
Commercial Novel Invader

Good and Evil are two sides of the same coin. Ones act of Kindness to someone might be an act of cruelty to another. ------ Ater found himself in a Novel where the protagonist destroys the world. A ray of light shines upon Ater as he gets an ability that lets him enter novel. He is able to come back with skills and items from the novels.  Ruber had just finished his High School and he found himself inside a game where the world is destroyed by the MC. Ruber gets a cheat system that gives him missions and can get EXP to level up.  Ater and Ruber met and became friends and form the Black Heart and Red Fox Duo which enters novels to get skills and able to level up. The two need to get stronger in order to kill a regressor. -------- What would happen to the Novel Worlds they left? Will they be strong enough to kill a Regressor? Will they be able to keep their friendship forever? ------ The MCs might seem playful and be able to outsmart opponents around the first 30 chapters.(maybe to much) Well read until chapter 30 chapters when things starts to shift. ----- (Warning please prepare yourself for laughing and cries.) (there is involment of gore scenes) (The first 30chapters are long as they have talk most of world view) So give it a try before setting it aside ------ (I am not really an English Native so there might be a lot of errors in the first 15 chapters.) ------ I made this Novel out of my Love for [I Will Kill The Author] by [Night_Crawler619]. Most things might look similar.  I even thought of naming it [We Will Kill The Protagonist]

Yi_Zaha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


I cried for a whole three days and made sure that the next time I like a girl I should see her as chess piece. Infect people from the novel words are no different from me.


I learnt quite a huge lesson from the failure. The first trying to change the plot will result in the world changing which relates to the concept of the 'invisible hand' by The Great Adam Smith, my selfish actions changed the World. 


Now my plan is to not get along with the protagonist and his crew, I will go to a major I am good at which isn't being a Magician and Warrior.


Now I am coming from paying the money for the three year course at 'Future Stream Academy' which is the place where the protagonist and his crew will show up during the first half of the Main plot and its Located in Zone 1 and its the whole Area 1. 

Future Stream Academy is watched by all Divine Realms and is the safest place and the most dangerous one. 


----[POV NAR]----

Ater having lossing same of his states is now the same as before, and after coming out from portal from Zone 1, he went to a black fured goblin 'F' rank dungen in Zone 3 Area 5. Ater was wearing his red treck suit. 


[A Dungeon is place where monsters came from and if a dungeon is cleared its monsters will be reawaken expert the boss monster. 


They stay like that for three years before disapearing. If a dugeon isn't cleared during its first week, monsters will came out of the dugen. 


Constellations have the ability to open dugens at the cost of their divinity and by using a large number of coins.]


[Black fur goblins are goblins with black fur as the name suggest, has gouged out eyes and known as Tokoloshe in African culture, there are known for scaring children, to cause illness and even death to its targets.]


Ater arrived at the dugen gate and everybody looked at him like some weird person as he didn't have any amour or weapons and since storage divices and the inventory can't work in dungeon.


Ater stood at the line and he took out a black M&P9 and black Glock 19 and waited for 20 minutes for his turn.


"Kid do you have some Death Wish or something, you don't have any amour and got two guns. So you know Kid there a few constellation who use guns and all of them are just 3rd Grade Constellation."


The bulky man in a blue business suit who was checking frown when he told Ater that. Ater smiled at him and showed him his status window before saying,


"The girl I used to love went out with a short handsome guy and they kissed infront of me,"


Everyone who had Ater's words looked at him with a pitiful expression, even bulky man looked at him the same way.


 Ater didn't wait for any response and he walked direct to the blue gate which lead to the dungen and he said to himself,


"My dear Black fured Goblins its time for a little revenge,"


Ater entered the gate, he didn't feel anything thanks to his 'Wall' ability. Ater could see that he was inside a forest with dried tress and long grass and it was hot like the desert. 


Teams were made, since the concept of space in the dungen didn't allow any other space magic to open, people would have a potter who could carry their bags full of food, potions, weapons and other things the team needed. 


Ater ignored them and walked in the direction of a river as he input a silence rune on the guns. Ater arrived at the stream and thought, 


'Those guys must have put poison in the water and this dungeon is probably 10 squre kilometres and they are traps inside that long grass and those guys are propably hiding behind the trees, maybe five per each tree.


