
Command & Conquer at RWBY

Expert GDI Commander has being Deploy at Remnant What will happen? Peace through power Long live the GDI Force

Souleye123 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Beggining of the Vystal Tournament

I was practicing shooting when i thought my self

"Why am i here?"

why the heck someone would send me to this dark world, where Grimm is around the corner and the leader of Salem is here

'How i am supposed to defeat her?' i touch my head from the headache

"Ion cannon? Liquid Tiberium Bomb? Or gather all 4 relic? but if i do that i am going to make an enemy of 4 Kingdom and Grimm." but if that is the only way i will do it

"Commander" Voice came from behind

"Leyla?" i look behind to see Leyla looking at me in concern

"Are you okay?"

"No it is just why would someone send me to this god forsaken place" I continue shooting while hearing her talks

"I don't have the answer too Commander, but i do know that i have report you might like"

"Show me then"

"2 Village more has decided to join the GDI Protection Report shows there is over 1000 citizen right now and it is increasing as we speak"

"That's great more people mean more GDI Personal"

"Yeah and the Vytal Tournament is almost begin do you want to watch it" i stop shooting when i heard this

"You know i kind of want to watch it, Gather all the group leader here we are going to watch the Vystal Tournament" i starts to head out

(10 Minutes later)

"Oh Oh a battle between children? is this some kind of brawl?" Lila with excited face

(Leader of Ground unit Led by Lila) {Tiger Faunus}

"Correct, and this battle has represented each academy to battle each other to who can bring back Glory to their Kingdom" Emma Replied Lila with Stoic face

(Leader Of Defense Unit Led By Emma)

"Ehh i never like fighting close range," Mia said

(Leader of Scout and Stealth unit Led by Mia)

"Heh who needs close range when you can bomb the place to the ground" Zoey look at the massive tournament

(Leader of Air Unit Led by Zoey) {Eagle Faunus}

"Focus everyone, this is important Information Gathering of what kind of people we are facing" Leyla with a book and pen ready in her hand

(Co-commander role Led by Leyla)

"You don't have to be that serious there is 4 more round if we don't get enough information" Evan looking around the area

(Commander Role led by Evan)

"Yeah Commander is right and are you not curious about what kind of fight they have?" Lila with a star in her eyes

"Of course, who do not want to see young adult fighting each other" Emma Sarcasm at Lila

"alright break it off and Lila i already told you to call me by my name when we are on undercover"

"Ah yes Comm- i mean Evan" Lila nod while blush a bit at Evan

"Heh" Zoey laugh at Lila

"Shut up Everyone, it almost starts," Mia told the rest of the group and everyone quiet watched the first round


(30 Minutes later)

"THAT BATTLE WAS AWSOME" Lila Jumping out excitedly

"Even though i don't know any Close range fight, that was indeed pretty cool" Zoey Smile at Lila

"True" Leyla said

*Loud Stomach Growling*

Everyone leader heard this sound and look at the culprit is none other then Emma

She cover her stomach with embarrassment

Everyone here starts to laugh "If you are all hungry i have the place where we can eat" Evan led the group to a famous eating spot that all RWBY fan want to visit

"Bowl of noodle?" Leyla look at a huge portion of food

"Yep" Evan answer and see Emma was looking at the portion of food with a hungry expression

"I still remember eating this crap back at College," Zoey said

"Come on if you are keep talking i am eating this first" Mia begin eating the food

As you eat the food you notice a familiar person sitting there

"I'll have a bowl of the regular, please" Yellow hair girl with a smug

"Ooooh. I'll take the same." Black and red Hair girl with a bright smile

"Hmm..... Do you have anything with low salt-"

"AH! Umm... okay?" White hair Girl with uncertain by the bowl of food

"...." Black hair girl nod at the food seller and bowl of fish appear in it's place

'It is team RWBY, i have nothing to do with them But if i have a chance to recruit them I'll do it' my eyes starts to lit up for this chance

"Hey Commander" Lila whispered to my ear

"Yeah, Lila?"

"4 of them is pretty cute right?"

"Eh, even thought they are cute, they are not worth the trouble" Dealing with 4 girl with trauma past? yeahh i prefer a normal girl

"ahh you're pretty boring Commander" Lila pout at Evan and continues eating

after we finish eating all us touch our stomach from feeling of eating noodles

"I am full" Emma with happy face

"i would be scared if you are not full eating that many" Leyla feeling a bit hurts from eating too much


"are you sure it is wise to have eaten before a fight?" Ren voice concern at his team

"Of course it will give us energy" Pyrrha with smile

*echoing burp from Nora*

"AHH that's disgusting you pink girl" Zoey cover her nose

"sorry" Nora lower her head in shame

"Should be becau-" i hit Zoey head

"Ouch, you bitch why did you hit me" Zoey looking at me


I look Ruby who shove a 'Swear jar' to Zoey

"Are you serious why would i pa-" suddenly she stop talking and feels fear from me

"PAY.UP" I order her

".....Fine" she bring a Lien to the jar

"Sorry for uh my friend Short temper, these day has being very stressful for us"

