

"People will judge you but they can never change you." Our love story is like a roller coaster ride. It has a lot of shakey roads but somehow there is a perfect destined destination for each passenger. From a different point of view in life. She and I know what we are to each other, the roller coaster ride taught us to be what we are. It teaches us to follow our hearts even though there is an unsure future ahead of those rides.

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"On your side Deanna!" Maddie shouted as I plastered my hands to set the ball coming into my position.

I measured the strength of my hand when hitting the ball. Luckily when I pass it to Maddie she perfectly hit it with her strong spike causing the other teammates of us who played as our enemies missed the shot.

"Nice!" Bea complimented as she pushed me jokingly causing me to bump into Desiree's back.

"Heheheh, Bea push me." I raised both of my arms for her to see that it wasn't my intention to hit her back.

Bea laughs loudly as if she did it with purpose. Des didn't react as she just pulled a strand of my hair which made me irritated at her. She knows how much I dislike someone pulling my hair, even if it's just a strand of hair.

The fact that it's my hair, it shouldn't be touched by someone else especially when they're trying to make fun of pulling a strand of my hair.

I glared at Des as she just laughed and run towards Ponggay to ask for help not to get pulled by me. I saw how Ponngay laugh loudly too while watching Des hide behind her back.

"Now you hid to Ponggay's back, come out!" I dared as I scared her and was about to run towards Ponggay's back.


My whole soul shutters when a familiar voice calls my name from afar. Slowly I turned my head and unexpectedly the ball hit my head causing me to be thrown to the floor. My pain isn't visible but my happiness of mine is. It's like when the ball hits me, nothing hurts me.


She shouted and called my name again. As my teammates run throughout the bench and come over. They help me as I was just laughing while remembering how chaotic and embarrassing that was.

Well, it doesn't matter.

"Boss D, are you okay? Do you feel dizziness?" Ponggay asks while Bea is holding back her laughter.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

Someone muttered and our teammates started to give way. And then I saw the sunshine I was waiting for to come.

The girl behind the incident. Where I was hit with a ball during our playtime, or more like our training time.

"Deanna," She calls and bends her knees.

I fix my face and tried to recover from being stunned after seeing her. She is indeed stunning. No wonder I'm so in love with this woman. No wonder why I can't live with her kisses and hugs. Her words, and the laughter she does every time we're together.

"I'm fine Jema, don't you have a play today?" I asked so she won't get a bit worried.

"Stop, I'm asking about your health. Did the ball hit you too hard?" She asks and unexpectedly she touches my face and checks how the ball hit me.

I was found dumb and quiet while some of my teammates were already laughing, shouting, and teasing us.

Saying that the two of us were fit for each other. And that we could have a family together. I always love my teammates. Because they always give me motivation and happiness.

"You both are good to be together," Maddie utters with her playful smile.

I shook my head and pushed her legs as she step backward while laughing.

"Bea! when will you say YES to Thirdy also HAHAHA."

Desiree shouted and all of us were stopped from laughing. Facing her like she did something causing us to look at her intently.

"I mean... When will be the PVL! Right? Right Ponggay?" And like a lightning, she quickly change her question and even dragged Ponggay's name.

"Wait. What do--," Ponggay confusedly asked.

"Right??" Des asked again giving her begging eyes.

"Yeah! Yeah right, when was it." Ponggay mumbled and wink at me.

I shook my head out of laughter and decided to stand up. They'll become noisier if they see us here for long.

"Wait, can you stand up?"

Jema asks worriedly. I smiled at how she shows her caring gestures and her cute reaction every time she got worried about me.

"I can babe, it's just my face who got hit," I explained and both of us walked together.

Coach Oliver told me to get some rest on the bench. Although I don't want to take it because I was really fine.

Jema was the one who agreed and insist on it more than I. Does she need to be this cute while getting worried for me?

Because if she does, I can never afford to lose this kind of precious woman in my life. We both can't afford to lose each other.

"Seat here, let me just get your duffle bag," Jema mumbled and before I could stop her from doing it, she had already left my sight.

I watch my teammates play while Bea is looking at me angrily. What did I do again? HAHHAHAHAH, she's always like this whenever Jema is here.

Well guys she's not acting jealous, because she likes teasing and doing some things that will make me mad.

I raised my both arms and waved at her. I like teasing her back too, it's not that she's the only one who can do that to me.

If she can, I can too.

Wherein fact, Bea is way older than me. For about 2 years, she's been my senior and I'm the only junior on the team.

"I'm relaxing here!" I shouted at her with a laugh.

She gave me mad eyes of her and slowly she put back all of her attention on the game.

As a team captain, she is way dangerous and competitive when she's inside the court. And lastly, she's my father HAHAHHA. Sounds ridiculous right? She's a girl but I called her dad.

It's because all of us in this team isn't that straight. Y'all know what I mean about it guys, we fall for both sides.

"Drink your water Deanna, stop teasing Bea you brat."

Jema uttered scolding me for being too bossy and noisy. I pouted at her as she just bend her knees a bit. And just like what I expected, she kissed me and that's when I found out I will marry this woman.

"Another!" I demand but she just shuffled my face and sat down beside me.

"Hey! I want one again, that's too unfair." I pouted, still demanding another kiss.
