
Commanders From Other Worlds

The victory of Azur Lane over Crimson Axis reformed the alliance, and they once again reaffirmed who their enemy really is. Still the reality is that they are still back-foot as they haven't been able to replace the commanders, and the training centers being disposed of by the sirens. Fearing the collapse of morale, the alliance extensively researched the wisdom cubes to try something what can only be read in fiction, summoning people from another world. After much perseverance, they succeeded in summoning, and securing capable commanders for each faction, except for the Eagle Union, whose future commander is summoned on an island somewhere west of the base. Will these commanders bring the coveted victory or will they also fall like their predecessors?

Erica_Arcadia · Video Games
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19 Chs

The Northern Parliament Commander

The combined fleet consisting of Iron Blood, and Northern Parliament girls have just arrived in the Royal Dockyard in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

They are met by the North Atlas Task force of the Eagle Union's Atlas Fleet, consisting mostly of the Unions battleships, and their escorts

"Oh? I thought we shouldn't let the commanders out yet" The girl with blonde hair wearing a white uniform, and headband asked Rossiya.

"Uh, it's-- uh" Rossiya thought of a valid excuse "W-we thought it's not right to have them locked up, and as a leader she should not be hiding in the safety of the HQ" She tried not to avert her eyes.

Alena then approached the Blonde woman and extended her hand for a handshake.

"Name's Alena, Alena Starvinsky"

"I'm North Carolina" The blonde woman accepted the handshake "If I may, it would be best if you're secured indoors. We're afraid that the Sirens will get the chance to assassinate you while at sea"

"You don't have to worry about me" Alena then put her hand on North Carolina's head, reassuring her with a smile. "I can prove it to you if you want"

North Carolina blushed a little, but quickly shrugged it off and took Alena's hand from her head.

"Oh sorry sorry" Alena apologized with a smirk and pulled her hand away.

"Anyway, you have nice facilities here. I believe this should be Canada, maybe I could go south to America if I have time" she added.

"Canada? America?"

Alena then decided to walk further inside the naval base with the intention of exploring the vicinity without really asking anyone. Avrora bowed to them and ran towards their commander.

"You have an eccentric commander" North Carolina awkwardly described the Northern Parliament's commander.


Alena walked around the naval base observing all the structures in the base. Most are what you can see normally in the bases of the nations in the Azur Lane alliance, except for the imposing fortified towers scattered across the base.

"These are pretty amazing." Alena commented.

"Have you never seen something like this?" Avrora asked.

"I have, but not this many in one place" She then called out to one of the Maple Destroyers that passed by. "Hey, do you have a map of this base or something?

"What will you do with it commander?" Avrora asked.

"I'm trying to find an open area in this base. We haven't seen one ever since we started exploring"

"Ah, if you're talking about the parks, they've been mostly replaced by the towers" The destroyer said.

"So that's why. Well, I guess if you're attacked regularly it makes sense"

Alena was already told that the bases in the Atlas Ocean are regularly harassed by the Sirens so they well defended and are always alert. She just remembered this so she also just noticed that all the girls in the base, including Avrora, have their riggings deployed.

She then received a transmission from the headband with a peculiar design she received earlier. It's gold colored, and a small battleship superstructure sticking out from the side.

"This strange headband actually works" She said in surprise. "Yes?"

"Ahh commander Alena, this is Albacore"

"Do you have anything to report?"

"Nope" Albacore said in a teasing tone.

"......." Alena put her finger on the headband, and the next moment.

"Ouch!! My ears! What was that?!"

"What happened?" Alena asked in a calm manner. Of course she already knows what happened.

"A loud sound just came through. The Sirens might be on to me now, I got to hide. Anyway a large fleet is heading towards the base" Albacore hurriedly said thinking that she had been found by the enemy then the transmission got cut.

"Hey Canadian destroyer" Alena turned to the destroyer who didn't actually leave their side since she got called.

"Me?" The destroyer looked utterly confused, pointing to herself.

Seeing this, Alena sighed. I got to seriously remember I'm not on my world anymore

"Ah. What's your name again?"