Ater started going in the direction the water was flowing, after five minutes he saw five black fured goblins on stand by ready to shot poison needles as the hunters.


"shoshosho those humans are stupid roaming around our area with out checking,"


"You are right today we are gonna have a human dish, ever since father was gone those humans are getting cheeky,"


Two of the five black fured goblins said to each other and Ater was shocked,

 'How can I understand their language aren't they suppose to going in same weird language,'



*Can protect against any mental and spiritual attacks

*Can be seen but can't be felt

*Can understand and talk different languages (NEW)]


The blue system window cleared Ater's mind and he hold a small grin and walked towards the black fured goblins a which were only a metre tall and facing opposite to him, Ater crouched to make the same height as them,


"So can you tell me where the traps are, I forgot," Ater said to the goblins,


"Its okay, next side to that large rock, that small tree, and on that places with tallest and shortest grass"


Ater smiled and loaded his Glock 9 and shot the black fured goblin that was behind and since the guns had a silence ruin the other black fured goblins only hear the sound of the other falling.


When they turned their heads Ater was already pointing toward the other 2 goblin which he shot in the forehead. The two remaing goblins jumped back a shot poison needles towards Ater.


Ater blocked the needles as he shot two bullets from both his guns directed at the needles. 


The black fur goblins were shocked and tried to prepare to shot anothe barrage of needles but two bullets were shot at their chest and sent them to the after life.


Ater took a white ball from one of the goblins' heart and said, 


"Getting a core from the first hunt, it looks weird lets climb a tree for a better view."


Ater climbed a tree and spotted the traps and put a mental note to not go into that direction. 


He smiled when he a group of 5 Black fured goblins who had arm sized spears. Ater jumped out of the tree and walked into the direction. He walked slowly to not make any sounds.


Ater could see that the arm sized spears were poisoned on their blade and he stayed at a range of about 100 metres and shot two bullets from both his guns. He managed to hit one and miss the other alerting the others,


"Tsk the decrease in states has affected my accuracy,"


 Ater then charged towards the goblins coming towards him. He used The M&P9 to shot two black fured goblins on the hand which gripped the spear, and made them fell down.


A goblin tried a full front swing on him, Ater did a streatch kick which hit the goblin on chin sending it flying in the air. 


Ater rolled on the ground as a spear thrust were coming towards him. Ater shot the two black fured goblins which were bleeding on the hands and he stood up.


Ater now looked at the black fured goblins and he pointed his guns at them and the two both raised there hands in the air,


"Wow how smart to give up once the tables turn,"


Ater put his guns down and started making his sneeker shoe laces.


"How can a human speak our language," 


"I don't know maybe he is not human he doesn't even have a scent,"


"Could he be a undead?, look at how skinny he is he must have bones undernith those clothes of his"


Ater picked his guns and stood up facing the goblins as he had veins popping out of his head and he walked towards the two black fured goblins.


After three minutes the two black fured goblins had their faces even more ugly as there were bowing down on the ground after receiving punches from Ater.


"Please forgive us human you are not skinny at all, you are as fat as a pig,"




Ater slaped the goblin who said that. Ater stood up and left the two goblins which would make him go crazy if he stayed with them any longer.


Ater didn't fight any goblins as he went towards the dungen entrance. When Ater was about to walk out of the Dungen he saw a system message infront of him,


[Constellation 'The Judge of Evil' is curious about you. He says why can he see you but not even sense you.]


[Constellation 'The One At The Crossroads' is smiling and is telling other Constellations of [The Band of Lunatics] Divine realm about you.]


Ater faked a smile and walked out of the dungen and he was greeted by the bulky man you just looked at him as he went off. 


As Ater entered the street, Nier came and sat on his shoulder and he saw another system message,


[Constellation 'The Life Teacher Who Is Full Of Tricks' says he likes your style and is going to tell other Constellations of [The Band of Lunatics] about to you.]


"I never thought my Masters from that Divine Realm would be like this, in the novel they only played pranks and never told anyone about their Divine Realm"


Ater smiled and crossed the traffic lights and said,


 "First Check point"


Ater and Neir were teleported to The Eastern Kingdom and they were inside the Castle inside Ater's sleeping chambers. 


