
Chapter 18 Possessed Sister

Braeden was frustrated just thinking about his sister's infatuation with Vaughn, a man he knew was no good.

It was baffling how his sister fell in love with Vaughn.

His frustration grew when he thought about his impulsive decision to hit Vaughn's younger brother that night.

He knew that his sister, who was always running after Vaughn, would be livid if she found out.

"Women are complicated," he muttered under his breath.

As he sighed, a sudden slap on the back of his head jolted him out of his thoughts.

Irritated, he looked up, ready to trade barbs with his sister as usual.

But when he met her icy stare, he feared. It was as if a demon possessed her, her cold gaze sending shivers down his spine.

"Sylvia, let's get one thing straight, domestic violence is never acceptable."

"Why did you get into a fight?" Sylvia asked with an icy stare at Braeden.

Her imposing aura was enough to intimidate anyone.