
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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After Jason said those words, the air in the entire laboratory became anxious.

Especially Bruce Wayne, who for some reason has the urge to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

After a long time, Bruce Wayne coughed awkwardly and said.

"Jason, this is not cosplay, I am Batman."

"How about it, isn't it cool?"

Jason rolled his eyes.

He didn't expect that Bruce Wayne would struggle with this kind of problem.

Although he admired Batman very much, he suddenly felt uninterested.

"Maybe, but let's get down to business."

"Who is this?"

Jason pointed at the screen with his little hand.

A pale Joker face appeared on the screen.

Seeing this face, Bruce Wayne's expression became serious.

"This is Joker."

"A madman, a lawless criminal."

Although Jason knows who Joker is.

But in order not to be exposed, he still didn't speak and waited for Bruce Wayne to explain.

Glancing at Jason, Bruce Wayne slowly explained.

Gotham City.

It was originally a city of sin.

But after he began to transform into Batman in the dark, the security of the entire Gotham City suddenly improved a lot.

Just when he was overjoyed with the results he had achieved.

An opponent appears.

That's Joker!

This guy with the Joker face paint.

The first time he appeared, he arrogantly robbed a bank and gave the entire positive forces in Gotham City a hard slap.

Then it set off a storm of huge amounts of money in Gotham City.

Many people have been affected by this storm.

As the Asgardian in the darkness of Gotham City, he is naturally no exception.

However, Joker is an ordinary person.

But he is more difficult to deal with than any person with special abilities he has ever seen.

He still couldn't forget the last time he saw Joker.

At that time, he was tracking a white powder transaction in the port.

With his excellent fighting skills, he has captured several drug dealers and is preparing to hand them over to the law.

However, just as he was about to take action, a strange sound came from his ears.

"Papa pa pa"

Bruce Wayne turned around sharply.

Joker with green hair and a purple tuxedo appeared in the darkness.

When Bruce Wayne saw Joker, he immediately wanted to take action.

However, Joker's next move stopped him.

"Oooh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Batman."

As he spoke, Joker showed his crazy smile.

He held a red detonation button in his hand and tossed it around.

Bruce Wayne's face darkened. ,

Joker is a madman, and he holds a detonator in his hand, which means that he really planted countless bombs around him.

He didn't care about the lives of these drug dealers.

But there are residential buildings nearby.

If Joker planted a bomb there too, it wouldn't be a happy thing for him.

And based on what he knew about Joker, it was not surprising at all that Joker would do such a thing.

"What do you want?"

"Hey Hey"

A terrifying laugh burst from Joker's mouth.

The body makes several indescribable movements.

Joker then spoke.

"Batman, let's play a game."

"I planted twenty bombs near the docks."

"You need to find them within five minutes and take them down."

"If you can't do it..."

Before Joker finished speaking, three flying darts flew out of Bruce Wayne's shoulder armor.

The remote control that was thrown up in Joker's hand shattered.

Bruce flew forward, trying to catch Joker.

It's just that in addition to Joker's originally high IQ, his own fighting ability is also quite outstanding.

Soon he got into a fight with Bruce Wayne.

But Bruce Wayne soon gained the upper hand.

Just when he was about to defeat Joker, Joker burst into laughter again.

"Ahem, haha, cough..."

"Batman, you only have three minutes now..."

Bruce Wayne was shocked when he heard this.

He gave Joker a hateful look and started the Batmobile.

He wants to use the equipment on the Batmobile to find bombs hidden in the neighborhood.

However, he still took a moment to tie Joker here and wait for him to come back before sending him to court.

It was just when I came back here after dismantling the bomb that day.

Joker has long since disappeared.

Also disappearing were the drug dealers he tied up.

In desperation, he could only return to his Wayne Group in depression.

After listening to Bruce Wayne's explanation, Jason nodded.

Although Joker does not have any special abilities, he is definitely the most difficult villain in Gotham City.

none of them.

The reason why he is more troublesome than others is that Joker is a madman.

He doesn't care about the consequences at all.

Joker just wants to prove that the world is chaotic and dark, and he doesn't care about anything else. ,

Coupled with the fact that Joker originally had a very high IQ and outstanding knowledge, he could naturally bring huge amounts of trouble to Batman.

Looking at the expression on Bruce Wayne's face, Jason knew that he was definitely not relaxed at the moment.

"Do you want to find him?"

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne and said.


Bruce Wayne was so lost in thought when it came to Joker that he didn't even hear what Jason was saying.

"I said you want to find him?"

Jason repeated.

"Definitely, but Joker is so good at hiding that I can't trace him at all."

Bruce Wayne shook his head.

Joker is not just a madman, he is also a criminal with a very high IQ.

My original knowledge is very outstanding.

He also wanted to use his connections to find Joker in Gotham City, but he was allowed to use all his strength.

He still found no trace of Joker.

He doesn't think Jason has Ability either.

Although artificial intelligence is powerful, it still cannot interfere with reality.

In addition, Gotham City's infrastructure is very backward, and 40% of the places do not have cameras.

There is also a very complicated underground drainage system. If you want to find Joker, even with artificial intelligence, it will be extremely difficult.

"Thank you for your kindness, Jason."

"But Joker is very hidden, so I'm afraid you can't be of much help."

"I'll find him myself."

Bruce Wayne said with a very determined expression on his face.

Seeing him like this, Jason curled his lips.

Courageous, but stupid.

How long do you have to wait to find Joker by yourself?

You can only wait until someone else commits a crime and then pursue them.

This is a missed opportunity.

If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, Jason even suspected that Batman might have been killed by the Joker.

Besides, Bruce Wayne really underestimates artificial intelligence. -