"It is alright, it was Nora fault anyways" Ren Glare Nora who laugh nervously

"heh oh yeah where my manners, Let me introduce my self, me and my team are the GDI member name Evan and this is Lila, Emma, Mia, Zoey and Leyla" the rest of my team was a shock that i reveal this information to them

"Oh Oh my name is Ruby this is Blake, Weiss, and Yang we are team RWBY" Ruby introduce her team and they wave at me

"Ughh I am Jaune on my left is Pyrrha" She wave at me "The one that barf is Nora, the last one is Ren and we are team JNPR"

"uhh sorry for asking but uhh what is GDI?" Ruby ask me with innocent face

"That's simple we are Global Defense Initiative, in other word we are a united military force for Global peacekeeping" i hand all of them Pamphlet with GDI Logo

"I never heard of it" Weiss confuse seeing this

"That's simple because we were recently has been active because of the increase Grimm and white fang making mess everywhere" i bull crap my way to talk

"Ohhh" Ruby nod in understanding

Seeing as this is a chance to recruit them i begin my plan "So how about it Ruby? if you decide to Join GDI force i can assure you there are A LOT OF GUNS you can try"

"Guns?" Ruby gulp in the mention of guns

"Uh huh Guns THAT can kill Goliath in one shot, destroy mountain with single button even MORE that await you there" i try to tempt Ruby to join the GDI force, i don't care that i destroy the timeline, having a Main Character joining GDI will increase my odd chance of surviving

Ruby was drooling imagine it but shake her head to answer me "M-maybe I'll take a look" YES 1 down

i look at my next customer "How about you Blake?"

"Hm i don't know this does not sound interesting"

"you know Blake even Faunus decide to join us as we speak" Blake ears perk up when she heard this

"Really?" Blake hearing this looking at me weirdly

"Uh huh There is already 1000 member Human and Faunus joining maybe you can become one too, and i can see that all of you have talent, even you Jaune" I point out to a guy

"aww thanks" He was embarrassed by this

Blake think for a moment ".....I'll see the working condition of the place" YESS 2 DOWN 2 more to go

my next customer is Weiss "How about you Weiss? if you decide to join there are a lot of advance technology that will even surprise you"

"I don't know is there something that can interest me?"

i look left and right and whisper Weiss ears "How about vehicles that does not require dust to run?" Weiss eyes went wide from this

"REALLY?!" she grab my collar

I was surprised that it works "Yes so can you let go me" Weiss blushed and let go her hand

"Ohhh I did not think you were this bold Weiss" Yang smirk at Weiss

"Shut up you dunce" Weiss Glare at Yang

"...as i was saying, Now imagine you are the one that bring this technology back to Atlas? award await for you, Fame, recognition that you can only dream off"

Weiss starts to imagine herself

(Weiss Pov)

"AND This is the Weiss Schnee the Founder of the new Energy power"

Weiss was in the middle decideof the stage with a bunch of rewards and medals crowd were cheering for me, even better Winter dicide to give me a congratulation personally

"Weiss i can not imagine that you have managed to make this i am proud of you" Winter walk to me and hugs

(Evan Pov)

"Hello?? Remnant to Weiss?" i shake Weiss from her dreamland

Weiss got out of the daze and got caught surprise "*Cough* maybe i am a little bit interested, but looks like i have no choice but to visit" YESS manage to tempt Weiss

after manage to temp 3 of the Main character i am now looking at the last girl

"Oh now my turn? so what do you got for me Big guy" Yang smug at me

"OH OH i have a lot to offers, GDI Will visit A LOT of unexplored areas, Fighting bandits(Raven), discovers a new way to travel, AND fighting ancient Grimm that is lost in age"

Yang whistled at me "You know Big guy you really are tempting me, But since all of my team want to visit i'll go to" YESS victory

I look at JNPR who was watching my antic "How about it JNPR? i can assure you there a lot of thing that might interest all of you"

"OH OH Will there be Sloth?"

"...Huh Sloth?" i was perplex of what caught her eyes

"Ignore her" Ren Shut Nora mouth with his hand

"A-Anways you can call me from this number and you can have a review of the place before joining" as i gave them my number to them port cut me from speaking more

"Would team JNPR please report to the battle ground immediately" Port speaking from the intercom

"looks like that's your time to shine, I'll watch your battle with great interest" i leave them alone and my teammate follows me from behind

"BYE" "See you next time "Good luck on winning" "wish you luck"

My Group say goodbye to them and follow me from behind

"Was it wise to reveal the GDI to them?" Leyla ask me

"They have great talent Leyla and even if the GDI are going to be noticed sooner or later if we keep getting citizens left and right "

"You are right" she nod at me and stay quiet for the rest of travel


after careful thinking, i am going to change my OC to be Faunus with genetic technology for a harder mission later

oh yeah Don't forget to give out suggestions of what to add to make this better, maybe you want me to add Scrin with the increased Tiberium that i produce? Or you want me to declare war on Atlas? or even the whole world? Or maybe a new unit from Nod that i am going to add to GDI arsenal? or you want me to Capture Vale for GDI Themself?

it is your choice what to add, well i have nothing else to say See you next chapter