
Coming out story

Malcolm_Austrie · Urban
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Coming out

Now I always knew I was gay but was never really comfortable with myself until I got to Middle School. When I came out at school I was relieved because I had a support system and always count on them and be more of myself. It was difficult at home because my mother was a full-blown Christian and from the Islands, my whole family was. I didn't tell her I was gay, she found out and when she did I regretted a lot of things. When she said what she said it made me feel like I didn't do something or that being gay was something that God didn't like (I'm an atheist so I didn't care). She made me feel hopeless in myself, which made me cry at night zoning out in school and not wanting to be home. There was one point where I ran away because I just didn't want to be there, wanting to kill myself and a lot of things that I couldn't possibly think of. When it came to high school my ass was bullied more and more which just made me stop believing that I had a life to live for.

Thankfully I had a friend who helped out through everything and thanks to him I let shit slide so where it won't get to me as much or just laugh it off cuz he made me realize that there is always a group of people that hate you and there's always one that loves and supports you. It's up to you to find out what path you wanna land me

For me dance is my way of letting all my emotions out, Singing is a way I let things out but writing all my emotions on a page for people to see and read is a whole different type of feeling and level