Ater walked towards and saw a beautful girl sleeping with a heavenly body wearing a sleeping gown, she had straight shiney brown hair and a charming face and he kissed her on the head before saying,


"Sometimes she looks Cute to the point I forget about being slapped,"


Ater kissed her lips a few times before going towards the training grounds which were the size of two soccer fields and Nier left with Elena. 


When he arrived he saw the Dark Knight training in their tunics and pants and thought,


'I am too weak I should work hard and reach 'E' Rank before going to Future Stream Academy'


"Your Highness what are you wearing?" 


A man who was wearing a black tunic and blue pants and he looked like he was in his mid thirties had Dark hair, golden eyes, slightly handsome face and a lean muscular physic with about 10 % protein asked Ater.


'Oh I am still wearing a treck suit' Ater thought and said,


 "Master Cosmo this is the best clothes for training"


"Oh so you are ready for training run around the field a 100 times, swing your sword 1000 times and after that spar with every Knight here," Cosmo said as showed a devil smile to Ater.


Ater swallowed his saliva and thought, 


'You damn Master I just got back and you are already increasing my training,'


Ater started drugging his feet towards the training ground,



And just like that a year passed in the Eastern Kingdom and six days in the real world. Ater had a grand wedding with Elena which almost everyone in the Kingdom was present and was officially crowned King and Elena became the Queen. 


Ater started introducing modern clothing to the Kingdom and he gave Count Albert and The tressure Kenneth modern day economic books.


Ater now is in a complete black treck suit, black slippers and a samurai straw hat, on his shoulders is the Dove Neir who can now speak to Ater. 


He is on a lift taking him towards the Academy gate. Ater has reached 'E-' Rank from 'F-' Rank in the past year, his speed maybe the worst as other people can archive that in a week but since the year he spent was in the Eastern Kingdom and Six days in the Real World it doesn't really matter.


 "Status Window,"




 AGE : 18 years and 1 month


 COINS : 1392

INVENTORY: (5 metre square)






Health - 51

strength - 51

Defence - 50

Dexterity - 54

Accuracy - 62

Perception - 53

Intelligance - 110

Aether - 54

charm - 22


Affinity - Fire/ Ice/ Darkness



Novel Gate

*Can go inside novels

*The character possessed will be changed to fit you

*Skills and Items got from the novel can be bought back to the real world.

*Checkpoint allows user to go to and from the Novel at any time(2/5)

*Bus function allows the user to carry beings from the Novel to the real world and carry beings from the real world to any Novel

*Message function allows characters inside a novel to communicate with user. (1 message)


*Protects against all mental and spiritual attacks.

*Can be seen but can't be felt

*Can understand and talk differebt languages


King of acting - increases the chance of not getting cought while pretending.

Outsider - increases of success and expirence when doing things alone.


12 Dark Swords Art (★★★★★)

- A complete sword art with both a breathing method and footwork . It had been passed through since the world began and modified around the years. Once understanding increases the user may add his own skills to the art and the art can grow.

Dark boxing (★★★☆)

- A fist and leg art which was made as addition to 12 Dark Swords. Can make one strengthern their body using any type of energy. Can be used with any combination.

Just shooting(★☆)

- A shooting Art made by Ater Heart which releases bullets with ice, fire and darkness attribute.



-Can now be able to use all tier one spells with less Aether and make it easy to learn other Tier one spell.

Dark Magic(E)

-Can freely use Dark magic spells without the help from the system. More spells will be used as the Rank increases.

Magic (E)

- Can freely use magic spells without the help of the system. More spells will be used as the realm increases.

Rune Magic (E)

- You have a high understanding of rune magic, can use low level runes. 

Aether Control (E)

Can freely manupulate Aether in the body, to make anything big or small the user wants. Currently able to make small Aether strings which move at the will of the user.


Bonded Items

Dove Wings(Rare)

Gives the user the avility to have long White Dove Wings, the ability to manupulate dove feathers, can summon Dove familiars who can share sences with the user. The Wind Element can be used will the item is being used. (Dexterity +50) ]