He ordered one of the militia who he had earmarked for the squads leader position.


{NAME: Sina}



{STATUS: Militia}

{RANK: Common}




"Yes my Lord...!"

Sina replied with a salute before leaving to carry out his lord's command.

He looked at the remaining militia and called out four more names...

"The four of you will lead each a ten man squad, while Sina will lead the fifth...."

"Thank you my Lord...."

The four newly assigned squad leaders knelt and sincerely thanked Eroberer.

They had a firm look in their eyes as they all vowed not to disappoint their lord trust in them.

"Take these manuals and ensure that every learns them..."

The four plus Sina who had returned earlier with the remaining squads,walked forward.

"The boxing manual is to be learnt by everyone,the wyvern aura manual is to be learnt by the rest while the drake manual is to be learnt only by the squad leaders...."

"Yes my Lord...."

The squad leaders replied simultaneously,they as well as the the rest,were overjoyed.

It was a universally known truth,that anything related to a dragon had a suppressive effect against every living being.

To their enemies,it would seem like they were fighting against an army of a hundred wyvern.

"As for the remaining five squads,let's head out...."

"Yes my Lord...."

"Squad Leaders Sina...."

"Yes my Lord..."

"I leave you in charge of the settlement security..."

"Thank you my Lord..."

Sina said as he simultaneously saluted.

The moment Eroberer left the cave,Sina started dishing out orders.

"Squad two,stand guard at the settlement..."

"Yes Sir..."

It was already clear to the rest of the militia that even though Sina had been named as a Squad leader,his outranked them all.

"As for my Squad,we shall guard the entrance..."

"Yes Sir ..!"

"Squad three , four and five..."

"Head to the training grounds..."

"Yes Sir...!"

The three squads lead by their squad leaders went to learn the manuals while the second squad left for their assigned post.

Four hours later, Eroberer returned with second batch of militia.

All had surpassed level ten.

He appointed five of the best as squad leaders and passed them the two manuals that formed up the basic of his army.

As for the other manuals,he had Sina separate the militia into four groups.

The first group had twenty militia with the highest strength stat. This group would become the tankers.

The second group had thirty swordsmen.

The third group had twenty spearmen while the forth group had thirty archers.

After the grouping, Eroberer reshuffled the squads,into a ratio of two tankers,is to three swordmen,is to two spearmen,is to three archers.

After he was done with the militia,he headed into the chief's cabin and had the ten women appointed into administrative position report to him.

He had earlier on handed over all the herbs, minerals and ores he had extorted from the goblins over to them for recording.

After he had the of the amount,he selected a fifty sets common, uncommon and even rare herbs that shared similar traits to some pill ingredients.

He also took all the common, uncommon and rare ores from the storage room.

With matters concerning the settlement settled,he decided to leave for the village.

It was already dusk when he arrived,he had also changed into his rare leather armor.

After ordering a meal,he walked up to his room as he allocated the free five hundred status points.


{NAME: Eroberer}



{STATUS: Respected [3,217/5,000]}
















[Combat: Dragon Might,Morph, Tornado Slash,Life Steal,Recovery, Dragon Bite,Basic Spearmanship(0/3), Basic Swordmanship(0/3),Basic Shield and Saber(0/3),Basic Shield and Spear(0/3),Basic Archery(0/3),]

[Movement Skill: Phantom Splash]

[Tradeskills: None]

[Life skills: None]

{EQUIPMENT: Rare Leather Armor ...}

{COINS: 1,825 Gold; 13,090 Silver; 1, 375,768 Copper }

After he was done, system notifications popped up in front of his eyes.



{REWARDS: 50 Strength Points..}



{REWARDS: 50 Agility Points..}


{REWARDS: a thousand percent increase in HP...}

"What the heck....!"

Eroberer cursed as he halted to assessed his status panel....

First 10 chapters...if you iked it ,kindly add to library!

If you got change to spare, kindly buy me coffee


Michael_Wanjirucreators' thoughts