"Okay. Tell everyone the Sirens are now coming"

After Alena said this, the destroyer girl put on a serious face and nodded. She then put her finger on her ears, contacting every shipgirl in the base and telling them to get ready. Immediately after, the Maple Dominion Navy's shipgirls rushed to their positions, manning the fortified towers and securing the area around the base of the structure. They also protected the walls preventing any chaos from spilling outside.

The others rushed towards the ocean to assist the larger ships.

This scene amazed Alena that she got excited like a kid. It's pretty much obvious in her facial expression.

Avrora, seeing her commander being mesmerized by the scene, tapped her shoulder bringing her back to her senses.

Right. I need to contact Intrepid. How do I contact someone again? Alena wondered as she took off the headband and inspected it.

Ahh there it is. She rotated a small dial located on the side until she saw a number that should be, if she remembered correctly, for communicating with the carrier task forces in her group. She then wore it again and pressed the button beside the dial.

"Commander Alena, what's up?" A cheerful voice came through.

"We're starting"

"Understood! I'll do my best!" The voice cheerfully said. Alena then let go of the button, cutting the line.

"Now commander, let's hurry inside one of the towers" Avrora pulled Alena into the nearest tower.

"Wait wait, why do I need to hide?" She tried to resist, but to no avail. This made her realize that, in terms of physical strength, normal humans don't have any chance against the shipgirls.

Ahh for cyring out loud!! Alena hovered a finger just a few inches from Avrora's waist and created a small electric shock that made Avrora jump and let out a rather cure scream.

"What's that just now?!"

Alena's little prank made Avrora let go of her hand. She then smirked as she raised a finger getting the attention of her bodyguard.

"That was a cute scream" She said giggling, teasing Avrora and making the shipgirl blush in embarassment "Look here"

Even though it's bright outside, sparks of electricity can be seen danced above the tip of Alena's pointer finger, crackling.

Avrora looked both surprised and confused seeing something what seems incomprehensible.

"Is that---"

"Magic? Hmm I guess you could call it that. And if you're going to ask, I'm going to use this opportunity to test if I can at least defend myself from those Sirens"

"You mean fighting them head-on!?" Avrora asked the very dangerous statement her commander just said. "You shouldn't! You could be killed!"

"Don't worry, I've already tested this"

That doesn't answer my question, commander!!. Avrora thought. Wait? Already tested what?

Explosions then reverberated throughout the base alerting both of them. The skies are immediately filled with chaos as black aircraft descended upon the base, while smoke from flak filled the once clear blue sky.

Adding to the chaos is the arrival of aircraft coming from the north, some with a white star painted on the fuselage, the others have something like a target painted on them.

These planes begun chasing and clashing with the black aircraft further filling the skies with smoke as the planes started to destroy each other.

As if on instinct Avrora once again tried to pull Alena away from the battlefield, and into the safety of the shelters in the towers, but her actions were cut-off by the black things that dashed towards them.

The destroyers immediately went to action firing at the things making them stop at their tracks.

"Sirens! Please run commander!" Avrora pit herself in front of her commander.

A Siren with a metal eyepatch attacked Avrora and kicked her away from Alena.

"Guh!" Avrora regained her footing and defended from the slash attack of the Siren.

Another one went in aiming for the now seemingly vulnerable Northern Parliament commander.

"NOOO!" Avrora screamed as she struggled to push back the Siren attacking her

"!!!" To the surprise of everyone in the area, the Siren attacking Alena stopped moving and is currently pinned to the ground without anyone or anything touching the Siren.

"I told you not to worry"

"What the hell did you do to me?!" The Siren glared at Alena.

Hmm.. so magnetism does work very well on them. Alena observed and then asked the Siren with a cold smile. "Mind if I borrow you a bit?"

"AHHHHHHH!!!" The Siren screamed in pain as she stood up, seemingly forced.Her guns slowly trained on the Siren attacking Avrora.

"What are you doing?!" The other Siren shouted at her ally as she being targeted by one their guns.

"I-it's n-n-ot m-m-e" The Siren struggled to speak as she made a useless effort to stop her body from moving. And then.... loud bangs.

