
Coming to the Cultivation World as an Idle RPG Game Character

Ming Ze, a rich man's son who loves playing Idle RPG Games. As a fan of cultivation novels, he played a Cultivation Idle RPG Game using a lot of money so that he had the highest talents. In a short period of time, he managed to reach the peak of cultivation in the mortal world. When he was waiting for the next update of this game, an invitation came into his account. (Immortality will soon appear in the Seven Realms, are you interested in joining to fight for it, competing with all the best geniuses?) [Yes/No] ... https://discord.com/invite/b8Khz3TR

Dark_Crow1111 · Eastern
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63 Chs

Jian Ling's Daughter

Whether he was right or wrong was not important. When reprimanded in public, one tended to feel offended, and Ming Ze was the same, especially with his ego as someone with great power.

He knitted his brows as he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, after thinking, he still got off the carriage, but remained flying in the air.

His eyes stared at the harbor, trying to see if he could spot the man who had just spoken.

Unfortunately, there were too many people there.

His own existence seemed very conspicuous because he was flying.

Of course, no one recognized him at all.

At the same time, Jian Xue who saw his figure hit the cage where she was.

It seemed that she wanted him to stare at her because she realized her voice could not be heard by anyone.

Getting a good idea, Ming Ze finally opened the cage door. He only needed a flick of his finger to destroy the lock.

Seeing that, Jian Xue quickly came out. Her face was flushed as she gasped for air.

Her eyes glared at him.

"Ming Ze, how dare you let me stay cooped up in that cage." She instantly scolded him in a loud voice.

"Ming Ze. Is he really Ming Ze?"

The reactions of the people in the harbor were the same as those bandits, they were stunned to hear his name.

Here, at least they had heard of his battle in the capital of the Red Cloud Kingdom.

The way he overcame the queen's evil plan was enough to amaze them.

"But, why doesn't he look like what I heard? I heard he's a bit fat and looks annoying." Someone suddenly said, followed by the others.

Each had heard Ming Ze's features from different rumors, and none of them described him as a handsome man.

Once again hearing something like this made Ming Ze want to vomit blood.

As for Jian Xue, she who was originally angry couldn't help but laugh, seemingly feeling better when hearing people talk.

"Hmph, Ming Ze, just because you were unbridled in the Holy Light Sect and the Red Cloud Kingdom, don't think you can be unbridled in this harbor." Suddenly the previous voice spoke again.

If previously the man had reprimanded him for flying, this time he seemed to be giving him a warning not to be arrogant in his territory.

Ming Ze knitted his brows again, thinking that this harbor owner seemed to be quite sensitive.

"Who are you? How dare you speak like that when this lady is here." Apparently, Jian Xue suddenly took offense.

She immediately responded with anger.

Although the target of the pris was Ming Ze, perhaps now she considered them a group even though she was personally very annoyed with him.

Hence, she did not accept when Ming Ze was reprimanded and given a warning. It was as if she herself was being reprimanded and warned by that man.

Ming Ze showed an interested look to the girl, smiled faintly and chose to remain silent, letting her deal with this matter.

He wanted to see how the man would react to facing a little girl.

"Hmph, girl, don't think I'll be merciful to you just because you're a little girl!" The man also responded immediately.

He seemed to be very provoked.


Suddenly from the sea ahead came a wave made of ink. It rose into the air then slammed down a long black spear.

After which, the spear swiftly glided towards Jian Xue whose eyes were wide open.

When the black spear moved towards her, she seemed to be unable to move anymore and couldn't even speak.

"This girl is finished," said the onlookers, feeling sorry for her.

However, there were also those who sneered.

"She deserves to die, her parents must be nobles who never taught their children that the outside world is so cruel. One cannot speak and act as they please." Those who sneered said.

This was beyond Ming Ze's expectations that the enemy directly attacked Jian Xue.

It seemed that he really was the type that couldn't be provoked in the slightest.

If he was provoked, he would instantly attack.

At this point, Ming Ze couldn't possibly stand still because Jian Xue was, after all, with him here.

He advanced forward, appearing in front of her with a single step so that the spear was pointed in her direction.

Its strength, he had to admit, was very strong even though the sender might still only be an Infinite Sovereign.

However, he unhesitatingly sent his fist at the spear.

At the same time, his hand began to be covered by dark brown scales.

They were the same scales that appeared when he parried the spear attack from the Red Cloud Kingdom Queen.

Even a spear that were Immortal Weapon could be parried by those scales, not to mention the spear that was only made of ink.


As soon as his fist struck the spear, it wasn't even knocked away, but directly shattered into small pieces.

"Ahhhhhhh..." Jian Xue screamed when the force of the spear no longer suppressed her.

She came forward, pointing at the sea.

"Whoever you are, come and kneel to this lady, or my clan will crush your harbor to the ground." She shouted, full of rage.

If the evil bandits wanted to do something bad to her, she would probably understand it. However, that could not be said about someone who had official business.

Her body trembled uncontrollably as her anger had reached its limit.

Ming Ze's strength surprised people, but this girl's response was even more surprising.

They didn't expect that she would be so brave as to ask this harbor owner to kneel down to her.

Who did he think she was?

Was it just because she was a young lady that she could ask everyone to kneel to her?

The thing was that there were so many young ladies and masters in this harbor, and they were all still polite.

"Girl, who do you think you are!" The man responded in a more angry tone.

More ink emerged from the sea, forming spear after spear.

Although his voice was that of a man, Ming Ze suspected he was an octopus.

"You two will die," he said again.

Seeing that he still dared to attack once more, Jian Xue seemed to instantly run out of patience.

"I am Jian Xue, of the Sword Path Clan, and my father is Jian Ling!" She said in a loud voice, announcing who she was.

"You must be an ugly octopus, do you still dare now," she continued to the point where her voice became hoarse from shouting too loudly.

When this was said, naturally everyone was stunned until their faces froze. Even the spears of ink stopped moving.

"Is she really Jian Ling's daughter?" An old man who seemed to have lived a long time wondered.

"Grandpa, who is Jian Ling?" His grandson asked.

"The genius of the previous era. He was invincible among the younger generation. Even the last Immortal, the Demon Eye Immortal, was never able to defeat him before he became an Immortal." The old man explained, unable to hide his amazed expression.