
Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Standing in the Woods is Faithful, Rules Come First

  There were quite a lot of people participating in this professional league meeting, and gradually a conference room was full. Han Songlin sat with Wu Di and Li Wenjie.

  Many of the people here are able to write their own autobiography and other books for sale.

  As for Han Songlin, he doesn't know anyone except Wang Wanda.

  Han Songlin's Huaguo football was a dark period from his youth to his youth. During that period of time, even CCTV was no longer broadcasting the Huaguo football professional league.

  So the person sitting here may be well-known in the society, but Han Songlin really doesn't know him.

  They are all the waves of this era, but after the big waves wash away the sand, how many can there be left?

  For today's meeting, Wu Di told Han Songlin yesterday that he was asked to speak.

   At the scene, Han Songlin could also feel that everyone has very high expectations for the professionalization of football.

   I really want to do a good job in Huaguo football.

  Han Songlin couldn't help thinking deeply, was his previous attitude too serious?

"Everyone, leaders and colleagues, hello everyone; my name is Han Songlin, and I am an investor of Shuchuan Fule Club. Before, I heard everyone's speeches and felt that everyone really loves football and wants to do well. Football, do a good job in the professional league."

   "Well, boy, let me say a few words here, let's discuss together."

"After the professionalization of football, it means that many things have started. The first one is the conflict between professional teams and the national team. Professional teams support players, so the team naturally does not want to say that the players will participate in the national team competition. , Because players participating in the competition means that the players will be injured, and if the players are injured, they will not be able to participate in the league, which means that the strength of the team will be affected!"

   "It goes without saying, the national team's competition must be given priority!"

  Han Songlin smiled and looked at everyone present without speaking.

  He believes that most of the people who can sit here are smart people; since Han Songlin raised the question, everyone naturally knows that this will be an objective thing.

"Actually, I personally think that when it comes to competitive sports, the state directly organizes athletes to train together, and the effect is the best. We also won many medals in the Olympics, which is a direct manifestation of the advantages of the national system ."

   "So, Han always doesn't support professional football?"

  Han Songlin waved his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't say that, I just wanted to explain some things clearly to everyone."

"After professional football, let me just say that the performance of the national team may become relatively poor. In the past, we could still say that we had strong competitiveness in Asia, and maybe there will be no more in the future. I think To do a good job in professional football and also want the national team to perform well, in my opinion, it is impossible to do it in ten years."

   "I believe everyone knows the strength of this group of domestic players. Compared with Maradona, it is a heaven and an underground."

   "If the national team wants to do well, where is our greatest hope?"

"One, the growth of young players, how do young players grow? One is good youth training. We need to discover talented children to play football and let them grow through continuous competition in the league. Of course, if If our level of competition in the league is too low, it will be impossible for them to grow up. We can't always hope that golden babies will grow out of the rotten mud!"

  "The story of Meng's mother moving three times, everyone knows that a person's growth must have a good environment. A player's growth also needs a good environment."

   "Everyone here can be said to directly determine the future of professional football in Huaguo Football. If you want the healthy development of professional leagues, then you must first set the rules."

"Set the rules first, and you can't just come here by yourself, but you can change the rules. To put it bluntly, we have to formulate a football constitution first, and our league will have to follow this in the future. ."

   "I read some information about the preparation of the league. There are many things. Now there is no explanation at all. It is even too idealistic."

"Professional leagues involve hundreds of millions of interests. This is just the beginning. After two years, the interests will be more than one billion, billions, or even tens of billions. Can such a large interest not make people's hearts beat?" ? You can get money that you can't use up in a lifetime if you dig a little in it, do you think anyone would do that?"

  Han Songlin's words made everyone fall into contemplation; in the face of such great benefits, who can guarantee that they will never change their original intentions.

   "Let's not talk about the competitive level of each team, let's talk about the referee first. In fact, if you want to control a game, the referee is the easiest to control."

  "During the game, as long as the referee slightly favors one team, it will be very easy for the other team to win."

   "Even, at a point, the referee made some wrong calls on purpose, and then directly irritated the players."

   "But the current situation is that the referees don't seem to be under the control of the Football Association. In other words, if the Football Association wants to punish, there is no way to carry it out."

  "There is no supervision and no punishment. This will inevitably lead to a result, that is, referees are constantly bribed."

   "We can't even guarantee the fairness of the game, so everyone can think about what the future of this league will look like?"

  Han Songlin stopped and took a sip of water. He had to give everyone some time so that everyone could follow his train of thought.

  If you want to convince a person, you have to bring him into your thinking.

"In addition, the players also need to be supervised. There is no legal spinach in China yet, but there must be a lot in the underground market. After the professional league starts, then the spinach will definitely bloom everywhere. If it's okay for players to buy themselves to win, then Buy yourself and lose?"

"There is also the investor of the team. What if they also engage in gambling? A game can earn millions, tens of millions; what the owner of this team will do, I won't say much. I Just to put it bluntly, what will become of the team then?"

   "What's the football game again?"

"The entire professional league involves too many and too many interests. How to ensure the fair, healthy and orderly development of the professional league is what we should do. We must first establish rules, a perfect rule, and the professional league will be in the future. It operates within the rules, and no one can break the rules."

  Raising his hand to check the time, Han Songlin felt that he had spoken too long.

   "Sorry, I just couldn't hold back when I said this, so I'll stop here today, thank you!"

  At the same time, in his heart, Han Songlin secretly regretted, saying that he would not be the first bird, so why did he forget it.

"What you said is very good. You just fully explained the areas where our work is not in place. I think what Mr. Han said is very enlightening. We must do everything possible to ensure the fairness of the league. healthy and orderly long-term development."

  Han Songlin knew that the person speaking now was from the General Administration.

   "Mr. Han, you have spoken very well. If there is anything else you want to say, let's say it together today! Let's discuss and exchange together."

  Facing the expectant gaze, Han Songlin thought for a while: "Then what am I talking about?"

   As he spoke, Han Songlin looked at the people present; well, they are all millennial foxes, and everyone is expressionless.

   "The next thing I want to talk about is the distribution of benefits. In the whole world, football clubs rarely say that they can make a profit, and they can barely achieve a balance of payments. That is already very rare."

  (end of this chapter)