Avrora managed to jump away before the Siren attacking her is mercilessly gunned down by her own kind.

"Interesting" Alena said.

As expected, they have a high concentration of magnetic materials. I secretly tested this on the girls a while back. She continued her observations, remembering every bit of new information she learned about the humanoid weapons of this world.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" The Siren once again screamed in pain as her body turned her turrets towards the other Sirens pinned by the Maple Dominion destroyers.

They pushed back against the destroyers and dashed towards Alena.

Avrora came back from being dumbfounded and moved to stop the Sirens in their tracks. She ran to Alena's front and started firing salvo after salvo at the incoming Sirens.

The forced Siren also fired at her own kind, her face showing the extreme pain she's in. Avrora wanted to ask about this, but she has other things to deal with first.

If this is done on a normal human, their nerves and muscles would've been fried by now. The brain would've also been damaged beyond repair. The fact that she's still able to show emotions, and feel pain means they really are like highly advanced androids.

While Alena's thinking this, one of the Sirens managed to break through the shipgirls and fired at her.

They learn very quickly like humans. Alena thought then pointed in the direction of the Siren. Small sparks emanated from her fingers.

The shells exploded halfway before it reached their target, the smoke hiding the two sides from each other. In the next instant, a small object pierced through the smoke and the Siren's head followed by a sonic boom.

At the same time, explosions hit the rest of the Sirens as the allied planes has now gained air superiority and the bombers are now free to target the attacking humanoid Sirens on the ground.

More explosions are heard all around the naval base as the fighting intensified with the arrival of hidden reinforcements of the Eagle Union.

"I guess it's time to move" After Alena said this the Siren she borrowed screamed once more in pain, her body convulsed violently. After a few seconds, the Siren fell silent and her body dropped to the ground.

"Avrora, we're meeting up with the others. Carry me to the docks." She ordered.


"Have you made contact with comrade commander, or Avrora?" Sovetskaya Rossiya asked the small purple haired girl beside her wearing the same type of outfit.

"Yes, Tashkent just got through. Avrora said they're fine and they're now heading here"

Sovetskaya Rossiya is absolutely relieved at the good news Tashkent received as quite a few Sirens managed to get through them earlier.

"It seems she managed to fight them of"

The battle has just ended. Destroyed and sunk Siren ships littered the seas. There's still no casualty report, but quite a lot of the Maple Dominion destroyers were severely injured along with some of the Eagle Union, Iron Blood, and Northern Parliament girls.

Despite the scale of the attack, only a few of the Maple destroyers lost their lives, although it's very unfortunate, this was an amazing feat that the destroyer girls managed to do.

"They must make sure their plan work" A displeased Admiral Hipper said looking at the damage sustained by the naval base,

The new commanders' plan called for the base and Alena as a bait to lure a chunk of the blockade force in the Ridge, they reasoned that an assault on a huge number of Sirens in the middle of the ocean would mean more deaths, and the possible loss of the larger ships.

This is the reason why the Mediterranean operations were also started, to lure as much Sirens away from the Atlas Ocean.

"There they are" North Carolina pointed at Avrora running towards them, carrying Alena.

"It seems they're alright" Prinz Eugen said then observed that Avrora is relatively uninjured "It's amazing she managed to defend Alena while leaving with minor injuries. What kind of training do you do in the Northern Parliament?" She asked Rossiya

Sovetskaya Rossiya is pretty surprised as well. She didn't know Avrora is this skilled, even though she had help from the Maple Dominion girls, heavy injuries would still be expected.

Avrora arrived at their location and put Alena down, who then the mood the shipgirls are now showing.

She cleared her throat to get their attention and started.

"I won't say I know what you feel, but rest assured that the next series of operations will surely be in Azur Lane's favor. Rest assured that we, the new commanders of this alliance, will bring the victory this world has been coveting"

Alena paused and breathed then walked towards the edge of the docks. "Every victory will come with a sacrifice, especially against an adversary that doesn't hesitate. No war has ever been won without each side losing something, but"

She turned around and with conviction in her voice "we will make sure that that something we pay will be used to gain absolute victory"