
Chapter 27- Beauty

They both arrived an hour later after the sun has been set. Amy hurriedly went back to her room so that people wouldn't see her holding a bag and ask so many questions.

After locking her door, her shoulders dropped.

"What am I going to do in these dresses?" she can't refuse to his commands no matter what she do, he always win.

She fell asleep after changing into her night gown as the whole day wandering in town exhaust her body.


When she was headed to the training area, male and female servants and also some knights were busy coming in and out of the castle.

"Daniel, what's going on?" she asked as she approach him.

"Ah, they were busy preparing for the grand ball."

"Is that so? What can we do to help them?"

"Uhm... Ah! You can help me do the invitation card. Commander Adelard assigned me to do these but it's so many invitations. It will be easier to make these if you would help me." he said while pointing at the desk full of blue invitation cards.